Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare/Charlie Don't Surf

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Revision as of 02:49, 17 August 2011 by Garrett (talk | contribs) (→‎Search The TV Station for Khaled Al-Asad: fixed system name, repositioned achievement)
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Objectives[edit | edit source]

  • Get Into Position and Breach the HQ Building
  • Search the HQ Building for Khaled Al-Asad
  • Regroup with 1st Squad
  • Make Your Way to the TV Station
  • Make Your Way to the Second Floor
  • Search The TV Station for Khaled Al-Asad

Get Into Position and Breach the HQ Building[edit | edit source]

All you have to do is follow your team-mates to the building and wait for them to break down the door, with two enemies inside (stunned by the breaching). However, it is actually possible to be first in and to take them down before your teammates do; this can be done with the M9 pistol.

Search the HQ Building for Khaled Al-Asad[edit | edit source]

Throw a flashbang then go to the right and kill the enemies down there

After the enemies you will encounter some more enemies when you go down the stairs, one will stay in front of you so kill him, the other two will go right, wait until your squad comes while watching the door to your left, two enemies and some enemy intelligence are in there, take out the enemies to the right but watch out as one enemy from the left will attack you. Now 3 more enemies will come from the right, kill them, then go left and clear out the remaining enemy behind the filing cabinet, just start firing as you go into the room.

You will see some weapons on the table, and on the ground there should be some AK-47s, you are probably best to get the W1200 Shotgun or the Dragunov as they are both good weapons, the Dragunov is probably the best choice as many enemies have it, it is good for long range and you can pick up the shotgun later, where you need it more.

Now, go to the door where the two enemies were, throw a flashbang in as told to. You don't need to but it gets it done a lot more safely, now go in and go to the right, aim forwards and shoot the enemies then rush to the end, turn left and kill the remaining enemies. Your squad should help you with this if you have trouble.

Regroup with 1st Squad[edit | edit source]

Hide here and pick off the enemies in front of you.
10 Gamerscore points
Kill 2 enemies by blowing up a car in the single player campaign.

Go back outside and carry on down the road to regroup, don't worry about the dead guards all around the compound, no enemies are actually there. When you meet First Squad there will be a lot of enemies in front of you and about three to the left (one standing, two on the rooftops). You are probably best to shoot the car where the enemies are hiding so it explodes (Xbox 360 players may get an achievement if it kills more than 1 person). Next, go to the right and attack the enemies as they move to the car near you, they will die very quickly. Afterwards, go back and kill the enemies that the rest of your team were killing, then go back to near the car and enter the courtyard.

Make Your Way to the TV Station[edit | edit source]

Now, go forward and you will come to a fairly big courtyard with a wooden fence, go to the right and you will see a shack, two enemies will soon come off the roof of that, follow the fence round and behind a barrel an enemy will come out so be careful. When he's disposed of, you can either go round the corners or wait for the enemy to come to you round a corner. Either way, loads of enemies will be firing through the gaps in the wooden fence so kill them all and let your squad advance. If you missed the two enemies on the roof then kill them and move on.

You will see a fence, there may be an enemy behind it so spray it with bullets. Now look at the building above you, an enemy may come out of the windoe when you advance so keep that in mind, an enemy will also rush out the door then run back in again. Now go up the building, grab the intelligence, kill any enemies with your Dragunov then come back down. Now move forwards and scour the rooftops for enemies, you should see a few, kill them then continue. Instead of going forward, go left and you will find stairs in an alleyway which least to some rooftops. Go up there.

In front of you is a rooftop with a lot of enemies, pick them off with your Dragunov and when they stop coming advance, rush forward quite a bit and stop the enemies in their tracks with your squad. Then go left and you will come to a broken down building, go left again and sprint to the TV station only killing enemies if they are in your way. Then go into the TV Station. You could also take a left fairly early on and risk rushing to the TV station there with a few more enemies around.

Search The TV Station for Khaled Al-Asad[edit | edit source]

You will be in a corridor, go right and kill the enemy in the doorway or through the window, now quickly rush through and go to the far corner of the room, kill the enemies before they see you, now lean to one side and check each of the lines for enemies, then continue.

Now, this is the hardest bit of the level, rush to the right all the way, pick off a few enemies to your left then rush there and hide in the enemy spawn-point, they will stop spawning and your team should clean up the rest easily. You will be told that the room is clear, now follow your team-mates through the building into the final room. After that the mission should end. If you are playing the Xbox 360 version you might want to look at the next section for information on how to get the achievement "Your Show Sucks", if not, continue on to the next level.

Your Show Sucks Achievement[edit | edit source]

Xbox 360 only

Your Show Sucks
20 Gamerscore points
Your Show Sucks
Destroy every TV showing the speech in the Level.

This achievement is probably the hardest to do in the game, it involves destroying 144 TVs throughout the level.

The first two TVs are found in the first building that you enter, one is straight in front of you when you go down the stairs, the other one is in a small room to the right of the previous TV.

The next TV is with the second piece of intelligence in the building you come to before you cross the road with the truck with a machine-gunner.

The next TV is with the third piece of intelligence in the building you are attacked from after you kill the machine gunner, you have to go down the street then go up the stairs to the right.

The Next TVs are inside the TV Station, there is 1 at the main room, a few in the room to the right. There are hundreds in the main room, a lot of them are on the walls and inside offices, check out all of these. There is then 1 after the balcony of the TV station and 6 in the final room.