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When playing PlayStation 3 games you will notice that you can obtain Trophies after completing certain tasks.
There are four different types: Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze.
The Bronze Trophies are usually the easiest type to obtain, followed by the Silver Trophies which are usually more challenging, and Gold Trophies are often the most challenging ones to acquire. The Platinum Trophy is special, the only way to obtain it, is by collecting all other trophies in the game and is found only in retail games, except in some occasions.
Pages in category "PlayStation 3 trophies"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 252 total.
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- Ace Combat: Assault Horizon/Achievements and trophies
- After Burner Climax/Achievements and trophies
- Aliens vs. Predator/Achievements and trophies
- Aliens: Colonial Marines/Achievements and trophies
- Altered Beast/Achievements and trophies
- Aquanaut's Holiday: Hidden Memories/Trophies
- Assassin's Creed II/Achievements and trophies
- Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood/Achievements and trophies
- Assassin's Creed: Revelations/Achievements and trophies
- Assault Heroes/Achievements and trophies
- Back to the Future: The Game/Trophies
- Batman: Arkham Asylum/Achievements and trophies
- Batman: Arkham City/Achievements and trophies
- Batman: Arkham Origins/Achievements and trophies
- Battlefield 3/Achievements and trophies
- Battlefield: Bad Company 2/Achievements and trophies
- Battlefield: Bad Company/Achievements and trophies
- Bayonetta/Achievements and trophies
- The Beatles: Rock Band/Achievements and trophies
- Beyond Good & Evil/Achievements and trophies
- BioShock 2/Achievements and trophies
- BioShock Infinite/Achievements and trophies
- BioShock/Achievements and trophies
- BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger/Achievements and trophies
- Blur/Achievements and trophies
- Borderlands/Achievements and trophies
- Braid/Achievements and trophies
- Brink/Achievements and trophies
- Brütal Legend/Achievements and trophies
- Burn Zombie Burn!/Trophies
- Call of Duty/Achievements and trophies
- Call of Duty: Black Ops/Achievements and trophies
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2/Achievements and trophies
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3/Achievements and trophies
- Call of Duty: World at War/Achievements and trophies
- Castle Crashers/Achievements and trophies
- Castlevania: Lords of Shadow/Achievements and trophies
- The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena/Achievements and trophies
- CLANNAD/Achievements and trophies
- Comix Zone/Achievements and trophies
- Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3/Achievements and trophies
- Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3: Uprising/Achievements and trophies
- Crazy Taxi/Achievements and trophies
- Dante's Inferno/Achievements and trophies
- Dark Souls/Achievements and trophies
- Darksiders/Achievements and trophies
- Daytona USA/Achievements and trophies
- DC Universe Online/Trophies
- Dead Island/Achievements and trophies
- Dead or Alive 5 Last Round/Achievements and trophies
- Dead Space 2/Achievements and trophies
- Dead Space/Achievements and trophies
- Demon's Souls/Trophies
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution/Achievements and trophies
- DiRT 3/Achievements and trophies
- Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice/Trophies
- Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten/Trophies
- Disney Universe/Achievements and trophies
- Dragon Age: Origins/Achievements and trophies
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse/Achievements and trophies
- Dragon Quest Heroes II/Achievements and trophies
- Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below/Achievements and trophies
- Dragon's Dogma/Achievements and trophies
- DuckTales: Remastered/Achievements and trophies
- Duke Nukem Forever/Achievements and trophies
- Dynasty Warriors 7/Achievements and trophies
- Dynasty Warriors 7: Xtreme Legends/Trophies
- Dynasty Warriors 8/Achievements and trophies
- Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends/Achievements and trophies
- Fairytale Fights/Achievements and trophies
- Fallout 3/Achievements and trophies
- Fallout: New Vegas/Achievements and trophies
- The Fancy Pants Adventures/Achievements and trophies
- Fat Princess/Trophies
- FIFA Soccer 11/Achievements and trophies
- Fight Night Round 4/Achievements and trophies
- Fighting Vipers/Achievements and trophies
- Final Fantasy XIII-2/Achievements and trophies
- Final Fantasy XIII/Achievements and trophies
- Flow/Trophies
- Flower/Trophies
- From Dust/Achievements and trophies
- Galaga Legions DX/Achievements and trophies
- Ghostbusters: The Video Game/Achievements and trophies
- God of War II/Trophies
- God of War III/Trophies
- God of War/Trophies
- God of War: Ghost of Sparta/Trophies
- The Godfather II/Achievements and trophies
- Golden Axe/Achievements and trophies
- Gran Turismo 5/Trophies
- Grand Theft Auto IV/Achievements and trophies
- Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned/Achievements and trophies
- Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony/Achievements and trophies
- Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator/Achievements and trophies
- Guilty Gear Xrd Sign/Achievements and trophies
- Guilty Gear XX Λ Core Plus/Achievements and trophies
- Guitar Hero 5/Achievements and trophies
- Guitar Hero: Metallica/Achievements and trophies
- Katamari Forever/Trophies
- Killer is Dead/Achievements and trophies
- The King of Fighters XII/Achievements and trophies
- The King of Fighters XIII/Achievements and trophies
- Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX
- Kingdom Hearts II/Trophies
- Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories/Trophies
- Kingdom Hearts/Trophies
- Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep/Trophies (HD)
- L.A. Noire/Achievements and trophies
- Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light/Achievements and Trophies
- LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham/Achievements and trophies
- LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4/Achievements and trophies
- LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues/Achievements and trophies
- LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars/Achievements and trophies
- LIMBO/Achievements and trophies
- LittleBigPlanet/Trophies
- Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2/Achievements and trophies
- Marvel vs. Capcom 2/Achievements and trophies
- Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds/Achievements and trophies
- Mass Effect 2/Achievements and trophies
- Mass Effect 3/Achievements and trophies
- Mega Man 10/Achievements and trophies
- Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance/Achievements and trophies
- Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty/Achievements and trophies
- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater/Achievements and trophies
- Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots/Trophies
- Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/Achievements and trophies
- Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain/Achievements and trophies
- Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker/Achievements and trophies
- Midnight Club: Los Angeles/Achievements and trophies
- Mirror's Edge/Achievements and trophies
- Monster World IV/Trophies
- Mortal Kombat (2011)/Achievements and trophies
- Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe/Achievements and trophies
- MotorStorm: Pacific Rift/Trophies
- NBA 2K11/Achievements and trophies
- NBA 2K12/Achievements and trophies
- NBA Jam (2010)/Achievements and trophies
- Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit/Achievements and trophies
- Need for Speed: The Run/Achievements and trophies
- Need for Speed: Shift/Achievements and trophies
- Need for Speed: Undercover/Achievements and trophies
- Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent/Trophies
- NieR Gestalt/Achievements and trophies
- NiGHTS into Dreams.../Achievements and trophies
- Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2/Achievements and trophies
- No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise/Achievements and trophies
- Persona 4 Arena Ultimax/Achievements and trophies
- Persona 4 Arena/Achievements and trophies
- Plants vs. Zombies/Achievements and trophies
- Portal 2/Achievements and trophies
- Prince of Persia (2008)/Achievements and trophies
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2011/Achievements and trophies
- Prototype/Achievements and trophies
- Puyo Puyo Tetris/Achievements and trophies
- R.U.S.E./Achievements and trophies
- Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time/Trophies
- Red Dead Redemption/Achievements and trophies
- Red Faction: Guerrilla/Achievements and trophies
- Resident Evil 4/Achievements and trophies
- Resident Evil 5/Achievements and trophies
- Resistance 2/Trophies
- Resistance 3/Trophies
- The Revenge of Shinobi/Trophies
- Rock Band 2/Achievements and trophies
- Rocksmith/Achievements and trophies
- Sacred 2: Fallen Angel/Achievements and trophies
- Saints Row: The Third/Achievements and trophies
- Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse/Trophies
- Samurai Warriors 4-II/Achievements and trophies
- Samurai Warriors 4/Achievements and trophies
- The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition/Achievements and trophies
- Section 8/Achievements and trophies
- Sega Bass Fishing/Achievements and trophies
- Sengoku Basara/Trophies
- Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes/Trophies
- Shift 2: Unleashed/Achievements and trophies
- The Simpsons/Achievements and trophies
- The Sly Collection/Sly 1 trophies
- The Sly Collection/Sly 2 trophies
- The Sly Collection/Sly 3 trophies
- The Sly Collection/Sly Minigames trophies
- Sniper: Ghost Warrior/Achievements and trophies
- Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing/Achievements and trophies