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Ability descriptions[edit | edit source]

Name Description Notes
Critical "Hit rate up." Increases your hit rate.
Cross Attack "Sword skill knowledge level 2." Once you have this skill it will kick in randomly when you attack normally (i.e. not using Swordmaster or Hit & Way). A Cross Attack is more powerful than any of the Swordmaster attacks, but may not occur as often.
Discount "Sometimes buy items at discounted prices." The character with this ability needs to be in the lead position for it to work. You can do this anyway, but the skill may make it easier.
Dispel "Release items from ancient curses." Only 1 character needs to have this ability to use it. It is used through the status section of the menu. You can have items released for free at the temple, but this might be of use in the middle of the Sealed Labyrinth.
Hit & Way "Attack and simultaneously evade." To use this skill, hold down the direction opposite to that in which you are facing while making a melee attack. Sometimes you will then jump a long way back after striking.
Judgement "Identify unidentified items." Only one character needs to have this ability to use it. It is used through the status section of the menu. Much cheaper and more convenient than the shops, but be careful - from time to time you'll make mistakes, which can result in becoming cursed.
Jump "You can jump over things to a certain extent." Only one character needs to have this ability to use it. There aren't many places where this skill is useful, but they do exist.
Magic Barrier "Protects against magic damage." Reduces the damage taken from magic attacks.
Mental Barrier "Protects against magic status attacks." Appears to make a character immune to poison and numbing.
Overpower "Attacks sometimes thrust enemies away."
Restore Lute "Play music that restores HP in the middle of dungeons." Only one character needs to have this ability to use it. It is used through the status section of the menu. This may not work outside the Sealed Cave/Labyrinth.
Scroll "Memorise spells in order to use magic." Required to buy, research, or use magic.
Shoot "Hitting the enemy with a projectile weapon becomes easier."
Slash! "Certain kill sword skill." This may work similarly to Cross Attack.
Swimming "You can cross over streams, lakes, etc." Only one character needs to have this ability to use it.
Swordmaster "Sword skill knowledge level 1." As with Hit & Way, Swordmaster is used by holding down a direction while attacking. Hold Up Dpad to use a horizontal slash that works well with swords; hold Left Dpad to use an overarm smash that works well with blunt weapons; hold Right Dpad to use an underarm swipe that works well against armoured enemies. These directions are relative to your character, so if, for example, you are facing right, you would press Up Dpad to use the overarm smash.
Trick Guard "Ability to ward off enemy attacks skilfully." Causes enemy attacks to sometimes damage the enemy instead of the player character.
Unlock "Investigate the shape of the key that opens a door's lock." The character with this ability needs to be in the lead position for it to work. Essential in the Sealed Cave/Labyrinth.

About gaining abilities[edit | edit source]

Here are a few examples:
Character Ability Level Ability Level
Traveller Scroll 6
Hunter Shoot 7 Jump 8
Thief Hit&Way 6
Guardian Shoot 7 Swordmaster 5
Poet Scroll 7 Restore Lute 6

Abilities are learned when you level up, but rather than being attached to your level they seem to be learned according to the number of enemies a character has killed. There also seems to be a random element. The remarks about random elements in the section above on stat changes probably also apply here.

There are values in the ROM which seem to be related to the learning of abilities. More investigation is needed to work out precisely what they mean, though. It looks as though, for example, a Traveller may learn Scroll sooner than a Poet.