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Items are unique to the Famicom Disk System version of the game. They are not found in any other version. Items can strengthen or weaken the druid. Items which help the druid have the potential to lower the druid's rating at the end of the game, while items which hamper the druid can improve the druid's rating.

The druid can store up to six different items at one time, including multiple instances of the same item. Particular items are stored in a seventh position (on the right, set apart from the rest,) of which only one may be possessed at one time.

Attack assistance items[edit | edit source]

Double Triple
Possession of the Double item cuts the cost of casting magic in half. It also permits the druid to cast two instances of a spell at one time. This item slightly lowers your rating.
Casting three of an attack spell will only cost you one point of magic if you have Triple. You can also cast two instances of a spell at once. This item slightly lowers your rating.
Double Lob Triple Lob
The Double Lob item is just like the Double item, except that your magic will continue to pass through enemies and objects. This item slightly lowers your rating.
In addition to all the benefits of Triple, the magic you cast will crash through enemies and objects if you have the Triple Lob item. This item slightly lowers your rating.

Beneficial items[edit | edit source]

Sure Spirit
Possession of the Sure item reduces the rate at which the druid suffers damage from standing in water. This item lowers your rating.
The Spirit item will increase the rate at which a pentagram will restore the druid's health. The item lowers your rating.
Endurance Endurance-G
The Endurance item will increase the druid's defense, and reduce the amount of damage he takes from attacks. This item lowers your rating.
The defense of a Golem companion is increased with possession of the Endurance-G item. This item lowers your rating.
Charger Virtue
The duration of the Encelis and Chaos spells is increased by possessing the Charger item. The item lowers your rating.
Unlike other items which affect the druid's strength, this very rare item purely influences the druid's rating, unconditionally increasing it by two levels at the end of the game.

Harmful items[edit | edit source]

Harden Tumbler
The Harden item curses the druid by causing him to freeze involuntarily at random intervals. This item significantly raises your rating.
When you have the Tumbler, you will find that the druid cannot attack at random intervals. This item raises your rating.
Haze Heaven
The item of Haze will make it difficult for the druid to see both the enemies around him, and his own position in the maze. This item raises your rating.
The Heaven item is a twisted item that causes damage to the druid whenever he casts a spell. It occupies the seventh item position. This item significantly raises your rating.
Startle Drunk
You will find that the number of enemies which appear increases substantially when you possess the Startle item. This item slightly raises your rating.
The Drunk item causes your controls over the druid to reverse themselves, making it more difficult to guide him. This item raises your rating.