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This is the second castle in Super Mario 3D Land.

Before the checkpoint flag[edit | edit source]

Star Medal 1
When between two Thwomps, wall-jump on them until you're on top of one. The one in the middle is under a Star Medal, the one on the right is under four coins.
Star Medal 2
When on the metal railing-like platforms, jump onto a new one as soon as it comes out of the lava. You should get the Star Medal in the process.

Jump up the steps (the left brick contains a coin, the other is empty). Stun the Dry Bones. The ? block contains a coin, the bricks are empty. Jump up the steps. The next bricks contain one coin each. Jump onto the platforms. Run against them, jumping over the spiked cylinder. The ? block contains a Fire Flower, the bricks contain one coin each. Jump over to the next platforms, running with them and avoiding the spiky cylinders. Jump to the next platforms, run against them, stun the Dry Bones that the Bowser Box spits at you and jump to the next bit of dry land. When the wooden platform lowers, jump on it. Dodge the Dry Bones and jump to the next bit of dry land. Kill the Draglet and continue forwards. The left two bricks contain one coin each, the one on the right contains lots, the others are empty. Run under the Thwomps with good timing (see sidebar for Star Medal 1). Kill the Draglet and jump on the metal railing-like platforms (see sidebar for Star Medal 2). Stay on them as they move forwards. Go through the Red Ring and get the Red Coins for a Fire Flower (or 1-Up). When the platforms submerge, jump to dry land. When the Podoboos are submerged, jump over the crevice and grab the checkpoint flag.

After the checkpoint flag[edit | edit source]

Star Medal 3
When the platform submerges, stay as far left on it as you can. When you hit the Medal, immediately jump onto land.

As with World 1-Castle, all the binoculars give you is the chance to zoom in on the Toads to hear them wail. Run left, jumping on the moving platforms and avoid the Thwomps. Wall-jumping on them rewards you with four coins (on the one on the right). When you get to the end, jump on the dry land before the platform that you're on submerges (see sidebar for Star Medal 3). Jump forwards, kill the Draglet and jump forwards again. Ignore the Hammer Bro (although you can kill it for three coins) and, when lowered, jump on the wooden platforms. The bricks above the back right platform contain (from left to right): nothing, lots of coins, nothing. Run forwards when the platforms are lowered and, when raised, jump to the right. Do this to avoid the Podoboos.

Bowser[edit | edit source]

Run to the platforms on the right. Run forwards, jumping over the gaps and avoiding Bowser's fire. The bricks contain (starting furthest away from Bowser, from far to close, left to right): nothing, 1-Up, nothing, nothing, nothing, one coin. Jump on the purple carpet and follow it. Avoid the Podoboos and jump to Bowser's level, avoiding his Tanooki tail. He will jump further away from you. Use the same strategies as you did in World 1-Castle to defeat him, jumping over the bridge's gaps when necessary. When defeated, Bowser will split into a Magikoopa and a Super Leaf.

Post-Bowser[edit | edit source]

Run right. Again, the Toads only cheer. Jump in the ! block. Jump up the crates and jump to the top of the flag.