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There are 12 achievements for the Xbox 360, four of them secret, worth 200 Gamerscore points. There are 12 trophies for the PlayStation 3, four of them secret, consisting of one 3: Gold trophy Gold, three 2: Silver trophy Silver and eight 1: Bronze trophy Bronze.

General[edit | edit source]

Picture Name Description Gamerscore icon Trophy
Battle Hardened Complete any 25 challenge missions 20 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
Battle Tested Complete any 10 challenge missions 10 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
First Blood Complete the first challenge mission, "Dead Meat". Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Future Leader Complete all 50 challenge missions 20 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
King Of The World Complete all 50 challenge missions under par time 50 Gamerscore points 3: Gold trophy Gold
Star Pupil Complete all lessons in the tutorial Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Superior Commander Complete all 13 main path challenge missions under par time 50 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
Victor Complete all 13 main path challenge missions 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze

Secret[edit | edit source]

Picture Name Description Gamerscore icon Trophy
Big Game Hunter You killed all of the giant bears in "Number One Threat to America". Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Going Commando You killed 20 Enemy Commandoes. Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Killed A Ton You cleaned up! You killed 20 Desolator Troopers. Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Recycler You killed 20 Steel Ronin Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze