League of Legends/Garen

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< League of Legends
Revision as of 17:29, 10 June 2013 by Wolf's Scar (talk | contribs) (Removed text that was in the wrong place)

Garen, the Might of Demacia

LoL Attackpower.png
Health 455 (+96) Attack damage 52.5 (+3.5)
Health regen. 4.5 (+0.55) Attack speed 0.625 (2.9%)
Mana None Armor 19 (+2.7)
Mana regen. Magic res. 30 (+1.25)
Range 125 Mov. speed 345
LoL Garen.png

Garen is a recommended melee fighter who does well in the top lane of Summoner's Rift. Carrying a large blade onto the battlefield, Garen's strengths comes from a mix of tankiness and damage.


Passive LoLGaren Perseverance.jpg Perseverance: If Garen has not been struck by damage or enemy abilities in the last 10 seconds, Garen regenerates 0.4% of his maximum Health each second. Minion damage does not stop Perseverance.
Q LoLGaren Decisive Strike.jpg Decisive Strike: Garen gains a burst of movement speed, breaking free from all slows affecting him. His next basic attack will strike a vital area on his foe, dealing bonus damage and silencing them briefly.
W LoLGaren Courage.jpg Courage: Garen passively increases his Armor and Magic Resist. When activated, Courage gives Garen a shield that redueced incoming damage and crowd control effects for a short duration.
E LoLGaren Judgment.jpg Judgment: Garen spins his sword rapidly around his body, dealing physical damage to enemies around him.
R LoLGaren Demacian Justice.jpg Demacian Justice: Garen calls upon the might of Demacia to deal a finishing blow to an enemy champion. It deals damage based on how much of his target's Health is missing.

Item Build

Starting Items

Doran's Shield or Doran's Blade

Core Items

Boots of Speed The Brutalizer Giant's Belt B.F. Sword Hexdrinker

Endgame Items

Boots of Swiftness The Black Cleaver Warmog's Armor Sunfire Cape Infinity Edge Maw of Malmortius

Skill Order

Runes, Masteries, Summoner Spells

Tips, Tricks, and Tactics

Synergies and Counters
