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Quest for Stephen's flag[edit]


Bowyer and fletcher - Ryan Ashley

The small cottage before you is surrounded by trees. Around the side you see a young Elf struggling to bend a long strip of wood. "Blasted Pyar wood!", he yells as it snaps. "Excuse the outburst. This wood is among the best for bowmaking, but very fragile!"

  • Pyar? "I came from there! As a boy we sat in the trees and threw rocks at the Bronk! What fun!" (#Elmu)
  • ELF/ELVESS: "Elf! I know you will recognize a good weapon when you see it. Here, let me show you one."
  • MAN/DWARF/KELDEN: "Fighter! Let me show you the kind of bow I fashioned for the Brettle guards!"
  • WOMAN: "Miss, perhaps you think a bow is too hard to bend. Try an Elven, and you will rethink!"

His eyebrows reveal pure blue eyes which pierce your soul. Mesmerized, you ask:

  • News? "I have heard the Guild of Knights had their Standard taken! Stephen must be upset!" (#Hegissa, #Stephen)
  • News? "In Klvar there is an Elf who is a master of the bow. Seek him when you are adept enough!" (#Thadius)
  • Seggallion? "Seggallion is known to the Elves as a great knight! I have not seen him for many years!"
  • Other? He examines the broken wood carefully. "I am sure someone around here can answer that!"

Relayed from #Stephen:

  • Bandits? "They like to lurk along the Krell Way and ambush people who travel along it!" (#Endle)

"Could you hand me that piece of Pyar over there? Thanks. Have a good journey!"


A residence - Stephen of Craymore

You knock on the door a few times before you hear footsteps approach. It opens wide and a man with an enormous scar on his dark face looks out. Suddenly you notice he has no hands. "What is it you want? I do not mean to be rude, but I have not the time for idle gossip."

  • MAN/ELF/DWARF/KELDEN: "Yes, warrior? As you can see, I too have been in many battles. Some have left a mark!"
  • WOMAN/ELVESS: "Valkyrie, your hands too will be needed to win victory over the foes which come."

His dark eyes hold a sadness reminiscent of a homesick boy. You gaze into them and ask:

  • News? "I hear people mocking Seggallion and his men. I wish those who laugh could have been there!"
    • Seggallion? "Seggallion and I had split our forces. I was to hold the Point, while he took the Ridge."
    • Ridge? "The Sheller Ridge. There, Pildar's forces kept us from freeing the city of Shellernoon." (#Astimiah)
    • Pildar? "He outflanked Seggallion at night and attacked us. Those who lived were tortured."
    • Point? "Seggallion returned to the Point to find his old friends dead or without their hands."
  • Other? "Visit the other towns in the country. I am sure someone there will be able to help you!"

Relayed from #Ryan:

  • Standard? "The city's proud flag, entrusted to our guild, has been stolen beneath our very eyes. Never has the Knight's Guild suffered so. The bastard Pildar has mocked our heritage! Our guild would be most grateful to he who would slay the Bandits and reclaim our flag! Perhaps there is still hope! Be quick now! My men said they were last seen heading north!" (#Ryan)

"Good luck, friends. If you should pass Raven's Point, remember to bow your head in honor!"


Hansard forger - Endle Luteman

This weatherbeaten domicile is the home and workplace of the best swordmaker in Brettle. A large, ash-covered cinder block stands in a room full of prongs, hammers and anvils. "Be with you in a minute. Careful! That anvil will burn the skin right off your arm!"

  • ELF/ELVESS: "Elf, I once saw a blade from Klvar. Its metal shone blue as a river at night!"
  • MAN/KELDEN: "Warrior, perhaps you are here because of tale or myth, but Endle makes his swords the best!"
  • WOMAN: "Missy, I have many fine swords all balanced for the delicate touch of a woman!"
  • DWARF: "Dwarves! You cannot buy everything with the gold you hoard! Go, before I test my blade on you!"

His huge hand wields a large hammer which rings loudly on his anvil. You shout at him:

  • News? "The Duke has done nothing for this town but made it a stopover for Pildar's men!"
    • Pildar? "Come now, you must know who Pildar is! Have not you seen the Dark Tower?"
    • Dark Tower? "The Dark Tower was built by Pildar in his zeal to control every province near it!"
  • Other? He does not look up from his anvils as he shrugs his massive shoulders and apologizes.

Relayed from #Ryan:

  • Krell Way? "The Krell Way! The road that brought you into town if you came from the northwest!"

"Come back before the condition of your weapon affects the condition of your body!"

Quest for Stephanie's gavel[edit]


A residence - Stephanie Punderglass

The sound of your knock carries a melodious pitch through the oaken door. A woman with an intoxicationg smile bids you enter in a voice as soft as a summer's day. "Hello, kind folk! I am Stephanie. My house is yours while you sojourn here. Come, sit."

  • MAN/ELF/DWARF/KELDEN: "What pretty eyes, sir. The eyes of a warrior, with the brave heart to match! Welcome!"
  • WOMAN/ELVESS: "Such pretty hair! Oh, that I had velvet locks such as you. And with your strength too!"

Her every move is as if she were quietly dancing to some hidden ballad. Captivated, you ask:

  • News? "This Festival will not be the same as last. I am missing the life of my heart, my beloved."
    • Festival? "I and my sisters came to the Festival dressed in our finest. There I met Seggallion."
    • Seggallion? "Seggallion? You have had word of him then? I knew he would return to me some day. Bless you."
  • News? "I am sure Pildar has something to do with Seggallion vanishing. Pildar is so evil!" (#Hegissa)
  • News? "I had left my home for a short time when Ruffians broke in and stole the Gavel!"
    • Gavel? "The Gavel is the ancient symbol of the Aldermen's Guild. For six centuries have we, the most respected of three city guilds, kept it safe. But last week a gang of Ruffians, no doubt under Pildar's command, seized our Gavel and escaped into the Tantowyn!" Hatred and hope mingle in her eyes. "Go now, return our Gavel and earn our favor!" (#Jonathon)
  • Other? Her lips part and her eyes play along the arm of her chair. "I am not one to spread gossip."

"Care for yourselves on your journeys. You will be long in my thoughts, brave ones!"


Weaponer - Jonathon Sinew

Steam, smoke, sweat and the clanging of hammers on bands of red glowing metal tell you this is the Duke's smithy. An enormous sweaty man with a red beard looks up and smiles at you. "Hello there! I am known as Jonathon, Forger of the Brettle Regulars! Come into my shop!"

  • KELDER: "Your warriors are brave and strong, Kelder. I fought next to them in the war!"
  • MAN/DWARF: "Ah, let me see your weapon, brave one. I can tell the age of a blade at a glance!"
  • WOMAN: "Beautiful lady, I have been looking for a mate who has good strength! Please come in!"
  • ELF/ELVESS: "Get out, you wisp. You and your kind are so afraid of battle you hide in trees!"

He wipes the sweat from his beard with a large, grease-covered hand and looks at you as you ask:

  • News? "I forged a weapon for a warrior last week. He said he was attacked by some Ruffians!"
    • Ruffians? "Yes, Ruffians were following the River Passing just into the Tantowyn!"
    • Tantowyn? "You must be new to this region. The Great Wood to the west is called the Tantowyn."
  • News? "I was lost in the Thorn Hills many years ago. There I met a tall man called Nethor."
    • Thorn hills? "The Thorn Hills lie many days ride west of here. Careful of the beasts in them!"
    • Nethor? "The strange thing about Nethor was his eyes. He had a gaze as cold as ice!"
  • Other? Gnawing on the long red hairs of his beard which curl over his bottom lip, he shakes his head.

"Good day. Remember to care for your weapons as you do for your life and they will not fail you!"

Quest for Hegissa's quill[edit]


A residence - Hegissa of Mistdwell

You follow the dirty path and come upon a rickety shack. Runes of many kinds are scrawled across the rotting door. You knock and a woman appears at the window. "Not so hard! Come, come inside with me. I have just prepared a special brew! Come, sit and sip some too!"

  • MAN/ELF/DWARF/KELDEN: Using her cane, she pokes you in the stomach and purses her lips. "I see you are a fighter!"
  • WOMAN/ELVESS: "Heard of Katrissa? I raised her from the time she could not lift her head!"

Her blind eyes put you ill at ease, but you muster your courage and ask:

  • News? "Ast sarak 'dar natak! An eternal pox on all the worthless Knights of the land!"
    • Knights? "Groveling worms! Shak arytan drafac obys!" Distant thunder rumbles its ominous reply. "Our guild owns an enchanted quill. Without it, our magics cannot be written. Those bumbling knights allowed Ghouls to enter the city and make off with it! Il quada tak um sesta!" The smell of sulfur fills the air. "Go now, and recover our guild's quill from those spawn of death." (#Elmu)
  • News? "Long ago in Ghor, a salamander burned out my eyes while I was casting a spell!"
    • Ghor? "Those hills lie far in the province of Htron. Be careful if you travel there!" (#Brandon)
  • Other? "Hellfire and leaping toads! You have asked a question that Hegissa cannot answer!"

Relayed from #Stephanie:

  • Pildar? "Pildar is a demon who can conjure monstrous things, like skeletons, zombies and ghouls!"

"Good fortunes all! Be wary too, for in the end a grave is due! Let it be for foes of you!"


Trollsbane Inn - Elmu Trollhewer

This inn is run by the Stiffknuckles family, a highly respected clan of Dwarves. Dungar and Thelma own this inn, but their cousins, Elmu and Gagnis, have been left to manage it. "Friends, it is my job as manager of this inn to make sure your beds are comfortable!"

  • DWARF: "Brother Dwarf, please be comfortable at this place! I will give you my best room!"
  • MAN/ELF/KELDEN: "Hello, warrior. I am glad to see stout men enter the doors of this humble inn.
  • WOMAN/ELVESS: "Ah, a female warrior! Glad to see women out for blood in these dangerous times."

You lean across the scarred counter, hoping for a better view of his stout face as you ask:

  • News? "My wife, the Troll, has put me to fixing the roof. If you see me fly past a window, wave!" (#Thadius)
  • News? "The Elven way of doing things aggravates me all that shuffling about, singing. Bah!"
    • Elves? "The strangest Elves come from the Klvar Wood. It is the biggest wood in the south." (#Thadius)
  • News? "I have got this awful pain in my back from trying to look up at tall folks all day!"
  • Other? He thinks for a second and then replies: "I do not know from nothing, really. Sorry."

Relayed from #Thadius and #Hegissa:

  • Ghouls? "I used to encounter many ghouls when hunting wild Bronk as a youth. Those were the days."
    • Bronk? "Never heard of them, eh? I used to hunt them down south in the Elven forests. Good luck!"

"Farewell! See if you can cleave a few trolls' heads for me on your next adventure!"


Broken Keg inn - Thadius Button

If this building had a sign out front, it would read "Scum welcome". Here even the poorest can bed down with the filthy and the depraved. A one eared man coughs and extends a sticky hand. "I am Button. This door closes at midnight. After that I do not see nothing. Got that?"

  • MAN/ELF/DWARF/KELDEN: "I have got just two rules: keep your fights in the hallways, and the dead in you rooms."
  • WOMAN/ELVESS: "Now the women are getting into the act! As if there was a lack of bloodshed already."

He cocks his weathered face towards you and squints as you look at him and ask:

  • News? "I had to clean my place for nearly half a day after those Magic users stayed here!"
    • Magic users? "They said they had been down in the Klvar wood. Said some Ghouls ambushed them. Huh!" (#Elmu)
    • Klvar wood? "Go out of town and head south along the road. After about a day, head south some more!"
  • News? "I was a scout in the big one. Seggallion's men kept my little band busy, I will say!"
    • Seggallion? "Seggallion? Yeah, he is some big fighter type. Some say he almost lost the Great War!" (#Astimiah)
  • Other? He coughs, then opens his hand to look. "This cedar pollen can sure choke a man, heh."

Relayed from #Elmu:

  • Trolls? "I have not seen them around here for nearly six years. Large they were, ten foot tall!" (about 3m)

"I would say come back, but if you make any money you will not, so I will just say good luck!"

Quest for Benjamin's sword[edit]


The mayor's house - Benjamin Figgley

This is the home of the honorable Mayor Ben Figgley. As you enter you notice fine rugs and imported crystal. His wife was not in, so the Mayor had to open the door himself! "Hello, my friends of the adventuresome profession! I welcome you to my abode!"

  • MAN/DWARF/KELDEN: "Good day, Warrior. As Mayor of this fair village, I could use a man of your skills."
  • WOMAN: "Hello, miss, I have need for women as well as men in the Brettle Militia! Welcome."
  • ELF/ELVESS: "Elf, what brings one as fair as you from the forests south? The need to adventure?"

You glance about the ornate room, astonished by all the crystal. You look at him and ask:

  • News? "I shall not discuss this village's problems with those unknown to the guilds!"
  • News? "Return to me after you have the key to obtaining my quest. Go now, time is wasting!"
  • Other? He glances at the ceiling and adjusts his spectacles on his nose. "Ask another this."

"Farewell, brave souls! Remember to keep your hearts pure and your swords high!"


Fortress of Brettle - Hvrad Myth

You enter the gate and see men dueling with both dummy and live foes. A large man is shouting orders at two armor clad figures. The shack to your left looks promising. "Welcome! I was just in here to sharpen this sword. My name is Hvrad Myth. Welcome!"

  • KELDEN: "Kelder, I say kumlaka to you! I fought many battles with your kind in the Goblin Wars!"
  • MAN/ELF/DWARF: "Yes, you seem to be a very sturdy sort. I bet you could take almost any man on the field!"
  • WOMAN/ELVESS: "Ah! An Amazon! You have the lean look of one who has seen many battles in the hills!"

He turns and shouts a few more orders at the battling men. When he turns around, you ask:

  • News? "I keep a spare weapon in my belt just in case I have a run in with those Goblins!"
    • Goblins? "Goblins? You can see some for yourself if you venture down to the coast. Head south!"
  • News? "The best tutors are not always located in towns. They require you to be adept, however!"
  • News? "A foe in plate is like a wife with a big skillet. Always assume they can handle it!"
  • News? "I believe the wisest warrior is the one who knows his limitations. Wear light armor!"
  • Other? "I am just a trainer of men in weapons. Perhaps you should seek wisdom in another place."

"Goodbye strong ones! Slay that which is evil and you will always have a friend in Hvrad!"

Other residents[edit]


Wizard's tower - Astimiah Eckhart

A high tower reaches to the Sky in front of you. Leaning back, you can see a figure dressed in blue leaning over the parapets. He looks like he is chanting, but then garbage strikes you. "Look out! Sorry, I will be down in a Bret!" He suddenly appears in front of you.

  • MAN/ELF/DWARF/KELDEN: "Sorry for the mess, but I can see that you seldom bathe anyway. Or is that this cup?"
  • WOMAN/ELVESS: "What luck that I did not spill on you. I have been so busy. What day is it?"

He rubs his weathered grey hands together, glancing at the ground then at you, ask you ask:

  • News? "I dropped trash on a guy the other day who said he came from the city of Shellernoon."
    • Shellernoon? "It is home to many strange people. Be sure to talk to that little guy outside!"
  • Other? He glides his fingers along a strand of his shimmering hair, raises his brow, and shrugs.

Relayed from #Thadius:

  • Great war? "My, you are new here. The great war was the attempt by Pildar to take over this land!"
    • Pildar? "Pildar celebrated his victory at Raven's Point by severing his victims' hands!"
    • Point? "Seggallion fought a few orcs at the Point, while his men were being tortured to death!"
    • Seggallion? "He was supposedly a great knight, but he almost lost the Great War with that charge!"

"Sorry again for the mess. I have a lot of spells brewing and often I forget my manners!"

The Brothers[edit]

Ludeman armorers - The Ludeman brothers

As you step inside, you see two strapping boys fitting a large fighter in plate armor. They are twins, both with brown hair and blue eyes. "Just a minute", they say in unison. "Hello. I am Kyle. My brother Brendon and I would be happy to fit you in strong armor."

  • DWARF: "Friend Dwarf! Our father was killed in Mytrone, defending the Dwarven city there."
  • MAN/ELF/KELDEN: "Ah! You should see our new chain mail. You look as though you could use some excellent armor!"
  • WOMAN/ELVESS: "Miss, our sister, who is in patrol in the woods, wears light chain of our design!"

They both look up from their work and gaze at you. After a moment, you decide to ask them:

  • News? "The Friar can never get us straight. We trade off going to Mass and he never notices!"
  • News? "It is easy to tell us apart. I am the one with the birthmark on the underside of my arm!"
  • News? "The Stablemaster is in league with evil. Take care when you deal with him!"
    • Stablemaster? "We have seen him late at night, talking to a black cloaked figure. Could be Pildar!"
    • Pildar? They look at each other and lean close. "We think they have taken the Duke somewhere!" (#Brandon)
  • Other? Kyle turns to look at Brendon and they both shrug their shoulders. "Ask around!"

Relayed from # ?: Elroth? A noise makes both boys whip their heads around and stare at the door. "Ask the others." (#Brother Huxley)

"Goodbye. My brother and I hope you have a good journey. Come back and see us again!"


Holcroft stables - Brandon Holcroft

Next to this little cottage is a large barn housing what smells like horses. A man comes to the door dressed in short black pants and suspenders, holding a rising crop in one hand. "Good day, my friends. I am Brandon Holcroft. If you wish to buy a steed, follow me!"

  • MAN/ELF/KELDEN: "Ah, warrior, no normal steed would suffice a man of your stature. Perhaps a warhorse?"
  • WOMAN/ELVESS: "Miss, if you will look in stall three you will see a wondrous beast from Tantowyn!"
  • DWARF: "And what would one as short as yourself be needing here? Perhaps an old dog, eh?"

The stablemaster taps his riding crop against his leather pants as you turn to him and ask:

  • News? "If you see Radlip, tell him that his steed is fed and waiting for him at the Point."
    • Radlip? "Radlip? He is the most benevolent of the rulers of the Realm. I hope you meet him someday!" (#The Butler)
    • Point? "The scene of one of the greatest battles of the Great War! I led the charge up it!" (#Astimiah)
  • News? "Be careful in Htron! I hear there is an evil elf named Sam who lives outside the walls!"
    • Htron? "Oh, you have not been to the pirate city yet? It is north of here, about two days of ride."
  • Other? He looks up at the sky for a moment, grabbing the end of his crop in his hand. "Sorry."

Relayed from #The Brothers:

  • Duke? "The Duke is a fool to leave the country for that council. I hope it does not prove fatal!"

"Goodbye for now! I hope you have a safe journey." He turns and begins to feed a horse.


The Lonely Page pub - Forest Largehead

As you enter, you notice a few people arguing with a young man over their bar bill. He snatches it from them, grabs them by the collar, and shoves them out the door. "And stay out! What do you want? If you plan to eat here, be sure you have the money!"

  • MAN/ELF/DWARF/KELDEN: "Yes, well, you seem to be bright enough to find this place. I am out of beer, so do not ask!"
  • WOMAN/ELVESS: "Listen Miss, let us get things straight. I think you should be home tending the chores!"

He drums his fingers in obvious boredom, which makes it hard to think. Finally you ask:

  • News? "With the Festival coming up, I am swamped with work. So so not add to it, ok?"
    • Festival? "Did I say that? I meant vegetables. If you want excitement, let me suggest Olanthen."
    • Olanthen? "Olanthen. The city of the hunters. #The Butler for the Duke just got back from there, ask him!"
    • Butler? "What is to be heard? I suppose he cleans floors and protects the Manor from adventurers."
    • Manor? "A manor is something certain people who do not stop asking questions lack."
    • Duke? "I must not be as daft as you are, because I can remember things like who the Duke is."
  • Other? "Yes, I have heard about that. That is... ah, it is the... ah, never mind!"

He looks at you as you shout "Goodbye", and then returns his gaze to a stack of dishes.

The Butler[edit]

Farcliff - The Duke's Manor

The large wood and iron door creaks as it opens, and a well-dressed man fills the doorway. In the entrance behind him an expensive hall is framed by two ornate spiral staircases. "Yes. Have you come for the lawn work? No? Then what it is you soil my knocker for?"

  • MAN/ELF/DWARF/KELDEN: "Please do not lean too close. Your breath is atrocious and your body is unbathed."
  • WOMAN/ELVESS: "Why do not you act as a lady and leave this trade behind? Tsk, tsk, such a waste!"

His tall, thin frame twists slightly as he turns to face you. Intimidated, you ask:

  • News? "Are you sure you want to be an adventurer? I guess, to qualify, you have to fog a mirror."
  • Duke? "The Duke has been gone for some time. I guess the High Council needs him longer."
    • High council? "The High Council? It is the yearly meeting of all the dukes in the Realm."
    • Realm? "You certainly have not traveled much, have you? The Realm. All of the King's provinces!"
    • King? "Come now. Our ruler? The King? Does any of this ring a bell? Where have you been?"
  • Other? "I am a butler, not a sage. If you wish to engage in meaningless banter, go elsewhere!"

Relayed from #Forest:

  • Olanthen? "It was a fine trip. I went to see if they knew where Seggallion had gone." (#Stephanie)

"I will tell the Duke some bruisers were here to see him. I am sure he will be thrilled."

Friar Huxley[edit]

Saint Paul's abbey - Friar Huxley

This Abbey is the home of the Dancing Friar, as people in town like to call him. He is sometimes seen jumping and flipping as he makes his way through the village! "Hello, my children! I see that you have been looking around our fair village!"

  • KELDEN: "An angel here on earth! To look upon the beauty of your wings is a blessing from God!"
  • MAN/ELF/DWARF: "Good rise, my sturdy warrior friend! I was going to be a fighter, but I found God!"
  • WOMAN/ELVESS: "Miss, I am sure you will smithe your foes as well with your weapon as you do with your looks!"

The friar seems to be unable to stand still, swaying to and fro, and as you fight dizziness you ask:

  • News? "My stomach is getting so big I can barely fit into the costume I wear at the Festival!"
    • Festival? "Of course, everyone comes to the Festival! It celebrates the fall of the evil Pildar!"
    • Pildar? "Pildar, as you know, is the most evil man in the land. Even more evil than Elroth!"
    • Elroth? "He may be a bit old for you youngsters, but at one time Elroth was feared by all races!"
  • News? "I do not condone all this violence, but some creatures like Trolls should be eliminated!"
    • Trolls? "One of my flock said that the Trolls are after a party of dwarves who have stolen their gold!"
  • Other? He flashes a toothy grin at you and says: "I just do not recall, perhaps more wine!"

"Godspeed, my friends! Pray for the souls of your foes, for they will need it!"

Out of town[edit]


Tower at threeroads - Fistan Stockhard

At the intersection of three roads stands a stout tower. A soldier equally as stout soon answers your knock. He is a Dwarf, but wears the insigna of the Duke on his breast. "Greetings! I sit here day upon day as people pass me by. Your visit is a welcome change."

  • MAN/ELF/DWARF/KELDEN: "Enter and sit, friend. Even the hairs on your ears look tired from your long journey."
  • WOMAN/ELVESS: "Here, miss, take my chair. I can perch here on the steps and eat. Reminds me of home."

As you soak in the warm light of the fire, you feel at ease. He smiles as you ask him:

  • News? "If you do not mind, it is been so long since I have had guests. How about a Story?"
    • Story? "Many years ago, this tower was a lookout post for Brettle. I had just left the Highwaymen."
    • Highwaymen? "There were two of us then. Orgman was a tall human with a loud laugh. We ran the place."
    • Orgman? "I am getting to him." He adjusts his seat and continues. "We saw many Beasts in those days."
    • Beasts? "Huge giants which rammed against the tower and ran only after we shot our Catapult."
    • Catapult? "Yes! Ah, we had great fun back then. But he died and Brettle did not need us anymore."

"Farewell! Remember, south is Brettle, west is Thimblewald and the Hobe, north is Htron."


Klvar tree house - Tyrolliar Cellana

You follow a mysterious voice which sings a melodious song, leading you through the wood. When it stops, a voice above you catches your attention. You look up at an Elf in a tree. "Welcome to my home. Inside the tree trunk are stairs for you to use to come up here."

  • MAN/ELF/DWARF/KELDEN: "Too much armor you wear. You could never pass through the Elven lands unnoticed."
  • WOMAN/ELVESS: "Even in the lightest armor, your form is hidden from view. This is not the Usip way."

Sitting there among the leaves he looks a comical sight. You swallow a smile and ask:

  • News? "I am sure you are surprised to see a Usip so far north, but alas, I have been called!"
    • Usip? "The death of our kind is but a whisper of what Pildar has planned." He grows quiet.
  • News? "I came here to speak farewell to the tribe. They hide from you, but I am already dead."
    • Klvar? "We say our goodbyes to them as we are going into the Tymes. We will then be memories."
  • News? It takes a few moments for him to recover. "I only hope our death is not in vain."
  • News? "Do not shed a tear in our memory. Instead, know that our thoughts are with you all!"
  • Other? "There are secrets the Elves keep even from each other. We are a secretive race."

As you exit the tree, he resumes the sad song which greeted you. Will you ever hear it again?