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This is the alternate path for finishing King's Quest VI. It won't get you as many points as the optimal path, nor the best ending, but it's worth playing through, particularly if you've already beaten the game by following the long path.

Getting a Suitable Lamp

Optional Section
Except for getting the nightingale from the pawn shop, the steps in this section are entirely optional on the short path. They should still be completed if you want to get the maximum number of points possible, though.

Now that you're back on the Isle of the Crown, it's time for you to get into the castle. But you have a couple of things you need to do first.

Drink the Drink Me potion in front of the genie to fake your death.

For one thing, you have a white rose that you'd like to send to Cassima (assuming you picked another one from the rose bushes on the Isle of the Beast). Go to the tree at the fork in the road and USE the white rose on Sing Sing [1]. Sing Sing will fly off, and a brief cutscene will play where Cassima tells Sing Sing not to return to Alexander so as not to endanger him. Hmm, nothing else from Cassima? Well, hopefully you'll be seeing her soon enough. Head to the village and enter the pawn shop.

The cutscene reveals what the genie's lamp looks like.

It looks like the genie is hanging around, disguised as an old man again. Wait, didn't Jollo suggest that you try to convince the vizier that you'd died? The Drink Me potion from the Isle of Wonder will allow you to fake your own death, and with the genie here, this is a golden opportunity. Assuming you picked up the potion, USE it on yourself in the pawn shop [3]. Alexander will very dramatically announce that he's killing himself with poison, drink the potion, and seemingly "die". The genie will be delighted, and head straight off to tell Alhazred the good news. Play close attention to the cutscene that follows, as it'll tell you something very important, namely what the genie's lamp looks like.

When the peddler asks you to select a lamp, choose the second one from the right, i.e. the tall, thin blue one with a round base.

After the cutscene, Alexander will come to, leaving the pawn shop owner somewhat bemused at what just happened. The only thing left to do here is to get the nightingale: you'll need it in the castle. USE the tinderbox on the pawn shop owner, and take the nightingale. Leave the shop.

By happy coincidence, the lamp seller from the beginning of the game has returned to town, and just when you're ready to trade him an old lamp for a new one. USE the lamp on the lamp seller, and he'll give you a selection of lamps to choose from. You now know that the genie's lamp is blue, with a round base and a tall, thin neck. Use the HAND on the lamp that fits that description (it's the second one from the right) to take it [1]. The lamp seller will walk off, but not before rubbing the lamp you gave him. That one's a dud, but yours isn't: with a lamp that's an exact replica of the genie's, you may have a chance to acquire the genie's lamp and become his master.

Entering the Castle

Wear Beauty's clothes to sneak into the castle.

It's now time to make your way into the castle. Walk to the castle, and you'll see a number of serving women entering to prepare for the wedding. Alexander's not the type to dress in drag ordinarily, but desperate times call for desperate measures, and you happen to have a way to disguise yourself as a serving woman. USE Beauty's clothes on Alexander [4], and he'll duck into the hut nearby and change into Beauty's clothes, after which the guards will let him into the castle. Apparently the guards paid no attention to Alexander walking up to the castle, since they didn't seem the least bit suspicious about him walking out of the hut in women's clothes. Nor did they notice what a manly-looking woman Alexander is. Maybe the guards really are as dumb as they look. But that's good news for you, as it got you into the castle.

Once Alexander gets into the castle, he'll quickly get rid of Beauty's clothes and change back into his regular apparel. You're now in the main entry hall: there are two staircases you can walk up. Go up the left staircase: if you walk up the right staircase, you'll be caught by the guards, and your game will be over.

Distracting the Guards

Exploring the Castle

Stopping the Wedding

Battling the Vizier