Infantry[edit | edit source]
The Soviet Infantry are cheap and easily trained but their firepower and armor is one of the weakest except Natasha and the Tesla Trooper.
War Bear[edit | edit source]
Cost | 225 |
Requirements | Barracks |
Abilities | Amplified Roar |
Role | Scout |
Build Time | 0:02 Seconds |
Damage type | Melee |
Fast moving amphibious scouts that can detect disguised or hidden enemies. They can also dispatch infantry in one melee strike. Their special ability is a roar that effectively paralyses enemy infantry in a considerable radius.
Good against infantry (roar too) and fine scouts but lacks attack sight and doesn't do anything to vehicles.
Conscript[edit | edit source]
Cost | 100 |
Requirements | Barracks |
Abilities | Molotov cocktails |
Role | Anti infantry |
Build Time | 0:04 Seconds |
Damage type | ADK-45 Assault Rifle |
We serve glorious Union!
The standard rifle-wielding Soviet infantry is effective against other infantry units. Although hastily trained, they are effective en masse. Their special ability is to use Molotov Cocktails that deal more damage against armored units and structures than their rifles, as well as directly damaging enemy infantry inside garrisoned structures.
Conscripts are dirt cheap infantry units and good garrisoners but they are weak (Molotovs too) and training time is bit too long. Good in big swarms.
Flak Trooper[edit | edit source]
Cost | 400 |
Requirements | Barracks |
Abilities | Magnetic mines |
Role | Anti Tank, Anti Air |
Build Time | 0:05 Seconds |
Damage type | Flak |
Your gonna make me carry THIS around?
—Flak Trooper
Flak Troopers are anti-tank/aircraft conscripts. Their special ability is to plant mines at melee range against enemy vehicles and structures. If they are crushed when they are currently using mines, they will explode dealing damage to anything that crushes the flak trooper.
Good against enemy tanks and aircraft but cost bit too much for their power and are weak against enemy anti-infantry vehicles and infantry, like the Mecha Tengu.
Combat Engineer[edit | edit source]
Cost | 500 |
Requirements | Barracks |
Abilities | Deploy Bunker |
Role | Support |
Build Time | 0:05 Seconds |
Damage type | Gun |
The Union takes what it wants.
Combat Engineers can capture neutral or enemy structures, as well as repair friendly structures. They carry small pistols which can kill enemy infantry units. Their special ability is construct a make-shift bunker, which can be garrisoned by 5 infantry, at the cost of 500 credits.
Basic Engineers with pistols. Their special ability is awesome for defense. Mostly buildings can hold 1 or 3 units but bunkers can hold 5 and it can be placed almost anywhere on the ground. Pistols are only effective against enemy engineers, don't use against enemy infantry.
Tesla Trooper[edit | edit source]
Cost | 750 |
Requirements | Barracks and Super Reactor |
Abilities | EM Disrupters |
Role | Anti Tank |
Build Time | 0:10 |
Damage type | Tesla |
Sparks my interest!
—Tesla trooper
Tesla Troopers are larger, armored infantry walkers. They are too large to be crushed by medium sized vehicles. Their special ability is to create a disruption field that disables enemy vehicles in a small radius around the Tesla Trooper, although they cannot move or attack while using this ability.
Tesla Troopers good against enemy tanks and anti-tank infantry and their special ability is useful but they have a slow rate of fire, are easily killed and cost bit too much.
Natasha[edit | edit source]
Cost | 2000 |
Requirements | Barracks and Battle Lab |
Abilities | Snipe pilot |
Role | Commando |
Build Time | 0:20 Seconds |
Damage type | Sniper Gun and Airstrike |
Sweet dreams!
Natasha Volkova is a legend amongst Soviet forces, her custom made sniper rifle can pierce through infantry targets, effectively allowing her to kill several at once in a line. She can pin-point enemy vehicles and structures for airstrikes, destroying them in one shot. Her special ability is to snipe a pilot of a vehicle, effectively removing the vehicle from battle. The vehicle can be claimed by an infantry unit.
Better than Tanya and better range than Yuriko's but less powerful than Yuriko. Natasha is good for killing single enemies but swarms beat her. She's most effective against defenses and structures and her sniping ability is deadly against heavy tanks (like Apocalypse and King Oni). Her worst weakness is 3 Sickles/Mecha Tengus/ACVs.
Vehicles[edit | edit source]
The Soviets have the strongest and most armored vehicles in the game.
Terror Drone[edit | edit source]
Cost | 600 |
Requirements | War Factory |
Abilities | Electro Stasis Ray |
Role | Scout |
Build Time | 0:05 |
Damage type | melee |
Fast moving amphibious robotic drones that drill through and infect enemy vehicles, destroying them from within. They are lethal against infantry as well. Their special ability is to disrupt an enemy vehicle's movements with a ranged electro-statsis ray.
Deadly against enemy's Ore Collectors and their special ability isn't bad. They are weak against most attacks and special abilities, including Yuriko Omega's Psychic Scream and Tanyas pistols. They are destroyed if the vehicle they are dismantling is sent to repair. Use aircraft against these little monsters or units armed with machine guns like Riptide ACVs.
Sickle[edit | edit source]
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Cost | 900 |
Requirements | War Factory |
Abilities | Flea Jump |
Role | Anti Infantry scout |
Build Time | 0:10 |
Damage type | Triple Machine Guns |
Sickles are light, anti-infantry walkers that can shoot at multiple targets. Their special ability is to jump a considerable distance, even to or from an elevation, knocking down infantry where they land.
Maybe the worst of anti-infantry vehicles. They do quite little damage, are non-amphibious, are expensive and their special ability is almost useless. They are good of sweeping enemy commandos, though.
Hammer Tank[edit | edit source]
Cost | 1000 |
Requirements | War Factory and Super Reactor |
Abilities | Leech Beam |
Upgrades | Grinder Threads |
Role | Anti Tank |
Build Time | 0:10 |
Damage type | 85mm Cannon |
Who's looking for a good pounding?
—Hammer Tank
The main Soviet Battle Tank is an anti-armor aggressor, tougher than it's Empire and Allied counterparts. Their special ability is a leech beam, that draws weaponry from a enemy vehicle once it is destroyed. For more information about its leech beam effects look here.
Good basic tanks. Their special ability is quite useful and they doesn't cost too much. Aircraft and anti-tank infantry still scrub these little hammies into bits.
Apocalypse Tank[edit | edit source]
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Cost | 2000 |
Requirements | War Factory and Battle Lab |
Abilities | Magnetic harpoon |
Upgrades | Grinder threads |
Role | Advanced Anti Armor |
Build Time | 0:20 |
Damage type | Twin 125mm Drakon Cannons |
I have the final say.
—Apocalypse Tank
The Apocalypse Tank is the largest and toughest ground vehicle in the game, sporting two main cannons that are lethal to all types of enemy armor. They can crush most vehicles under their grinder treads. Their special ability is a Magnetic Harpoon, which pulls enemy units towards the Apocalypse, grinding them once they reach melee range. Apocalypse Tanks are also able to self-repair even without a Machine Shop captured.
Apocalypses annihilate every vehicle that stands. Great armor and self-repair makes it difficult to destroy, but these heavy friends are mighty slow and expensive. Flying machines in en masse sweep this mighty tank, anti-tank infantry does the same trick.
V4 Rocket Launcher[edit | edit source]
Cost | 1200 |
Requirements | War Factory and Battle Lab |
Abilities | Cluster Warheads |
Role | Artillery |
Build Time | 0:15 |
Damage type | Rocket |
V4 to command, we're under fire!
V4 Rocket Launchers are long range bombardment vehicles that launch V4 Rockets, lethal missiles that deal heavy damage against everything caught in its blast. They are slow moving and are lightly armored. Their special ability is to detonate their V4 Rockets in midair, causing shrapnel to rain down on a wider radius.
V4s are good at taking enemy defenses from safely distance. They need something to protect themselves, because they're vulnerable to almost every attack.
Sputnik[edit | edit source]
Cost | 1200 |
Requirements | War Factory |
Abilities | Deploy |
Role | Support |
Build Time | 0:20 |
Damage type | none |
Seems like a safe neighborhood.
Sputniks serve as base expansion vehicles, that project an area available for structure construction once deployed.
Sputniks deploy quite fast, but they provide smaller ground control than Prospectors and they are pretty vulnerable to attacks.
Tesla tank[edit | edit source]
Cost | 2200 |
Requirements | War Factory (plus Super Reactor and Battle Lab?) |
Abilities | EM Disruption field |
Upgrades | Grinder Threads |
Role | Anti Surface Units |
Build Time | Unique to pre-last mission with the Soviets if enemy War Factory captured |
Damage type | Tesla |
Like a Christmas tree!
—Tesla Tank
Tesla tanks are powerful and pure anti surface units, with dual Tesla Coils, which can fry everything off the surface. Their firepower is equal to Mirage Tank Spectrum Cannons and their rate of fire is very high. This unit is a campaign exclusive unit and is not buildable in Multiplayer or Skirmish. Also uses the same quotes as the Tesla Trooper.
These Tanks are less powerful than the Mirage Tanks and they cannot attack jets, their armor is weaker than Mirage Tanks and can be crushed by Assault Destroyers, but they still pack a punch. What makes them really effective is the fact that the Tesla Coils are so good against Infantry and vehicles. Also these tanks are rarely seen, so try not to lose them.
Ore Collector[edit | edit source]
Cost | 1400 |
Requirements | Refinery |
Abilities | Reactive armor |
Role | Resource Gatherer |
Build Time | 0:20 |
Damage type | none |
We must all do our part.
—Ore Collector
The Harvester collects Ore from Ore Mines to fund the Soviet War Machine. Their special ability is to protect themselves with a special ceramic armor which increases their defenses tenfold. This also protects them from Terror Drones.
These things are unarmed and require additional protection when it comes to collecting ore from enemy units, though their ceramic armor prevent most of attacks. Build a Sentry Gun nearby your Refinery to prevent small attacks.
Mobile Construction Vehicle[edit | edit source]
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Cost | 5000 |
Requirements | War Factory |
Abilities | Deploy |
Upgrades | Grinder Threads |
Role | Support |
Build Time | 1:00 |
Damage type | Crusher Threads |
I present to you the MCV!
Large defenseless vehicles that deploy into the Construction Yard, necessary for establishing a base. They can crush almost all vehicles in the game, save for Apocalypse Tanks and King Oni.
These things are vulnerable to most attackers and they cannot crush Assault Destroyers, King Onis or Apocalypse Tanks.
Aircraft[edit | edit source]
The Soviets have little airforce but they are quite powerful and also bit versatile.
Twinblade[edit | edit source]
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Cost | 1200 |
Requirements | Airfield |
Abilities | Unknown |
Role | Anti Surface Transport |
Build Time | 0:15 |
Damage type | varies |
You may fire when ready!
The Soviets' main attack helicopter. They fire high-powered machine guns effective against infantry and light vehicles, and they can periodically fire rockets which are more effective against heavier vehicles and structures. They are able to transport up to 5 infantry, or carry a ground vehicle, including Apocalypse Tanks.
These things are pretty powerful against ground units and are great hit and runners. Use them in swarms, not singles. Best way to counter these support gunships is using air to air jet fighters like the Jet Tengu or the Apollo Fighters.
MiG Fighter[edit | edit source]
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Cost | 1000 |
Requirements | Airfield |
Abilities | RTB on demand |
Role | Anti Air Jet |
Build Time | 0:10 |
Damage type | Missile |
You got a sucker for me?
MiG Fighter Jets are fast, air-to-air combatants. Their rockets have a radius effect, damaging all aircraft caught in its blast. Their special ability is an RTB order which gives them very fast retreating speeds.
One unique tactic used by MiG pilots involves using the Return to Base ability to catch up with fast-flying enemy aircraft. If an enemy aircraft is heading in the vague direction of the MiG's home Airfield, and the MiG cannot quite catch up with the enemy (say, an enemy Apollo), then the MiG can engage its Return to Base special ability afterburners, and thanks to the vastly increased speeds with the afterburners on, the MiG can catch up to the enemy, turn off the afterburners once it catches up, and shoot the enemy aircraft out of the sky.
MiGs have no anti ground attack and has a limited ammunition so use Multigunner IFVs or Striker VXs to take 'em down if you have a hard time dealing with MiGs.
Kirov Airship[edit | edit source]
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Cost | 2500 |
Requirements | Airfield and Battle Lab |
Abilities | After burners |
Role | Heavy Bomber |
Build Time | 0:25 |
Damage type | bomb |
How Pretty!
Kirov Airships are slow moving, heavily fortified flying behemoths. They are able to decimate any ground target under their payloads of bombs. If they are destroyed, they deal severe damage upon landing on the ground. They have no defenses against air targets. Their special ability is an after-burner, which increases their speeds while slowly burning their armor up.
Kirovs are powerful, sturdy and good against structures, but slow and generally ineffective against fast moving ground targets and are very weak against air-to-air jets. If they use their special ability too long they will crash even without moving.
[edit | edit source]
The Soviet navy is average in this game: powerful but not so versatile.
Stingray[edit | edit source]
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Cost | 1000 |
Requirements | Naval Yard |
Abilities | Tesla Surge |
Role | Amphibious anti Surface unit |
Build Time | 0:10 |
Damage type | Tesla |
Now! DO IT!
Experimental Tesla boats that can walk slowly on land. Their Tesla shots are lethal against infantry, and can severely damage vehicles despite their recharge rates. Their special ability is to perform a Tesla discharge, which electrifies water around the Stingray, damaging all enemy units. This temporarly immobilizes the Stingray however.
Stingray is quite respectable in power but it has weak armor. Its Tesla Coils smack down enemy Attack Dogs, Dolphins and War Bears, but they are not so good against enemy heavy navy (like Dreadnoughts). On land, they are much slower and they cannot use their special ability so it's better to take down the enemy with your other troops. Stingray can't fire aircraft so it's vulnerable to attack from the air.
Bullfrog[edit | edit source]
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Cost | 900 |
Requirements | War Factory, Naval Yard |
Abilities | Man Cannon |
Role | Amphibious Anti Air APC |
Build Time | 0:10 |
Damage type | Flak |
Mortar Transport open for business!
Bullfrogs are amphibious vehicles with mounted flak cannons effective against air targets. Their special ability is to launch infantry with their man-cannons at a distance, allowing them to traverse behind enemy defenses or over unpassable terrain.
Bullfrog, excellent anti-air and transport unit for cheap price. Its special ability isn't bad either. It unfortunately doesn't have ground defense and it can be easily destroyed. Use it in offensive or defensive.
Akula Sub[edit | edit source]
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Cost | 1800 |
Requirements | Naval Yard and Super Reactor |
Abilities | Ultratorpedoes |
Role | Advanced Anti Armor |
Build Time | 0:20 |
Damage type | Torpedoes |
"So much pressure!"
Heavily armed submarines that are as terrifying as a shark! Seriously, "Akula" (Акула) means "Shark" in Russian. These Akula Subs are capable of not being detected on enemy radar while being submerged, so they make excellent reconnaissance units for naval fights. Upon emerging, they are able to destroy most sea-based targets in a short amount of time. Their special ability is to launch two torpedoes dead-ahead which travel indefinitely until they find a target, dealing heavy damage to anything in contact. Be wary about having your own or a fellow allies' unit or structure in the direct path of the Ultratorpedoes, for they deal damage to anything in the way, friend or foe.
Akulas are great for hit-and-run guerrilla combat operations. Launch a few double torpedoes towards an enemy naval base and then run away. Stealth on radar makes it easier to escape, but Akulas are not the fastest units around so beware. The only drawback about the Akula is that it can only attack structures and other naval units (except for the Sea-Wing & Yari Mini Sub) while it is not submerged. Making it an easy target for enemy aircraft and other naval units to attack it. They are pretty vulnerable to Terror Drones too, so be observant over your Akulas, comrade!
Dreadnought[edit | edit source]
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Cost | 2000 |
Requirements | Naval Yard and Battle Lab |
Abilities | Sacrifice launchers |
Role | Capital Ship |
Build Time | 0:20 |
Damage type | 3 V4 Rocket launchers |
If Lenin could see us now...
The Big Brothers of the Red Navy, the Dreadnought is a long range bombardment ship lethal against all ground and sea forces caught in its sight. Their special ability is to dramatically increase their rate of fire, at the cost of sustaining constant damage to their hulls.
Dreadnoughts are like Shogun Battleships or Aircraft Carriers, artillery ships. They can't fire close nor aircraft, so defend them with few Stingrays and Bullfrogs. Sacrifice Launchers are useful only when you have to take down enemy power/defenses or Construction Yard quickly.