Witchaven II: Blood Vengeance/Level 8: Descent into Doom

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Map legend

A map title with the names of two popular 3D games in it? Mmm-hmm. Anyways, The design of this level is like a big pie with wedges that you can get to through the central area. You start in one of the southern wedges. Collect the Fly scroll that's behind your starting position (you'll need it if you didn't carry one over). You might also want to collect the fire spells, Hero Time and halberd down in the lava room; there's a pull chain that will open the way out of there but you do have to step on lava to hit it. The other side of the wedge contains more items, including plate armor, another Fly spell, and an ankh. Once you're stocked up, head down the hall to reach the central hub.

You can find the glass key in the wedge that's next door to your right, a southeast wedge of the map. There's a dark pit with spikes in the bottom; fly over it to get the glass key.

Get the black key too, it's on the other side of the starting wedge, that is, the southwest section. You'll find a long hall that drops down into large rooms to either side. Go to the end and then drop down to the right to locate the key.

The pentagram is in the eastern section. Take a look at the wall to your left as you come into that corridor and jump up into the higher room where you'll find an overlook into the pentagram chamber and a floor plate that will open one of its doors. The other door is locked with the glass key. The black key will get you into a suspiciously barren-looking northeastern slice (the door is to the right of the wooden rose design in the central chamber). You see a dragon brazier at the end of an empty hall, no goodies, no enemies. This place is indeed suspicious. Go to the end by the brazier, activate a fly spell and head up into a larger area guarded by various barbarians. On one of the forks hugging the hall you flew up from, there's a floor plate that will open a throne room where you find a Guardian, a Hero Time Helmet, and the brass key.

Now that you've got the brass key and the pentagram, go to the northwest section, which leads to the exit. Along the way, there's a reflecting pool with a red platform to your left. Go there to find the pull chain that opens the barrier between you and the exit zone. The door to the exit is to your left past the bars and locked with the brass key.

Tips and secrets:

  • The right half of the western section includes a set of platforms above your head. It looks interesting, but it's a trick: there is nothing valuable up on those, so don't waste a precious fly spell investigating.
  • When you get near the exit, instead of leaving right away, follow the lava river to the right. There are goodies including a diamond ring up the stairs at the end of it.