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Box artwork for Lumines Plus.
Box artwork for Lumines Plus.
Lumines Plus
Developer(s)Q Entertainment
Publisher(s)Ubisoft Entertainment, Buena Vista Games, Bandai
Year released2007
System(s)PlayStation 2
Preceded byLumines II
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
LinksLumines Plus ChannelSearchSearch

The fourth game in the series, Lumines Plus is a remake of the original PSP version and was released on the PS2. It was released in February 2007 and is a budget priced game, probably because it is a remake and because it was released at the same time as the PS3. Unlike other Lumines games, it was released in Europe first and is not going to be released in its native Japan. Despite being a remake, new skins and extra content was added but generally it is the same as the original.

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