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Click here for more information about Ryu's other fighting game appearances.

An older and wiser man, Ryu is now at ease with himself and the concern he used to have over the possibility of Satsui no Hadou consuming his humanity. Ryu has never stopped training, and never stopped seeking strong opponents to do battle with. By the time the third World Warrior tournament rolls around, Ryu begins to wonder if he has reached the personal limits of his training, and if there is any point to his continued pursuit of becoming the ultimate warrior.

Through the events of the competition, including a rematch with friend and rival Ken, encountering the young and determined Alex, and gaining the respect and friendship of former gang member Hugo, Ryu is inspired anew. He begins to realize that the pursuit of becoming a better warrior needs no greater reason than his own enjoyment of it. His defeat at the hands of Oro impresses the old man so much, that he begins to consider whether or not Ryu is in fact the worthy student that he has been searching so long for.

Personal Action[edit | edit source]

When you perform Ryu's personal action (+), the rate at which his stun gauge empties will increase a bit. You can taunt up to three times to increase the rate at which his stun gauge goes down, but after that point, additional taunting won't do anything.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Street Fighter III[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Seoi Nage close, or + or
Tomoe Nage close, or + or
Sakotsu Wari +
Hadouken +
Shouryuuken +
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku +
Joudan Sokutou Geri +
I   Shinkuu Hadouken + (x1 meter)
II  Shin Shouryuuken + (x1 meter)
III Denjin Hadouken + , hold to charge (x1 meter)

Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Seoi Nage close, or + or
Tomoe Nage close, or + or
Straight + or
Sakotsu Wari +
(EX) Hadouken +
(EX) Shouryuuken +
(EX) Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku +
(EX) Kuuchuu Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku +
(EX) Joudan Sokutou Geri +
I   Shinkuu Hadouken + (x2 meter)
II  Shin Shouryuuken + (x1 meter)
III Denjin Hadouken + , hold to charge (x1 meter)

Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Seoi Nage ()+ +
Tomoe Nage + +
Straight +
Sakotsu Wari +
Kyuubi Kudaki +
(EX) Hadouken +
(EX) Shouryuuken +
(EX) Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku +
(EX) Kuuchuu Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku +
(EX) Joudan Sokutou Geri +
I   Shinkuu Hadouken + (x2 meter)
II  Shin Shouryuuken + (x1 meter)
III Denjin Hadouken + , hold to charge (x1 meter)
Target Combos