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Enemies[edit | edit source]

Sorted by increasing hit points. Enemy names were not provided by the manual.


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The half man, half goat Satyrs are a common enemy early on in the game. They appear from the left or right side of the ground and run across the screen, never changing direction. When they get closer to the player, they jump higher into the air, making it harder to anticipate their motion. Satyrs are an excellent choice for attacking when you are in need of Olives or health.


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Worms are the most basic form of enemy. You encounter them in Arcadia, as well as a little later on in the forests of Peloponnesus. They are extremely weak, but also extremely small. They always start out by crawling along the tree canopy. When they get close to you, they drop to the floor to attack. Since they are so small, you can't hit them even when you're crouching, unless they hop up into the air.


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Bats occupy caves and dense forests. They remain perched on the ceiling or in the canopy until they head movement below. Then they swoop down to attack whatever passes beneath them before flying back up. If you remain close, they will persist in their attack.

Flying fish

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You will only ever encounter Flying Fish while you are navigating long stretches of ocean on the back of a dolphin. These fish coast along the surface of the water until they get close to you. Then they leap high into the air in an effort to crash into you.


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Pygmies come in a variety of colors, depending upon which region you encounter them in. However, they all behave the same. They carry small spears, and run up behind you before stopping a short distance away. If you retreat from them, they will follow you. If you approach them, they will chuck their spear at you, and begin running away.


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Scorpions are not as threatening as they first appear. Scorpions arrive on the screen from the left or right, before settling into a back and forth pattern over a chosen territory. They will remain in this pattern unless you get close to them, in which case they rush towards you in order to sting you. Get close enough to them to trigger their run, and squat down to stab them as they rush by.


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Snakes are a common enemy inside caves. They slither slowly along the ground until they get closer to you, at which point they leap in an effort to bite you. They can even jump up the height of small ledges, so don't think you're safe just because you're higher than them. Strike them down before making difficult jumps.


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Jumpers are a kind of ostrich-like bird that occupy the forests of Peloponnesus. They are very similar to Satyrs, but they tend to run a little faster. Like Satyrs, they will jump up a little higher when they get close to you. Try to clear away any bats before taking Jumpers on.


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Pillbugs are a type of insect that can roll up into a ball for protection. They tend to prefer to remain in this shape until you get too close to them. Then they unroll, and begin running along the floor in your direction. If they hit the end of a ledge, they turn around and walk the other way. Taking them out from afar with flame is safest.


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Butterflies are only found in the entrance to the Garden of the Hesperides in Phthia. They bob up and down as they fly over the grass, sprinkling a poisonous powder from their wings in their wake.


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Eagles are one of the more frustrating enemies that you will encounter. They fly high up in the air, where they are difficult to reach unless you can use the Sandals of Hermes to walk on ceilings, and the drop stones on your head which cause a lot of damage. If you see them coming, wait until they are positioned above you, and then get out of the way of the falling rock.


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Like Butterflies, this kind of plant is only found in the Garden of the Hesperides. With no ability to move, it remains in one place. The two flower buds take turns spitting fireballs at you. Usually the top bud fires first, then the bottom bud. Leap over the first fireball and strike the plant upon landing.


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Monkeys are a challenging enemy to deal with. You first meet them in Laconia, but they will terrorize you in Phthia. They sit motionless until you get somewhat close to them. Then they will leap into the air at your head. They will likely damage you as they pass by, landing behind you, and then they turn around and prepare for another attack. Take extra care to remove them from a safe distance in Phthia, or they stand a good chance of killing you by colliding with you over empty space.


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Salamanders are a very much like the snakes of this game. However, there are a few differences that set Salamanders apart. They are only found in an underground nest near the Temple of Hermes in Argolia. They are a bit stronger than regular snakes and require more hits to kill. They spawn, not on the ground, but up in the air. And finally, when you kill one, there is a chance that it will leave its skin behind, an item that you can collect for a useful purpose.


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Gargoyles are found late in the game. They make use of their wings, and fly through the air in lazy curves. Their favorite tactic is to attack you by colliding with you at top speed as they glide along. One Gargoyle alone won't present too much of a threat, but several Gargoyles ganging up on you can feel overwhelming.


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Ghosts primarily occupy Crete and Tartarus. They hover in the air and dash from one location to another. They aren't very strong, but their small size and speed can make them difficult to strike. It's important to eliminate them before you attempt to make any difficult jumps, or they might intercept you and prevent you from landing safely.

Amazon (short)

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Short Amazons may not have the height that the tall ones have, nor are they as strong, but they can throw their blades. They will come in and toss blades at your head. In addition, they carry a shield, which they can raise or lower in anticipation of your attacks. If you want to get the better of them, you'll have to surprise them by swinging your weapon late.


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Shadows are a type of demon from a twisted reflection of our reality, where up is down, and dark is light. They are found along the ceilings in Crete, among other locations, and prevent you from avoiding all manner of conflict by escaping from the floor. They wait above you, just hoping for the chance to strike if you jump up to the ceiling.

Amazon (tall)

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Tall Amazons can take twice as much damage as short ones, but they can't throw blades at you. They also carry a shield, and will kneel down to block your low attack if they can sense it coming. Either wait until they come close before attacking, or try to strike them in the head from above.

Gold snake

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Golden snakes are occupants of Hades' palace. They behave identically to regular snakes, but Hades has endowed them with great strength. While you should clear away any snakes that lie in your path, it's sometimes worth waiting to see if some of the snakes will fall off the higher ledges you wish to reach before you proceed.


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Serpents are a much stronger variety of snake, encountered late in the game. Aside from the increased amount of health they have, and the increased amount of damage they can do to you, there is little difference between them and the snakes you have already encountered.


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You will first encounter cockatrices in Phrygia, late in the game. They are among the most powerful enemies, rivalling the strength of some bosses. Resembling giant snakes, cockatrices are stationary, but they spit out three or four fireballs at regular intervals. They are only vulnerable to attack high up around their head. Attacking at close range is very dangerous. Try to attack them from afar, where it's safer.

Bosses[edit | edit source]

Colchis Bull

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The Colchis Bull guards the temple of Zeus in Arcadia. He's less of a true boss, and more of a practice boss, and he'll return every time you visit. He's not very bright, and is usually a very small challenge on the way to speak with the leader of the gods.


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Far more of a threat than the Bull, the Lamia is half woman, half serpent. She shoots a bow and arrow to keep you at bay, and to prevent you from discovering the location where she's hidden the kidnapped boy in Attica. It is recommended that you find a good shield before taking her on.

Lion of Nemea

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Stationed deep in a cave in Argolis, the Lion of Nemea stands guard outside of Prometheus' prison. If you wish to find out the secret that Prometheus knows about the Staff of Fennel, you'll need to defeat the lion first. Using the staff will certainly shorten the battle.


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You'll have to thoroughly explore the forest in Peloponnesus in order to locate the Hydra. When you find its den, you must wait for it to leap out of the water before you get the chance to strike. You must hit it eight times in the head, regardless of which weapon you use.


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In order to defeat the Cyclops, you must first defeat the Hydra. That is the only way to obtain a weapon strong enough to defeat the Cyclops, as neither your club or staff will harm him. Only by striking the Cyclops 4 times in the eye with a metal sword can you defeat him, and open the passage to Laconia.


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The Siren lies in wait for any trespasser who sets foot on the Island of Ruins in Laconia. She flies overhead and attempts to charm victims by singing a song. Those who hear her tune are compelled to walk towards her, while those who possess a harp can play a song that disrupts her spell, making it easier to attack her.


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You will only be able to locate the Witches of Graeae if you manage to defeat the Siren. Though the witches are blind, they can "see" by using a magical device known as the Eye of Graeae. You will need this eye in order to locate a few hidden passages, but the witches won't give it up willingly. You'll have to avoid the spells they cast and defeat all three of them to claim the eye.


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It is said that peace came to Attica when a boulder closed the entrance to Phthia. However, that boulder is actually a living creature who sleeps in front of the entrance. In order to access Phthia, you'll need to awaken the stone creature and defeat it. Only the Ocarina has the power to awaken this rock-throwing monster.


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A Centaur occupies the area of Phthia before a waterfall. Though it is quite strong, and can be difficult to defeat, you are actually not obligated to fight it. It will make passage to the waterfall behind him quite difficult if you attempt to ignore it. The Power of Argus is an especially efficient way to deal with him.


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Ladon is a large dragon that guards a precious item found within the Garden of the Hesperides. It flies through the air in very wavy patterns. It's quite strong and takes a number of hits to defeat, but it's possible to force it into a pattern of movement that prevents it from hurting you. The prize for its defeat is the Golden Apple, an item which halves the amount of damage you receive.


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Talos is a tall knight who has been posted at the entrances of Crete. He swings a large ax at all intruders who set foot on the island. He is cautious of approaching anyone who swings their weapon wildly, and attempts only to approach when it is safe to do so. Fortunately, his legs are vulnerable to attack, so you can let him approach and strike him while squatting down.


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The half man, half bull creature known as the Minotaur makes his home in the heart of Crete. A barrier protects him from attacks by anyone who does not possess two fragments of Helene's love. If you can approach him, beware of the maces that he tosses in the air. You must strike him several times in the head to defeat him. A certain Power Bracelet that is sold in Crete for a very high price will cut the number of attacks you need to perform in half.

Dark Pegasus

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Just as Talos guards the entrance to Crete, the Dark Pegasus can be found protecting the entrance to Phrygia. However, because the Dark Pegasus spends the majority of its time in the air, it is far easier to scoot below and bypass it completely. There is no reward for defeating one, but if you choose to do battle with a Dark Pegasus, watch out for the fireballs that it snorts at you from above.

Cyclops (repeat)

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If you make a wrong turn along the way through the entrance of Tartarus, you may be forced to do battle with the strongest Cyclops of them all. Aside from being gold in appearance, the only difference is that this Cyclops can withstand many more hits than usual. However, by the time you reach him, you will be considerably stronger yourself.

Graeae (repeat)

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As with the gold Cyclops, you will only be forced to take on a repeat version of the Witches of Graeae if you take a wrong turn while entering Tartarus. They are identical to the original witches in every way, except for their health. They can take considerably more hits before dying, and you have far less protection from their dangerous magic spell.


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Only by making the correct choices along the entrance to Tartarus will you encounter the real boss that blocks your progress, Cerberus. Though in legends it has three heads, you'll only face a two headed dog here. However, if you do not defeat the second head shortly after cutting off the first head, the first head will grow back! Do not waste time after cutting off the first head or the battle will proceed longer than necessary.

Lamia (repeat)

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Hades has chosen the strongest of all the Lamias as his own personal guard. You will encounter this being inside the Palace of Hades shortly after you arrive. You must strike it down in order to access the rest of the palace behind her. Aside from her increased health, she fights identically to the original Lamia.


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It will take more than a strong weapon to defeat Hades. He is a master of trickery and illusions, and is capable of completely hiding himself in the shadows. If you wish to see where he stands, you will have to control a very large source of light, such as the moon itself. Even once you know where he is, he will prove to be a very capable fighter. To stand the best chance at defeating him, try to find some way to use his surroundings against him.