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Damage charts[edit | edit source]

Playing using X[edit | edit source]

Where two values are shown, the first one is the damage dealt by an uncharged shot, the second one by a fully charged shot. Exception: the Twin Slasher's third digit is the damage inflicted to Web Spider when cutting the spiderweb.

A plus (+) after the digit means that a single shot can deal damage repeatedly.

The most effective weapon against a boss is highlighted in green. Weapons obtained from the same Maverick are highlighted in red.

Magma Dragoon 1;3 6 0 0 0 0 2+ 0;1 0 4;5
Frost Walrus 1;3 6 4;5 0 1 1;0 1+ 0;1 0 0
Jet Stingray 1;3 6 0 4;5 0 1;2 0 2;1 0 1;2
Slash Beast 1;3 6 1;0 1;0 4;5 0 1+ 0;1 0 0
Web Spider 1;3 6 1;2 1;2 1;2 2;4;8 0 1 0 1;2
Split Mushroom 1;3 6 1 1 1 1 4;2+ 0;1 0 1
Cyber Peacock 1;3 6 1;2 0 0 0 0 4;1 0 2
Storm Owl 1;3 6 1;2 2 0 1;2 2+ 1 1+ 0
Colonel 1;2 6 0 3;4 0 0 0 0;1+ 0 0
Double 0;2 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
General 1;2 6 0 0 0 3;5 0 0;1+ 0 0
Sigma (1) 0 0 6;4+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sigma (2) 1;3 6 0 0 0 0 4+ 0;1+ 0 0
Sigma (3-head) 0;2 4 0 0 2;3 0 0 0 0 0
Sigma (3-gunner) 0;2 4 0 0 0 0 0 3;0 0 0

Playing using Zero[edit | edit source]

The table below show the damage inflicted by every Zero's weapon to the Mavericks. Green cells refer to the suggested weapon for each Maverick, red cells refer to weapons obtained from the same Maverick.

About the Z-saber: the first value is the damage inflicted by the first two slashes in a row; the second digit is the damage inflicted by the third slash.

(W. Spider)
(S. Mushroom)
(M. Dragoon)
(F. Walrus)
(C. Peacock)
(S. Beast)
Web Spider 1;2 2 2 0 3 3 2 1 4
Split Mushroom 1;2 3 1 4 2 2 2 0 1
Magma Dragoon 1;1 1 1 4 2 0 0 1 1
Frost Walrus 2;3 2 2 1 3 5 0 1 1
Jet Stingray 1;2 2 2 0 2 0 4 1 1
Cyber Peacock 1;3 3 1 2 2 4 0 0 1
Storm Owl 1;2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2+ 1
Slash Beast 1;2 1 2 4 2 2 2 1 0
(W. Spider)
(S. Mushroom)
(M. Dragon)
(F. Walrus)
(C. Peacock)
(S. Beast)
Colonel 1;2 - 2 0 2 2 4 1 2
Iris 2;3 - 3 1 2 4 2 1 2
General 2;4 - 3 3 4 2 2 1 3
Sigma (1) - - - - 0 6 0 0 -
Sigma (2) 1;3 - 1 3 3 0 2 4 1
Sigma (3-head) 1;2 - 2 0 2 0 3 0 2
Sigma (3-gunner) - - 2 - 3 4 2 1 -

Weapons[edit | edit source]

Some of the effective weapons can also knock out that boss and interrupt his move, while some other simply deal more damage.

X's weapons[edit | edit source]

Weapon Maverick Description Effect Charged Uses
Rising Fire Magma Dragoon Shoots a flame cluster straight up. Melt ice blocks and burn foliage to obtain items. Performs a flaming Shoryuken-like move, then shoots a large fireball upwards. 16 (4)
Frost Tower Frost Walrus Create ice barrier around the body, then the barrier falls to the floor when used in the air Sometimes freezes enemies Summon huge icicles that drop from above 16 (4)
Ground Hunter Jet Stingray Shoot small stingrays that move along floors and down walls. You can make it go straight down by pressing Down dpad Fires a larger stingray directly forward. By pressing Up dpad or Down dpad, it will produce smaller stingrays in its wake. 48 (8)
Twin Slasher Slash Beast Fires two energy waves, diagonally up-forward and down-forward. Charged Twin Slasher can destroy certain rocks. Fires a spread of eight larger waves. 48 (8)
Lightning Web Web Spider Launches an electrified web that travels a set distance forward, then stops and hangs in midair. Doesn't harm enemies after it stopped. X can jump off the web as if it were a wall. Creates an expanding network of nine webs. 12 (4)
Soul Body Split Mushroom Creates a temporary hologram of X; the hologram mimics X's movement and damages enemies on contact. - Creates a holographic clone of X that you can control directly while X stands still. This clone can fire buster shots, and both it and the real X are invincible while it lasts. 8 (4)
Aiming Laser Cyber Peacock A targeting reticule is projected in front of X; it can be aimed along an arc by pressing Up dpad and Down dpad. When the reticule touches an enemy, it locks on to that enemy and follows its movements. Once it's locked on, fire the laser and it will hit the enemy wherever it is. Up to 3 enemies can be targeted. - Projects a wide laser which can be swung up or down with Up dpad and Down dpad. 48 (4)
Double Cyclone Storm Owl Creates two swirling energy balls to either side of X that float upwards. - Fires two cyclones horizontally, forward and backwards. 48 (4)

Zero's attacks[edit | edit source]

Raijingeki[edit | edit source]

  • Translation: Thundergod (Raijin) Attack (geki)
  • Obtained from: Web Spider
  • Effective against: Split Mushroom and Magma Dragoon (too slow to hit Slash Beast)
    • Can only knockout Mushroom.

Press Special Weapon on the ground. The Z-Saber is electrified and Zero thrusts forward with it. There is slight lag between zero drawing his saber and him thrusting it. However, this can be eliminated by executing Raijingeki in place of the third slash of Zero's standard saber combo.

Ryuenjin[edit | edit source]

  • Translation: Dragon (ryu) Flame (en) Blade (jin)
  • Obtained from: Magma Dragoon
  • Effective against: Frost Walrus, Cyber Peacock and Reaper Sigma
    • Can knock out all of them.

Press Up dpad + Special Weapon on the ground. The Z-Saber turns into fire, and Zero jumps diagonally and performs an uppercut with it. Burns foliage and melts ice.

Hyouretsuzan[edit | edit source]

  • Translation: Ice (hyou) Fury (retsu) Slash (zan)
  • Also known as: Ice Stab
  • Obtained from: Frost Walrus
  • Effective against: Jet Stingray and Colonel
    • Can knock out Stingray.

Press Down dpad + Special Weapon in midair. The Z-Saber turns into an icicle and Zero stabs straight downward with it.

Rakuhouha[edit | edit source]

  • Translation: Fallen (raku) Phoenix (hou) Crush (ha)
  • Obtained from: Cyber Peacock
  • Effective against: Storm Owl and Reaper Sigma(2)
    • Can knock out Owl.

Press the Giga Attack button while on the ground. Zero punches the ground and fires nine energy balls that travel through walls in a half-circle spread. This is the only technique that uses weapon energy.

Shippuuga[edit | edit source]

  • Translation: Hurricane (shippuu) Fang (ga)
  • Obtained from: Slash Beast
  • Effective against: General (Web Spider is almost always out of range)

Press Special Weapon while dashing. The Z-Saber turns pink and Zero performs a dashing slash. Cannot be used by air-dashing

Zero's techniques[edit | edit source]

Kuuenbu & Kuuenzan[edit | edit source]

  • Translation: Air (kuu) Circling (en) Dance (bu)/Slash (zan)
  • Also known as: Sky Waltz
  • Obtained from: Split Mushroom

Kuuenbu enables Zero to double-jump. Kuuenzan replaces Zero's normal midair slash with a spinning slash.

Hienkyaku[edit | edit source]

  • Translation: Flying (hi) Swallow (en) Foot (kyaku)
  • Also known as: Flying Jump
  • Obtained from: Jet Stingray

This enables Zero to air-dash.

Tenkuuha[edit | edit source]

  • Translation: Sky (tenkuu) Supremacy (ha)
  • Also known as: Sky Command
  • Obtained from: Storm Owl

The Z-Saber turns purple and can now block some enemy shots. Its attack power is also increased.