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At any time, you can replay the instructional videos by selecting them from the main menu.

The game comes packaged with one Wii MotionPlus and a rubber remote jacket which will fit over the extended remote. Included on the game disc itself, is an update for the Wii, which will add the software necessary to use the MotionPlus. When you start the game, you will be introduced to the MotionPlus with and informative movie detailing how to connect and disconnect the MotionPlus, how to use the Wii Nunhcuk with the MotionPlus accessory, and how to calibrate the MotionPlus. Once the movies are over, a Mii is shown parachuting out of a plane, and you are in control of him or her. After a brief period where you can feel out the new controls, the Mii's parachute will open and you'll be taken to the title screen. Press A button and B button together to go to the menu.


For more details on controls for certain sports, see their individual pages.
Control Action
Remote button Move the cursor on the screen
A button Confirm selection
B button Go back one screen
Plus button Go to pause menu
Minus button End training early
A button+B button Start game from title screen

Playing a game[edit]

From the main menu, you can select from 12 different games. Within each sport, there are different activities, which you can also choose. After selecting the sport and activity, you can select the number of players. All sports offer some multiplayer, but certain activities may have anywhere from one to four players. Additionally, some multiplayer games use one remote by trading off, and others use multiple remotes used simultaneously.

Once you've selected the players, if it is the first time you're playing, you'll then calibrate your remotes. After this step, you can select your Mii characters from the ones stored on your Wii. The first time you play, you'll need to register the Miis you use, and their stats will be tracked as long as you keep that Mii on your system. You also have the option to use a guest Mii without creating save data for him or her. If you've already registered a Mii, it will automatically be selected, so press "OK" to keep that character, or "Change Mii" to switch to another character. The "Change Mii" option will also allow you to change any player setup information, such as manual or automatic throwing and left or right handed in the Frisbee sport.

When your Miis are selected, follow the on-screen instructions to select any applicable courses or difficulty levels, and then you are ready to play the game. It is suggested, especially with the more active sports, that you always wear your wrist strap, and make sure there are no people or objects around you when you're playing.

After finishing a game, yours and any other players' results will be shown. For the registered Miis, you will also see rank achievements or stamps collected at this screen. After the results screen, registered Miis will be shown a graph of their rank progress. The final screen will have options to play again, change your Mii or Miis, change the course or quit and go back to the main menu.


To change the settings for the game and see other options, select "Settings" from the main menu. Here you can organize your Player List by taking off Miis and registering new ones. You also have the option of importing Miis from the Check Mii Out channel. Turning on this option downloads popular Miis from the channel to be used as spectators and opponents in the different games. You also have to option to use the Sensor Bar to help in calibrating the MotionPlus and remote.

If you delete one of your registered Miis from the console, it will still appear in the Player List, but it will be grayed out and unusable. That Mii's data is not deleted even if the Mii is, and the records can be transferred to another Mii via the Change Player List menu.