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Amaterasu has a total of 13 brush techniques. Some of these techniques can be upgraded through doing special tasks. These techniques are essential to beating the game.

The more powerful a technique, the more ink will be consumed. Additionally, the Deluge, Thunderbolt, Whirlwind, Fireburst and unnamed Blizzard techniques will require different amounts of ink depending on how large you draw the symbol. The bigger the symbol, the more powerful the attack and more ink is consumed. The smaller the symbol, the less powerful it is and less ink is used. Also, the effects could last longer than normal.

Rejuvenation[edit | edit source]

  • Learned from Yomigami

Rejuvenation is the first ability and is probably the least used of all the techniques. Rejuvenation will fill in broken or missing objects. To use the Rejuvenation technique, press R1 button and begin filling in the missing item. You can tell you're coloring in the right space if the ink takes on a different quality, something more like mist than ink. It is also easier to perform Rejuvenation using Triangle button instead of Square button because it draws a thicker line, filling up more of what is being regenerated. Rejuvenation usually works on broken things such as statues and bridges.

Power Slash[edit | edit source]

  • Learned from Tachigami

The second, and probably most used, brush technique is the Power Slash. Tachigami gives Amaterasu the ability to slash through enemy's, rocks and other things, although it won't be able to cut through iron or diamond until Amaterasu earns Power Slash 2 & 3. To perform Power Slash, hold down the R1 button and draw a horizontal line through what you want to slash. After you let go of R1 button the enemy or object will be instantly cut in half.

Sunrise[edit | edit source]

The third brush technique, which apparently Amaterasu had all along, is Sunrise. Sunrise turns night to day, and can brighten the sun. Sunrise also "moves the sun" to a different spot in the sky. To perform sunrise, hold down R1 button and draw a circle in the sky.

Bloom[edit | edit source]

  • Learned from Sakigami

The fourth brush technique, and the first of three plant based skills, is Bloom. Bloom is Amaterasu's green thumb. With this brush tech. Amaterasu can make any flower or tree instantly bloom. To use, hold down R1 button and draw a circle around the top of the withered tree or flower and release. Make sure that your painting circle directly over the tree if the sky is behind it, otherwise the game will think your trying to perform Sunrise. Another power of Bloom is to fill in dead patches of grass. This will often cause chests and animals to appear and will give you some Praise. Also, if you plant a dot on the ground, a tree will sprout, this is mainly used as a defensive move, to give monsters an obstacle between Amaterasu and them. Even though this is meant to be a shield, it can also be used as a sneaky attack from below.

Water Lily[edit | edit source]

  • Learned from Hasugami

The Water Lily is imperative to have when dealing with water. Since Amaterasu can only swim for about a minute, she constantly needs to take a breather and the water lily lets you create your own. Press R1 button and draw a circle in the water. After you let go, a water lily will have appeared where the circle was.

Cherry Bomb[edit | edit source]

  • Learned from Bakugami

Cherry Bomb creates a large, boulder like explosive. With this, Amaterasu can blow holes in weakened structures. She can also use it as an attack against enemies to do a decent amount of damage. To perform Cherry Bomb, bring up the celestial brush and draw a circle where you want it to appear, then draw a line from the middle of the circle out toward 2 o' clock. This has to be done in two strokes. When the bomb is created, Amaterasu has a chance to roll it into what he wants to blow up. Don't worry about taking damage, the Cherry Bomb can't hurt Amaterasu. When the Cherry Bomb is pushed against something, it will blow up, destroying obstacles or damaging enemies. The cherry bomb can also be drawn in the air, just point the camera up toward the sky and draw the symbol, causing the Cherry bomb to drop down onto Amaterasu's enemies. Bakugami can upgrade this ability for Amaterasu twice, both times, adding on to the amount of Cherry Bombs that can be on screen at once, making a grand total of three Cherry Bombs. In order to do this, one has to draw each Cherry Bomb one at a time. In between Cherry Bombs, you have to let go of R1 button and press it down again before the current Cherry Bomb explodes.

Vine[edit | edit source]

  • Learned from Tsutagami

The third and final Greensprout technique involves floating pink flowers called Konohana Blossoms. To use the technique, use the Celestial Brush to draw a line from the flower to wherever you want to hook the vine to. It can be used to pull Amaterasu towards the flower, or to hook onto an object.

Waterspout[edit | edit source]

  • Learned from Nuregami

The Waterspout technique gives Amaterasu the ability to manipulate water. Using the Celestial Brush, draw a line using a nearby source of water as the starting point, and the water will go there. When you see a Power Spring (a spot in the water where you can see it rise), draw a vertical line from it, and a column of water will appear, which Amaterasu can use to get around.

Waterspout has two additional techniques acquired later in the game: Deluge and Fountain. The Fountain technique allows Amaterasu to activate Mermaid Springs by drawing a circle on its surface. Deluge is a rainstorm that can damage enemies, created by drawing two vertical lines parallel to each other.

Crescent[edit | edit source]

  • Learned from Yumigami

The ninth brush technique in the game allows Amaterasu to summon the moon. To do so, activate the Celestial Brush and draw a crescent (it should look like a backwards "C") to make the moon appear, turning day into night.

When fighting Yami, the final boss, drawing a crescent moon in the sky will summon Nagi who will cleave your opponent in two.

Galestorm[edit | edit source]

  • Learned from Kazegami

With Galestorm, Amaterasu can manipulate wind. By drawing a large spiral, a forward gust is produced, and by drawing a loop, a lateral wind is produced in the direction that the loop was drawn in. This technique can be used to snuff fire and move objects (such as water lilies, or anything that Amaterasu wouldn't be able to touch without taking damage).

Galestorm has an additional technique called Whirlwind. By drawing three horizontal lines parallel to each other, a whirlwind will surround Amaterasu, damaging enemies who come near. Alternatively, Whirlwind can be activated by drawing three successive horizontal brushstrokes. This is often a quicker method than the original.

Inferno[edit | edit source]

  • Learned from Moegami

This technique allows Amaterasu to manipulate fire. As with Waterspout, it is activated by drawing a line from a nearby source of fire to wherever you want it to go.

Inferno has an additional technique called Fireburst. By drawing an infinity symbol, a large fireball will appear, scorching anything in its path.

Veil of Mist[edit | edit source]

  • Learned from Kasugami

The Veil of Mist technique is an interesting technique that allows Amaterasu to slow down time for a short while. This is activated by drawing two horizontal lines parallel to each other.

Veil of Mist has an additional technique called Mist Warp, gained by purchasing the Fog Pot from the Emperor of Sei-an City for 80 Demon Fangs. It allows Amaterasu to teleport between Ultimate Origin Mirrors by drawing an X on them while standing on them (as if you're about to save the game.)

Catwalk[edit | edit source]

  • Learned from Kabegami

The Catwalk technique gives Amaterasu the ability to walk on walls, but only those with the Mark of Kabegami (yellow with pawmarks). If you see a Kabegami statue (they will glow once you obtain this technique), draw a line from the statue to make the mark appear on the wall.

Thunderstorm[edit | edit source]

  • Learned from Gekigami

This powerful technique is similar to Waterspout and Inferno in the fact that it requires an external source of the necessary element (lightning in this case) in order to use it. Its extra ability, Thunderbolt, allows Amaterasu to send a lightning bolt from the heavens down onto her enemies. To perform this technique, draw a lightning bolt symbol.

Blizzard[edit | edit source]

  • Learned from Itegami

The final Celestial Brush technique allows Amaterasu to manipulate ice as long as there is an available source nearby. In some areas, there will be chasms with ice crystals rising out. If you use Blizzard to draw a line along the chasm, ice platforms will appear.

Blizzard has an extra technique that isn't named by the game but is special nonetheless. To perform it, draw an X with a horizontal line through the middle, and ice will rain from the sky.