Labyrinth (Famicom)/Area 4: Stench Bog

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Labyrinth Area 4.png Labyrinth Under 4.png


Stench Bog has a startlingly large number of stairwells. However, you shouldn't be too concerned about your remaining time due to the six clocks that can be found throughout the underground, especially if you choose to purchase the magic wand and increase your defense. Although there are a couple of different ways for you to travel throughout the stage, the shortest route path that you can possibly take is as follows:

G → L → M → N → Collect the coin → O → P → Q → R

If you visit the stair case at E, you can pick up a clock on the way to F and collect a Labyrinth Book from the surface. After dropping down staircase G, if you reach staircase H and follow the paths that it presents, you will eventually reach a stairwell that takes you to an isolated section of the fifth area, where all you can do is collect a peach for bonus points. It's not a bad idea to take this route if your remaining time is low, since you can gather a clock along the way. Additionally, there is an invisible passage near the coin to the island above, where you can collect a heart, a treasure pile, and an Owl for bonus points.


Area 4 enemies
Orion Little Bagpagg Little Bagpagg
Labyrinth Famicom Enemy Orion.png Points: 300
Health: 5
Damage: 1:00
Bullet: 0:15
Labyrinth Famicom Enemy Little Bagpagg A.png Points: 50
Health: 1
Damage: 0:20
Bullet: 0:15
Labyrinth Famicom Enemy Little Bagpagg B.png Points: 100
Health: 1
Damage: 0:20
Bullet: 0:15
Jackal Guriguri
Labyrinth Famicom Enemy Jackle B.png Points: 200
Health: 3
Damage: 0:30
Bullet: 0:15
Labyrinth Famicom Enemy Guriguri.png Points: 100
Health: 2
Damage: 0:20
Bullet: 0:10
Underground enemies
Little Bagpagg Jackal Guriguri Lygas
Labyrinth Famicom Enemy Little Bagpagg A.png Points: 50
Health: 2
Damage: 0:20
Bullet: 0:15
Labyrinth Famicom Enemy Jackle A.png Points: 200
Health: 4
Damage: 0:30
Bullet: 0:15
Labyrinth Famicom Enemy Guriguri.png Points: 100
Health: 4
Damage: 0:20
Bullet: 0:15
Labyrinth Famicom Enemy Lygus.png Points: 1000
Health: 12
Damage: 1:00
Bullet: 0:15