Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance/Chapter 2: Rescue

From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki

After their defeat, the bandits decide to take revenge for their fallen comrades. They kidnap Mist and Rolf in an attempt to lure Titania into combat. However, after receiving the message, Titania runs off and asks Rhys to pass it on to the rest of the Greil mercenaries. Rhys tells Ike, Boyd and Oscar all of whom leave at once to rescue them, against Titania's orders. Upon their arrival, they are forced to fight against the bandits near their stronghold.


You begin in the far southwest of the map and the aim is to defeat every enemy on the map. Use Oscar to take care of the nearby myrmidon and move Boyd and Ike as far to the right as they can. Make note of the enemies' movement ranges and move Rhys so that he is nearby Boyd and Ike but cannot be attacked himself.

Use Ike and Boyd to take care of the eastern and northern bandits for turn 2 and use Oscar as backup. If any unit starts to run out of health, don't be afraid to use Rhys to heal them; if Rhys is not nearby, use a vulnerary. If necessary, rescue him with Oscar. Slowly make your way north and defeat the enemies there. At the end of turn two you get Titania as reinforcement. Use her to deal with the boss quickly and to rescue Rhys if he's in harm's way.

Once all the enemies are defeated, the group moves northward to rescue Mist and Rolf, who are under the care of a bandit. The bandit demands that the Greil mercenaries must drop their weapons otherwise he will kill Mist. The group does what he asks but the bandit goes back on his promise and attempts to kill Rolf. He is shot dead by Shinon who, with Gatrie, was brought by Titania to reinforce the group against the Bandits.