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You're now back at the Mansion in control of Alison. Go to the Dining room downstairs to collect a Sketchbook, then go to the Subbasement.

Subbasement[edit | edit source]

You can find Beast in his lab, Jean in the Medical Room, Emma Frost in Cerebro room, Logan near the Danger Room. When you're done, go into the War Room.

Which first?[edit | edit source]

So you will have the choice of the mission to start first

Stop the riots[edit | edit source]

East 2d Street[edit | edit source]

  • Collectibles

1 Danger Room disc (Survival 502)

East 4th Street[edit | edit source]

  • Collectibles

1 Danger Room disc (Challenge - Jubilee)

East 5th Street[edit | edit source]

  • Collectibles

1 Sketch Book

Defend the Morlocks[edit | edit source]

Pick Iceman or at least someone with Flight.

Pumping Station[edit | edit source]

  • Collectibles

1 Sketch Book

Grit Flowage[edit | edit source]

  • Collectibles

1 Danger Room disc (Sabotage 501)

Sedimentary[edit | edit source]

  • Collectibles

1 Stat Point

Dechlorination Area[edit | edit source]

  • Collectibles

1 Danger Room disc (Challenge - Gambit) (reach with Flight)

You will want to have a strong team against her, the best would be to have Iceman (to freeze her), a character with Flight (for the collectible), and two strong characters along with it. When she is down, 4 healers will spawn attempting to revive her, try to kill them all because as long as one is alive, she will keep returning.

Defeat Juggernaut[edit | edit source]

Muir Island[edit | edit source]

  • Collectibles

1 Danger Room disc (Survival 501)
1 Comic Book

Back at the Mansion[edit | edit source]

Now that you're finished with the 3 missions, you're back at the Mansion. As usual, Emma Frost is in the Cerebro room, Jean in the Med Room, Beast in his lab but you cannot talk to him. There is nothing interesting upstairs apart from Psylocke who is located in the TV Room. When you're done, go to the War Room and start the next mission.