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Just as the success of a weapon attack in combat is determined by an attack roll against defense, the success or extent of various other damaging, debilitating and status-altering effects is determined by a saving throw against the Difficulty Class (DC) of those effects: the defender makes an opposed roll using d20 + the relevant save (Fortitude, Reflex or Will) versus the attacker's DC. If the saving throw is greater (or equal), then its success may reduce any effect, or even negate it entirely; if it fails, the attack has full effect.

Thus a saving throw always fails if DC > save + 20 (maximum d20 roll), and always succeeds if DC ≤ save + 1 (minimum d20 roll). Otherwise, the chance of success is as follows:

Difficulty Class - save
> 20 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 < 2
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100%

For example, a Fortitude saving throw must normally be made at DC 30 if a Deadly Gas Mine is triggered: Fortitude save 9 or less means this throw always fails (maximum 20 + 9 = 29), always resulting in poisoning; however, if it's 19 then it succeeds 50% of the time (roll (11-20) + 19 = 30-39); and if it's 29 or more then it always succeeds (minimum 1 + 29 = 30), never resulting in poisoning.


If an attack with Critical Strike or Sniper Shot hits, the target is stunned for 6 seconds unless they make a Fortitude save at the following DC:

Critical Strike Sniper Shot
attacker level + attacker Strength modifier attacker level + attacker Intelligence modifier

The target isn't stunned until the end of the attack round. This effect can also be negated by Immunity: Mind-Affecting or Force Immunity: Stun. Enemies with these feats may be encountered in the following locations:

<Insert table here>

Force powers

Almost all offensive Force powers have DC 5 + attacker level + attacker Wisdom and Charisma modifiers + Force Focus:

Fortitude Reflex Will
Stun and Stasis (Field) Light side powers
Stun Droid Light side power
Affliction and Plague Dark side powers
Drain Life and Death Field Dark side powers
Wound, Choke and Kill Dark side powers
Disable and Destroy Droid Light side powers
Force Push, Whirlwind and Wave
Fear, Horror and Insanity Dark side powers
Shock, Force Lightning and Storm Dark side powers
Slow Dark side power

Affliction has DC 20, Plague has DC 100 and no saving throw can be made against Force Suppression and Breach, or (Advanced) Throw Lightsaber (although Shields and Improved Energy Resistance can reduce energy damage).

  • Affliction and Plague can also be countered by Immunity: Poison.

All except Force Suppression, Force Breach and (Advanced) Throw Lightsaber can also be countered by Force Resistance or Immunity. Enemies with these powers may be encountered in the following locations (highest attacker and power levels and DCs only):

World Area Max Level Maximum Difficulty Class vs Save
Fortitude Reflex Will
Stun Stasis (Field) Stun Droid Affliction and Plague Drain Life and Death Field Wound, Choke and Kill Disable and Destroy Droid Force Push and Wave Force Whirlwind Fear, Horror and Insanity Shock, Force Lightning and Storm Slow
Taris Sith Base (Taris) 12 20 20
Dantooine Grove 9 17 17 17
Tatooine Anchorhead 8 20 22 22 19 19 22 19
Kashyyyk Great Walkway 8 20 22 22 19 19 22 19
Manaan Sith Base (Manaan) 18 18 21 18 20 27 27 27 27 21 27 21
Korriban Sith Academy Entrance 8 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Dreshdae 8 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 17 18
Sith Academy 8 20 23 23 17 23 23 23 23 17
Valley of Dark Lords 14 13 20 23 23 23 23 23 23
Shyrack Caves 10 17 20 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 17
Tomb of Ajunta Pall 18 20 31 23 23 31 31 31
Tomb of Tulak Hord 15 32 32 32 32
Tomb of Naga Sadow 15 100 28 28 28 28 28 17
Darth Bandon Tatooine 15 100 25 25 25 25 25 25 14
Kashyyyk 100 29 29 29 29 29 29 18
Manaan 100 25 25 25 25 25 25 14
Korriban 100 25 25 25 25 25 25 17
Leviathan Command Deck 16 14 14 100 22 22 14 14 22 14 22
Bridge 16 100 22 22 22 22 22 22
Hangar 13 21 21 21 21 21 21
Unknown Temple Main Floor 18 100 29 29 22 29 29 29 29 29
Temple Summit Light Side Points Gained 18 31 31 31 100 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31
Temple Summit Dark Side Points Gained 20 41 41 41 100 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41
Star Forge Deck 1 8 14 14 14 14 14
Deck 2 18 19 100 28 28 28 28 28 19 19
Command Center Light Side Points Gained 21 24 100 24 24 24 32 20 22 32 32
Command Center Dark Side Points Gained 15 24 100 28 28 24 24 28 28 28 16
Viewing Platform 20 36

Force Resistance

Force Resistance offers some protection from direct Force power attacks of Jedi opponents, possibly negating their effects. Attacking Jedi make an opposed roll using d20 + their level versus the defender's DC. If the attacker's result is greater (or equal), the attack succeeds. If the defender's total is greater, the attack has no effect.

Thus some protection is only offered if DC > attacker level + 1 (minimum d20 roll): for example, Force Resistance 16 offers no protection if the attacking Jedi is level 15 or higher (although a saving throw can still be made). Otherwise, the chance of successfully breaching Force Resistance is as follows:

Force Resistance DC - attacker level
> 20 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 < 2
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100%

For example, Force Resistance 32 cannot be breached at all until the attacking Jedi is at least level 12 (maximum d20 + 12 = 32); even at level 20, the chance of successfully breaching it is just 45% (roll (12-20) + 20 = 32-40).

Some enemies have natural Force Resistance, and others can acquire it by using Force Resistance or Immunity:

World Area Natural Force Resistance Force Immunity
Dantooine Sandral Grounds 32
Tatooine Anchorhead 18
Kashyyyk Great Walkway 18
Korriban Valley of Dark Lords 32 24
Sith Academy 24
Shyrack Caves 26 - 32
Tomb of Ajunta Pall 32 24 - 28
Tomb of Tulak Hord 32 30
Tomb of Marka Ragnos 32
Tomb of Naga Sadow 16 18 - 25
Darth Bandon 30
Leviathan Hangar 28
Unknown World Elder Settlement 32
Temple Main Floor 32 30 - 33
Temple Summit 19 - 30 Dark Side Points Gained 33 Light Side Points Gained 30 - 35 Dark Side Points Gained
Star Forge Deck 1 18 23
Deck 2 33
Command Center 24 30 Dark Side Points Gained 36 Light Side Points Gained
Viewing Platform 35

The two Force powers last 60 seconds but can be cancelled sooner using Force Suppression and Force Breach respectively, and since enemies normally only use them in the first round upon engaging in combat, debilitating them in that first round prevents their use, even when no longer debilitated (although this isn't always possible, if they're aware of you before you're within range to debilitate them).

However, since nothing can be done about natural Force Resistance, using (Advanced) Throw Lightsaber or other attacks is recommended.


Grenade Damage Secondary DC Save
Concussion Grenade Stun for 9 seconds 15 Will
Sonic Grenade Sonic, 20 points -6 Dexterity for 30 seconds 15 Will
CryoBan Grenade Cold, 20 points Paralyzation for 6 seconds 15 Reflex
Frag Grenade Piercing, 20 points 15 Reflex
Ion Grenade Ion, 15 points (45 points vs. droids) 15 Reflex
Plasma Grenade Heat, 36 points Horror for 3 seconds 15 Reflex
Thermal Detonator Energy, 60 points Knockdown 15 Reflex
Poison Grenade Poison, 4 points every 3 seconds Duration: 30 seconds 25 Fortitude

Uncanny Dodge reduces grenade DCs by 2, while Uncanny Dodge 2 reduces them by 4. A successful saving throw halves damage (rounded down) and results in no secondary effect for all but Thermal Detonators.

  • CryoBan Grenade Paralyzation can also be countered by Force Immunity: Paralysis.


Mines can be avoided if you or your party make a successful Awareness check to detect them, then move around them or use Demolitions to disable or recover them. Otherwise:

Mine Effect DC Save
Minor Average Deadly
Flash Stun for 9 seconds 15 20 25 Will
Frag Damage: Piercing 15 20 25 Reflex
Plasma Damage: Energy 15 20 25 Reflex
Gas Damage: Poison 15 20 30 Fortitude

A successful saving throw results in no effect for flash and gas mines, but only halves damage of frag and plasma mines.

On Hit

On Hit properties only apply their effects upon a successful attack roll to a single target, but these effects can be reduced or even negated if a saving throw is equal to or greater than Difficulty Class (some can also be negated by Immunity or Force Immunity, removing the need for a saving throw).

On Hit On Hit: Attribute Damage Dexterity On Hit: Horror On Hit: Instant Death On Hit: Paralyze On Hit: Poison On Hit: Slowed On Hit: Stun
Immunity Immunity: Mind-Affecting Force Immunity Fear Force Immunity Paralysis Immunity: Poison Immunity: Mind-Affecting Force Immunity Stun
Save Reflex Fortitude Fortitude Reflex Fortitude Reflex Will
World Maximum Difficulty Class
Taris 14 Dark Side Points Gained 20 100 15 20 20
Dantooine 15 15 30 10
Tatooine 14 Dark Side Points Gained 15 100 20 15 15 Dark Side Points Gained
Kashyyyk 20 20 20 20 10
Manaan 14 20 20 20 20 10
Korriban 30 10
Leviathan 20 10
Unknown 14
Star Forge 15 20

Attribute Damage Dexterity

Targets have their Dexterity attribute reduced by 1 for 30 seconds unless they make a Reflex save at DC 14. This effect stacks, and is a property of all sonic pistols and rifles. Enemies with these weapons may be encountered in the following locations:

World Area DC
Taris Davik's Estate Dark Side Points Gained 14
Tatooine Dune Sea Dark Side Points Gained 14
World Area DC
Manaan Hrakert Station 14
Kolto Control 14


Targets have 100% chance to be debilitated with fear for 3 seconds unless they make a Fortitude save at the DC. This effect can also be negated by Immunity: Mind-Affecting or Force Immunity: Fear, and is a property of the following:

Special weapon DC
(Baragwin) Flame Thrower Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2 15
Special weapon DC
Advanced Flame Thrower Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 3 20

Enemy droids with these weapons may be encountered in the following locations:

World Area DC
Dantooine Ruins 15
Tatooine Dune Sea Dark Side Points Gained 15
Sand People Territory Dark Side Points Gained 15
Manaan Hrakert Station 15
Star Forge Deck 1 15
World Area DC
Taris Davik's Estate 20
Kashyyyk Lower Shadowlands 20
Manaan Sith Base (Manaan) 20
Leviathan Command Deck 20

Instant Death

Targets are killed instantly unless they make a Fortitude save at DC 100, which is impossible without cheating: do not put yourself in a position where you can get hit! Enemies with this property may be encountered in the following locations:

World Map Source
Taris Lower City Sith soldier
Blaster turrets
Javyar's Cantina Calo Nord
World Map Source
Taris Upper Sewers Rancor
Black Vulkar Base Defense turrets
Tatooine Sand People Territory Sand People turrets


Targets have a chance to be paralyzed unless they make a Reflex save at the DC. This effect can be negated by Force Immunity: Paralysis, and is a property of the following:

Source Chance DC Seconds
Failure Success
Lightsaber crystal Crystal, Bondar Mantle of the Force 25% 14 6 0
Special weapons Carbonite Projector Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2 100% 15 9 3
Carbonite Projector Mark II Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 3 100% 20 15 9

Enemy droids with these weapons may be encountered in the following locations:

World Area DC
Taris Black Vulkar Base (Garage) 15
Dantooine Ruins 15
World Area DC
Kashyyyk Lower Shadowlands 20
Manaan Hrakert Station 20


Targets suffer damage or weakness unless a Fortitude save is made at the DC. Damage is suffered every 3 seconds for 30 seconds, while weakness results in the temporary but increasing loss of the six physical attributes for 36 or 72 seconds.

Damage Points DC
Mild 3 (*10) 15
Average 4 (*10) 25
Virulent 5 (*10) 30
Weakness Attributes DC
Mild -1 every 12 s (*3) 15
Average -1 every 6 s (*6) 20
Virulent -1 every 6 s (*12) 100

Both damage and weakness can also be negated by Immunity: Poison or neutralized afterwards by an Antidote Kit or Heal, while damage can also be significantly reduced or even negated by Improved Toughness and Wookiee Toughness. These effects are properties of the following:

Source Damage
Vibrosword GenoHaradan Poison Blade Mild
Sword Naga Sadow's Poison Blade Average
Source Weakness
Gaffi stick Chieftain's Gaffi Stick Average

Enemies with this property may be encountered in the following locations:

World Map Damage
Taris Undercity Mild
Dantooine Crystal Cave Virulent
Tatooine Dune Sea Dark Side Points Gained Mild
Korriban Shyrack Caves Virulent
World Map Weakness
Taris Undercity Average
Lower Sewers Average
Dantooine Crystal Cave Mild
Tatooine Sand People Enclave Average
Kashyyyk Lower Shadowlands Average
Upper Shadowlands Average
Manaan Hrakert Station Average
Kolto Control Average


Targets have a chance to be slowed for 9 seconds unless they make a Reflex save at the DC.
This is a property of the following:

Special weapon Chance DC
Gravity Generator Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2 75% 15
Special weapon Chance DC
Advanced Gravity Generator Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 3 100% 20

Enemy droids with these weapons may be encountered in the following locations:

World Area DC
Tatooine Dune Sea Dark Side Points Gained 15
Sand People Territory Dark Side Points Gained 15
World Area DC
Kashyyyk Lower Shadowlands 20
Manaan Hrakert Station 20


Targets have a chance to be stunned unless they make a Will save at the DC. This effect can also be negated by Immunity: Mind-Affecting or Force Immunity: Stun, and is a property of the following:

Source Chance DC Seconds
Blaster pistol Zabrak Blaster Pistol 25% 10 6
Heavy blaster Cassus Fett's Heavy Pistol 25% 10 6
Hold out blasters Hold out blasters 25% 10 6
Sith Assassin Pistol 50% 10 6
Blaster rifle Mandalorian Assault Rifle 25% 10 6
Stun batons Stun batons 25% 10 6
(Elder) Rakatan Battle Wand 50% 14 6
Rakatan Battle Wand Vibration Cell 100% 18 6
Vibro double-blade Yusanis' Brand Durasteel Bonding Alloy 50% 10 12
Lightsaber crystal Crystal, Bondar 25% 10 6
Crystal, Bondar Heart of the Guardian 25% 14 6
Special weapons (Baragwin) Stun Ray Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 1 100% 15 9
Advanced Stun Ray Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2 100% 20 9

Enemies with these weapons may be encountered in the following locations:

World Area DC
Taris Upper City South 10
Lower City 10
Lower City Apartments (East) 10
Lower City Apartments (West) 10
Black Vulkar Base (Garage) 10
Sith Base (Taris) 10
Davik's Estate 20
Dantooine Grove 10
Kashyyyk Great Walkway 10
Lower Shadowlands 10
Hall of the Chieftain Light Side Points Gained 10
World Area DC
Tatooine Dune Sea Dark Side Points Gained 15
Eastern Dune Sea 10
Manaan Docking Bay 10
Sith Base (Manaan) 10
Hrakert Station 10
Korriban Valley of Dark Lords 10
Leviathan Command Deck 10
Bridge 10
Unknown Elder Settlement 14
Star Forge Deck 1 20
Deck 2 10

Special weapons

Damage is halved if a Reflex save is made at the DC.

Special weapon Damage DC
(Baragwin) Flame Thrower Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2 Heat, 30 points 15
Advanced Flame Thrower Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 3 Heat, 60 points 20
Special weapon Damage DC
Carbonite Projector Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2 Cold, 20 points 15
Carbonite Projector Mark II Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 3 Cold, 40 points 20

Enemy droids with these weapons may be encountered in the following locations:

World Area DC
Taris Davik's Estate 20
Dantooine Ruins 15
Tatooine Dune Sea Dark Side Points Gained 15
Sand People Territory 15
Kashyyyk Lower Shadowlands 20
Manaan Sith Base (Manaan) 20
Hrakert Station 15
Leviathan Command Deck 20
Star Forge Deck 1 15
World Area DC
Taris Black Vulkar Base (Garage) 15
Dantooine Ruins 15
Kashyyyk Lower Shadowlands 20
Manaan Hrakert Station 20

Plasma mines actually inflict energy damage so an Advanced Flame Thrower can inflict the most heat or fire damage in the game (just as a Carbonite Projector Mark II can inflict the most cold damage) although, as can be seen, enemy droids that use them against you are extremely rare.

These droids can be prevented from using their weapons by debilitating them first using a Stun Droid power; otherwise, any combination of a high Reflex save, Shields, (Improved) Energy Resistance and Damage Resistance can significantly reduce or even negate damage entirely (Reflex > 13 and (Improved) Energy Resistance alone guarantee this for normal Flame Throwers and Carbonite Projectors).