Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance/Chapter 5: Flight

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After defeating the Daein soldiers, the mercenaries stumble across someone who claims to be Princess Elincia. However, their recent actions had made an enemy of the country Daein and it's not long before Daein soldiers arrive and demand that the group give the princess to them. They state that they will attack if the princess is not released but the group realizes that it's a trap and that the Daein soldiers had already began their assault.


This is the first defence mission of the game. The aim is to stop any enemy from reaching the glowing square that Ike starts the mission on. Reposition the group so that Boyd, Shinon and Gatrie are on the left side of the group and that Titania, Oscar and Soren are on the right and place Rhys in front. Remember to trade any items if needed, try giving the javelin to Oscar. Now, save the game and after you’re prepared, begin the mission.

Move Boyd into the nearest thicket to the south-west and Gatrie down one square and right another to Boyd, position Shinon so that he is above Gatrie. For the 6 turns use them to defend the western entrance to the fort by using Shinon's bow to deal with any enemies that aren't killed in one. Be careful about Boyd as facing various enemies can get him close to dying. Retreat him, if necessary, and use Rhys to heal him back to full health if his health drops too low and position Shinon in Boyd's place.

Now it's time to deal with the southern entrance. Titania and Oscar to plug up the two square wide southern entrance and run Ike down with them. Use Soren to deal any final blows needed to defeat an enemy but be careful about counterattacks. On Turn 2, have Titania run to the bottom left part of the map so she can kill the boss for his Ashera icon and place Ike in the spot where Titania was. Once the boss is killed, use Titania to kill off the nearby enemies to stop Oscar and Ike facing more enemies than they can handle.

Eventually 6 turns will pass and the enemy will retreat, leaving you the victor.