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This level is played mainly using green platforms with arrows on. It has another Mystery Box.

Before the checkpoint flag[edit | edit source]

Star Medal 1
This one's very hard to miss. When you approach the fountain, it will shoot water, propelling you up to the place where the Star Medal is. You will go over a Paragoomba while up here.

Run towards the green platform and stand on the arrow pointing away from the fence. Grab the coins on the way, jumping when necessary. You will encounter a Paragoomba. The ? block after the Paragoomba contains a Super Leaf. After this, there are more Paragoombas and coins. Don't worry - the fountains won't hurt you or anything (see sidebar for Star Medal 1). Next, you find a slope. All this means is that the platform will go very fast. Slopes are impossible to climb. Now, you will find another Paragoomba and towers of bricks and coins. One block stack goes over the far edge of the platform, the next goes over the close edge. You can duck under these, as with the next row of bricks which goes over the whole thing. In all cases (except the very last one), the coins are in the middle. Jump over to the next piece of land, which holds a checkpoint flag.

After the checkpoint flag[edit | edit source]

Star Medal 2
When you reach the end, go in the other direction. You'll find a Paragoomba and the medal here. As soon as you have the medal, rush to the right again or you'll fall into the abyss.
Star Medal 3
Instead of taking the fountain on the right, take the one on the left by backtracking. Keep going left to get the Star Medal. Again, the drop does no harm.

Run right to the next green platform. Ride to the right. Don't worry about the falls - you'll stop in the end (see sidebar for Star Medal 2). Avoid the black-and-orange Piranha Plant's fireballs and jump to the next green platform. At the next bit of land, run away from the camera and jump over. The ? blocks contain one coin each and the Mystery Box has three long ? blocks, the one on the left containing two coins and a Super Leaf, the one in the middle containing three coins and the one on the right containing lots of coins. Don't worry - the green platform will be where you left it. Next, you'll notice a Paragoomba and a track above where you are. Next, there are two fountains (see sidebar for Star Medal 3). If you manage not to take the one on the right, you'll get a green clock. Take the fountain on the right to continue. Grab as many coins as you can by standing in the right place and continue down the slope. Two fountains will push you up at the end. Land on the rails and jump on to the next bit of land. Enter the pipe by running in to it. Jump up the staircase-like ground formation, get on the green platform and jump right when it falls to get the top of the flagpole.