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Outdoor enemies[edit | edit source]
Default (デフォルト?) and Blackfoot (ブラックフット?) | Eyelet (アイレット?) and Neo Eyelet (ネオアイレット?) |
Default and Blackfoot are basic enemies that plod back and forth until SOPHIA or Jason get close to them. When they come in range, they begin to jump towards you in an effort to stomp you. | Eyelets fly very quickly across the screen in a wave pattern. Because they move so fast, they are often hard to hit. They frequently leave Hover capsules behind and appear constantly in certain sections in order to allow you to refuel SOPHIA's Hover engines. Neo Eyelets appear in Area 7 and take more shots to destroy. |
Bellbomber (ベルボマー?) | Sunami (スナミ?) and Neo Sunami (ネオスナミ?) |
Bellbombers will fly very quickly across the screen until they are directly above SOPHIA or Jason. Then they will open their hatch and release a bomb which drops to the ground, before flying straight up into the air in order to get away. | Sunamies remain stuck to the surface or platform that they are walking on, clinging to the sides and even the ceiling as they walk. However, when SOPHIA or Jason crosses their path, they immediately fling themselves across a room in an effort to crash into you. Neo Sunamies appear on Area 7 and take more shots to destroy. |
Offside (オフサイド?) | Cave Guard (ケイブカード?) |
Offsides alternate between periods of dormancy, and periods of spraying bullets to either side. The bullets settle down to the ground below. They take quite a few shots to destroy, and typically leave Hover capsules behind. | Cave Guards have a very basic behavior, patrolling to the left and right in search of intruders. If they spot one ahead of them, they begin firing a large gun. The bullets from this gun have the ability to block SOPHIA's cannon shots, so wait for the Cave Guards to finish shooting, or shoot them from behind to destroy them. |
Random (ランダム?) and False (ファルス?) | Moeba (メーバ?) |
Randoms and Falses hover around particular regions of certain areas. They drift in one direction until they hit a wall, and ricochet off of it. While they float aimlessly around, they will shoot small bullets at SOPHIA with great accuracy. Shoot them down before they have the chance. | You will find these aquatic life forms in the small lakes of Area 1. They propel themselves upward before slowly drifting back down to the bottom of the water. You will typically encounter them while swimming about without the protection of SOPHIA, so approach them carefully. |
Claymore (クレイモア?) | Exor (エックスオア?) |
Claymores lay still on the ground where they have been placed. Because they are so small, it is not possible to shoot one in front of SOPHIA using the cannon. Instead, you must either shoot them while jumping or falling, or you must have Jason exit SOPHIA and clear them away using his gun. You can also ignore them if it's easy enough to avoid them, but they often provide Power capsules when destroyed. | Exors may differ in appearance from Sunamies, but their behavior is identical; they cling to the surface of whatever they happen to be moving along, letting go only to fly across an area in an effort to crash into you. |
Hellworm (ヘルワーム?) and Neoworm (ネオワーム?) | Interrupt (インタラプト?) |
Hellworms crawl around on the ground and seek out a path to SOPHIA. Like mines, they are very low to the ground, so you can't hit them with SOPHIA's cannon when you are on the same level as one. Homing Missiles are very effective at removing these nuisances, but you must remember to jump in the air before firing them, or the missiles will hover harmlessly over the worm. Neoworms are similar to Hellworms, except that they can leap higher, and in doing so, reach higher platforms. | Interrupts are devices which wait for SOPHIA or Jason to walk beneath them before opening up and dropping a single Neoworm to the ground below. They take a few shots to destroy, but it's worth taking the time to do so in order to avoid the added trouble that a red worm brings to any situation. |
Hummel (フンメル?) | Larha (ラーハ?) |
Hummels are very basic enemies that flutter through the air in a manner similar to the way Moebas move through water. They lazily drift down until they give themselves a sudden boost and climb higher. They also shoot at SOPHIA like Randoms and Falses do. | Larhas fly to the left and right in straight lines, shooting at SOPHIA with a good degree of accuracy as they move. They aren't particularly fast, but they're big and they take a few shots to destroy. There aren't many of these to discover in the game. |
Header (ヘッダー?) and Neo Header (ネオヘッダー?) | Stuka (スツーカ?) and Wespe (ヴェスペ?) |
Despite their scarier appearance, Headers behave just like Bellbombers. They fly over an area until they are directly above SOPHIA or Jason, and they release a bomb to the ground below. The only difference is that Headers are often contained in hallways with ceilings that prevent their escape, so they typically re-engage after a brief pause. Stronger variants known as Neo Headers appear in Area 7. | Stuka and Wespe, while similar, actually have two different types of behaviors. Stukas move about freely until they detect SOPHIA or Jason in their vicinity, and then they quickly rush in to collide with them. Wespes move back and forth between two walls, occasionally adjusting their vertical position before continuing on with their patrol. |
Ball Carry (ボールキャリー?) | Dump (ダンプ?) |
Ball Carries start off dormant. They wait until SOPHIA or Jason get close. Then they remove their lid and scatter bombs across the floor. After they have released their bombs, they take off and begin running in a direction away from SOPHIA. However, they are likely to hit walls and come running back at you, so be prepared to jump or shoot. | Dumps roll across the floor, bouncing off walls and falling down to platforms below when they reach gaps. When they get within range of SOPHIA, they stop and open their top hatch, and lob bombs at SOPHIA before continuing on with their patrol. |
Ballbot (バルバット?) | Mad Hand (マッドハンド?) |
Ceiling orbs cling to the ceiling until SOPHIA gets close enough for them to attack. When this happens, they let go of the ceiling and fly through the air in a looping pattern. After a time, they will return to the ceiling and wait there for SOPHIA to pass close by again. | The enemies which appear as disembodied hands remain motionless on particular platforms until SOPHIA gets close. When they are triggered, they begin tossing bombs out. The bombs roll across the platform toward SOPHIA until they explode. |
Hell Diver (ヘルダイバー?) | Ammonaga (アンモナーガ?) |
Hell Divers are the basic type of enemy that you encounter underwater throughout Area 5. They swim rather slowly, but they move towards you with a lot of determination. They also shoot small bullets at Jason as you swim by them. Clear them away before trying to proceed. | Ammonagas sit on platforms or at the bottom of a room beneath the water in Area 5. They remain still until Jason or SOPHIA is level with them. Then they suddenly take off and scuttle over towards you. If they run off a platform, they fall down to the ground below and set up for their next encounter with you. |
Buloba (ブローバ?) | Morning Star (モーニングスター?) |
Bulobas are very similar to Larhas; they are large, move back and forth, and their aren't many of them. You'll have to be on the look-out for them while you swim through Area 5, but they don't veer off course, so you can ignore them once you study their movements. | Morning Stars sit motionless on certain platforms in Area 5. Like Mad Hands, they release bombs if SOPHIA or Jason swim close enough to trigger a reaction. Get in close and destroy them, but avoid the bombs the fling. |
Indoor enemies[edit | edit source]
GX-680 (GX-680?) and GX-680S (GX-680S?) | Binary (バイナリー?) |
GX-680s are a typical basic enemy encounter while wandering throughout many interiors. They constantly walk towards Jason, and will collide with him if he stands still for too long. Destroy them as quickly as you can, but watch out for any shots that they may fire at you. The red variety is known as GX-680S. | Binaries move across interiors in a manner very similar to the way Eyelets fly across the screen outside. They appear on one side, and cross the room in a wave pattern. They tend to appear continuously, so be prepared to deal with more of them after you find one. |
Drap (ドラップ?) | Bios (バイオス?) |
Draps are like motion sensors. When you walk across their line of sight, they dash towards Jason in an attempt to collide with him. Draps only dash up and down, or left and right, never both. It's usually obvious which way Draps move, but it can sometimes be tricky to make that determination, so use caution. | Bioses float around in particular rooms. They always hover in Jason's direction, but they never shoot. Bombard them with a series of grenades to destroy them as quickly as possible. When destroyed, they always leave behind Multi-Warhead Missile ammunition for SOPHIA. |
Manji (マンジ?) | Hanilite (ハニリイト?) |
Manjis remain stationary in particular locations. As you approach them, they release up to four bullets that fan out away from the Manji in a circular motion. You have to time your approach in order to avoid these bullets. They tend to leave Gun capsules behind when destroyed. | Like Manjis, Hanilites sit motionless on the ground. They won't even attack unless you attack them first. If they are hit with a bullet or grenade, they release a spread of bullets that fans outward. You can choose to ignore them, but if you do fight them, it's best to remove them with grenades. |
Druis (ドルイース?) | Peeper (ピーパ?) |
Druises start out motionless like statues. However, after a short pause, they shed their outer protective layer to begin warping from one location to another. They are only vulnerable to your attack when they are green and moving. It is not possible to damage them when they return to their gray form. | There are two types of Peepers; Peepers whose positions are predetermined and remain in place until they are destroyed, and eyeballs which are part of roaming swarms which cross the screen. Regardless of which type you encounter, its in your best interest to destroy them as quickly as possible. Their unpredictable nature makes them a threat to both your health, and the preservation of your gun power. |
Crossfighter (クロスファイター?) | Laser Guard (レーザーガード?) |
Crossfighters are motionless objects which fire pairs of bullets. The bullets alternate between up and down, and left and right. Because they don't move, it's easy enough to stand to the side and destroy them with your own guns or grenades. They have a tendency to leave Gun capsules behind when destroyed. | Laser Guardss are another form of motion detector. Unlike the Draps, Laser Guards are particularly effective at their job. They move back and forth waiting for an intruder to pass below. When one does, they release a laser beam that travels quite fast, and is difficult to avoid. When you see a Laser Guard, the best strategy is to try and slip above it as quickly as possible, where it can't hurt you. Laser Guards tend to drop Gun capsules when destroyed. |
Trigger (トリッガー?) | Mudanga (ムダンガ?) |
Certain areas contain no other interior enemy than Triggers. Triggers patrol the interiors and when they sense an intruder, they walk up to them and fire their weapon. They aren't particularly difficult to deal with if you can remove them from a safe distance. If you're forced to fight with them up close, try to position yourself so that you have the advantage. | This enemy is so rare, and moves so quickly that it is scarcely believed to exist. However, you can find them in one and only one particular interior in Area 6. As you make your way up the long vertical interior, Mudangas dash from the top of the screen to the bottom. They whiz by so quickly, you won't even be sure what you saw. |