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You'll first have to connect your Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, Atari 8-bit system or Commodore Amiga (and cassette recorder, in the case of the ZX, CPC and C64 versions) to your television, then switch all three (or both, in the case of the Atari 8-bit and Amiga versions) on; you will then have to place the cassette (or disk, in the case of the Atari 8-bit and Amiga version) of Hi-Tec Software's Twilight-developed 1990 action game Yogi Bear and Friends in: The Greed Monster into the cassette recorder (or the console itself, in the case of the Atari 8-bit and Amiga versions), type LOAD "" without leaving a space between the quotation marks and press  Enter  to load the program into the console (or wait for it to load up automatically in the case of the Atari 8-bit and Amiga versions). For the ZX, CPC and C64 versions, you will now have to press either  1  to continue,  2  to select keyboard control, or  3  to select Kempston joystick control (if connected) - and in the CPC version, you can also type FAT on the start screen (for infinite energy). However, for the Atari 8-bit and Amiga versions, you'll just have to press the button on the Kempston joystick (for it is all they support!) to start the game.

Once Yogi has appeared on the screen, walk right and up, to pick up the pram for 100 points, then down to pick up the plane and sweet jar for 200 more points, and six more sweets, left to push a lever and open up a door in the wall at the bottom of the screen, back to the right, down through the door and left to pick up a picnic basket (for 100 more points), down and right to pick up a second picnic basket for 100 more points, down to pick up a coin for 100 more points, left to pick up the Red key, back to the right and up to pick up the ball for 100 more points, back down to pick up the honey jar for 100 more points (and its temporary invulnerability, even though the enemies all just move back and forth in a given area), right and up to pick up the house for 100 more points, right to pick up another sweet jar for 100 more points, and six more sweets, up to pick up another coin for 100 more points, down to pick up a spade for 100 more points, right and up to pick up another plane for 100 more points, and throw a sweet at a milk bottle to kill him; you shall then have to walk back down and right, to pick up a third picnic basket (for 100 more points), up and right to pick up a third plane for 100 more points, down to pick up a third coin for 100 more points, right to pick up a steamengine for 100 more points, down to pick up another house for 100 more points, back up and right to pick up a third sweet jar for 100 more points (and six more sweets), up to pick up the Blue key, right to pick up a fourth plane for 100 more points and up to pick up a fourth picnic basket for 100 more points (while watching out for the fish jumping over the bridge) to enter the Greed Monster's castle. You will now have to walk up and right to pick up a second spade for 100 more points, back left to pick up another pram for 100 more points, up, left and down to pick up a fourth coin for 100 more points, left to pick up a third spade for 100 more points, up, left, down and left to come up to a spherical robot and throw a second sweet at him to kill him - and you will then have to pick up a fifth coin and another ball, for 200 more points, walk up and right to pick up a sixth coin (for 100 more points), down to pick up a third ball (for 100 more points), back up and left to pick up a fifth plane for 100 more points, back right and down, to pick up fifth picnic basket for 100 more points, back up, right, down, right and up to pick up second honey jar for 100 more points (and all its temporary invulnerability), up to pick up a fourth ball, for 100 more points, right, up, left, down, left and up to pick up a fifth ball for 100 more points, left and down to pick up a third honey jar, for 100 more points (and its temporarily invulnerability), down, left and up to pick up a sixth plane for 100 more points, back right, down, right, up, right, and up to come to a second spherical robot, and throw a third sweet at him to kill him. You will now have to walk up, right, and down to pick up third pram for 100 more points, right, up, right and down to pick up a seventh coin and fourth sweet jar for 200 more points and six more sweets, back up and right to pick up a third house, for 100 more points, right to pick up the Yellow key, throw a fourth sweet at another milk bottle to kill him, pick up a fourth honey jar, for 100 more points (and all of its temporary invulnerability), back left, down, right, down, and right, to pick up an eighth coin, for 100 more points, right to pick up a pop can for 100 more points (and its speed increase), down to pick up a fourth spade for 100 more points, back left and down to pick up a ninth coin, for 100 more points, back up, left, up, and left to pick up a tenth coin for 100 more points, down to pick up another steam engine for 100 more points, right to come to a third spherical robot, and throw a fifth sweet at him to kill him; you will then have to walk right and down to pick up a fourth house (for 100 more points), down to pick up an eleventh coin, for 100 more points, left to pick up a fifth house for 100 more points, back right and down to pick up a fifth sweet jar, for 100 more points, and six more sweets, left, up, left, and up to come to a fourth spherical robot, and throw a sixth sweet at him to kill him. You will now have to walk up to pick up a third steam engine for 100 more points and go into Boo-Boo's room - and the text of "GEE THANKS YOGI!!" will then appear on the screen, but it was not rendered as a speech sample by Don Messick (1926-1997).

You will then have to walk left, to pick up a sixth picnic basket for 100 more points, and back right, down, right, down, right, and down to leave the Greed Monster's castle again (it is also worth noting that when you go off the screen after killing an enemy, he will regenerate if you come back onto it); you will then have to walk left to pick up the Blue key again, back right and up into the Greed Monster's castle again, left, up, left, down, left, up, and left to come up to the first spherical robot you had to kill, and throw a seventh sweet at him to kill him again. You will then have to walk up, left, up, left and up to pick up a sixth house, for 100 more points, up to collect a twelfth coin for 100 more points, left to come to a fifth spherical robot, and throw an eighth sweet at him to kill him - and you will now have to walk down to pick up a fifth spade for 100 more points, right and down to pick up a sixth sweet jar for 100 more points and six more sweets, down to pick up a seventh sweet jar for 100 more points and six more sweets and go into Quick Draw McGraw's room. The text of "WELL THERE THANKS YOGI!!" will then appear on the screen, but it was again not rendered as a speech sample by Charles Dawson "Dawes" Butler (1916-1988) as he died two years before the game was invented; Quick Draw went on to get a Hi-Tec Software game of his own later on in 1990.

You will then have to walk back up, right to come to the fifth spherical robot you had to kill, and throw a ninth sweet at him to kill him again; you will then have to walk down, right, down, right, and down to leave the Greed Monster's castle once again (and pick up a seventh picnic basket and plane, for 200 more points), right and down (to come to a banana) and throw a tenth sweet at him to kill him. You'll then have to walk down to pick up a seventh sweet jar for 100 more points, and six more sweets, back up and left to come to an ice skate, and throw an eleventh sweet at it to kill it - and you will now have to walk left to pick up a thirteenth coin and sixth spade for 200 more points, left and down to pick up a fourth pram for 100 more points, right to pick up a seventh spade for 100 more points, back left and up to pick up a fourteenth coin for 100 more points, left to pick up a fourth steam engine (for 100 more points), down and left to come to another ice skate, and throw a twelfth sweet at it to kill it. You will then have to walk left to pick up a fifth steam engine, for 100 more points, back right, up, left, and up to pick up a sixth ball for 100 more points, up and left to come to another banana, and throw a thirteenth sweet at him to kill him; you will now have to walk left to pick up a fifteenth coin for 100 more points, up to pick up a sixteenth coin, seventh ball and fifth honey jar for 300 more points (and the last one's temporary invulnerability), right to get a sixth steam engine and seventeenth coin, for 200 more points, back left, down and right to come to a third banana, and throw a fourteenth sweet at him to kill him. You will then have to walk right to pick up a seventh steam engine and another pop can for 200 more points (and the latter's speed increase!), right and up to pick up an eighteenth coin for 100 more points (Yogi shall pick up the coin as soon as he reappears here, indicated by the "03" counter going down to "02") and the Darker Blue key, right and down to pick up a seventh house, sixth honey jar, and plank of wood for 300 more points (and the second's temporary invulnerability), left and down to pick up a third pop can and eighth steam engine for 200 more points (and the former's speed increase!), back right and down to pick up two more houses for 200 more points and come to a sixth spherical robot and throw a fifteenth sweet at him to kill him - and you will then have to walk right and up to reenter the Greed Monster's castle once again, and walk up, right, up, left, and up to get into Snagglepuss's room (he is not to get confused with the Pink Panther). The text "THANKS YOGI, SUPER THANKS EVEN." will then appear on the screen; it is once again not rendered as a speech sample by Dawes Butler, on account of his death in 1988, and it is also worth noting that the two remaining characters Yogi has to rescue are both imprisoned in the same room.

You will then have to walk back down, right, down, left, and down to leave the Greed Monster's castle yet again, left to come up to a third milk bottle and throw a sixteenth sweet at him to kill him; you now have to walk down and left to pick up a nineteenth coin for 100 more points, down and left to come to a fourth banana, and throw a seventeenth sweet at him to kill him. You will now have to pick up the Red key again, walk back right, up, right, up, left, up and right to pick up an eighth picnic basket and plane and a chest for 200 more points and back left, down, right, down, right, up, right and up to reenter the Greed Monster's castle yet again - and you will then have to walk right and down to go into Snooper and Blabber's room (they're both in it). The text "LET'S INVESTIGATE THE TOY ROOM BLAB. GREAT IDEA SNOOP!!" will now appear on the screen; it's yet again not rendered as a speech sample by Dawes Butler, on account of his death in 1988, and Yogi still has one more coin to find before he can enter the toy room himself and finish the game.

You will then have to walk back up, left, up, left, up, left, up, left, up, and left to pick up the Green key again; you will then have to walk back right, down, right, down, right, down, right, up, right and up to come to a fifth banana and throw an eighteenth sweet to kill him. You then have to walk up to come to a seventh spherical robot and throw a nineteenth sweet at him to kill him - and you will then have to walk up, right, down, right, down, right and down to pick up an eighth spade for 100 more points, left and down to pick up a twentieth and final coin for 100 more points and right and up to enter the Greed Monster's toy room. That text "CONGRATULATIONS. YOU HAVE RESCUED THE TREASURE HUNTERS, COLLECTED ALL THE COINS AND THE GREED MONSTER HAS TURNED BACK INTO NATHAN. WELL DONE." shall appear on the screen; however, if you missed any coins the text "YOU HAVE ENTERED THE GREED MONSTER'S ROOM WITHOUT COLLECTING ALL THE COINS. YOU HAVE BEEN CAPTURED. BAD LUCK. GAME OVER." shall appear on it instead (but it is still the same outcome). Yogi will later return to Commodore Amiga screens in Yogi's Big Clean Up in 1992.