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Box artwork for Ganbare Goemon Gaiden 2: Tenka no Zaihou.
Box artwork for Ganbare Goemon Gaiden 2: Tenka no Zaihou.
Ganbare Goemon Gaiden 2: Tenka no Zaihou
Year released1992
System(s)NES, Wii U
Preceded byThe Legend of the Mystical Ninja
Followed byGanbare Goemon 2: Kiteretsu Shougun Magginesu
SeriesLegend of the Mystical Ninja
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)CERO All ages
LinksGanbare Goemon Gaiden 2: Tenka no Zaihou ChannelSearch

Ganbare Goemon Gaiden 2: Tenka no Zaihou (がんばれゴエモン外伝がいでん2 天下の財宝てんかのざいほう? lit. "Persevere Goemon Gaiden 2: Treasure of the World") is a video game in the Goemon series, released for the Family Computer on January 3, 1992 in Japan, developed and published by Konami. It is the second Goemon role-playing game, and the last Goemon game released on the Family Computer.

While the game has never been released outside of Japan, a fan translation of the game, translating the game into English, has been made available and can be found here.

Story[edit | edit source]

One day, while Goemon's sitting in his house with nothing to do, Ebisumaru arrives with news of a large treasure hidden in a big city overseas. The two friends thus leave on a ship, embarking on a journey to find it.

Table of Contents


Ganbare Goemon Gaiden 2: Tenka no Zaihou/Table of Contents