Final Fantasy XI: Rise of the Zilart/Locations

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Elshimo Lowlands[edit]


After crossing the Pamtam Straits, Kazham is the final spot to rest before entering the Yuhtunga Jungle. The village, a mixture of huts, simple bridges and caves, is home to a number of Mithra and tamed Opo-opo. There are a few shops which cater to the adventures about to seek fame and fortune in the jungles, but otherwise the village has a residential atmosphere. Due to its close ties with Windurst, there are a few Windurstian auction house representatives here who are able to provide access to that nation's auction house.


To access Norg, one must make their way through the treacherous Sea Serpent Grotto, located deep beneath the jungles of Elshimo Island. Once there, adventurers can at once see the unglamourous life of the Tenshodo, who call this home. While there are a few merchants selling their wares, there are no formal shops. Note that the Quay, which provides easy access for certain Tenshodo members, is not open to adventurers. Due to its close ties with Bastok, there are a few Bastokan auction house representatives here who are able to provide access to that nation's auction house. Also, due to a hidden underground exit-only passageway, chocobos rented here are able to access Yuhtunga Jungle without having to travel back through the Grotto.

Sea Serpent Grotto

This giant sea cave was dug out of the western Elshimo cliffs by the amphibious beastmen known as the Sahagin. The cave is supposedly named after the central figure of the Sahagin religion-a sea serpent that once lived within the grotto. The stench of rotting fish and the whale oil used to light the torches often keep adventurers with weak stomachs at bay.

Yuhtunga Jungle

The tropical rainforest known as the Yuhtunga Jungle comprises the majority of the Elshimo Lowlands. Due to the hot and humid conditions found throughout the area, a variety of plant life, from giant vines to carnivorous flowers, has evolved over the centuries. In the southernmost part of the jungle, a number of small waterfalls can be found in a place known as the Hidden Valley. According to local legend, faeries gather around the falls, and the Mithra of Kazham often travel here as part of their purification rituals.

Elshimo Uplands[edit]

Cloister of Flames

Home of the fire protocrystal which houses the celestial avatar Ifrit, God of Flames.

Cloister of Tides

Home of the water protocrystal which houses the celestial avatar Leviathan, God of Tides.

Den of Rancor

Dug by the Tonberries, this stretch of tunnel extends deep beneath the Temple of Uggalepih. It is said that the Tonberries chanted curses while digging, and that these curses still remain, embedded within the walls of the caves. Every night, the Tonberries gather here to pledge their hatred towards the five races of Vana'diel. They inflict cuts upon themselves and pour their blood onto altars, hence strengthening their rancor.

Ifrit's Cauldron

Ifrit's Cauldron is another name for the lava-filled crater located atop Mount Yuhtunga. It is within this crater that the monsters known as "bombs" are thought to be born. In exchange for protection against eruptions, for centuries the Mithra in Kazham have offered sacrifices to appease the cauldron's dwellers. Due to the large amount of volcanic gas that fills the area, extended trips to Ifrit's Cauldron are not recommended.

Sacrificial Chamber

The deepest chamber of the Den of Rancor beneath the Temple of Uggalepih. Here the Tonberrys make bloody sacrifices to their goddess Uggalepih in revenge for Altana's crimes against her. You must use the Mahogany Door to do battle.

Temple of Uggalepih

Hidden deep within the dense jungle of Eastern Elshimo lies a dark, ancient temple. While it is not known by whom, or for what reason this temple was built, it is currently occupied by the Tonberries, who use it as a place to worship the evil deity Uggalepih. The local Mithra fear this "temple of misery," and advise that all keep their distance. The technology used to construct its walls and pillars suggest that a high level of civilization was once centered in the surrounding jungles. However, nature has taken its course over the centuries, and now giant trees and plants slowly eat away at this once mighty structure.

Yhoator Jungle

The tropical Yhoator Jungle covers most of the Elshimo Highlands. While similar to the Yuhtunga Jungle, the overall altitude increase results in slight wildlife differences. Also, this jungle is teeming with the ruthless Tonberries. If a Mithra's prey escapes into this deadly jungle during a hunt, she will not follow, recognizing that the animal has chosen death over capture.


Korroloka Tunnel

A long tunnel that connects the continent of Quon with the Kuzotz region, a region made up of a number of tiny islands, the largest being a desert-covered landmass known as Zepwell. This gloomy tunnel can wreak havoc on even the most experienced of adventurers.


Cloister of Tremors

Home of the earth protocrystal which houses the celestial avatar Titan, God of Tremors.

Eastern Altepa Desert

The eastern half of Zepwell Island is made up of this arid desert wasteland. While remnants of the ancient Galkan civilization that once thrived here dot the landscape, today the area is dominated by sand, wind, and the occasional antican that roams the dunes.

Chamber of Oracles

This mysterious chamber lies deep beneath the sands of Zepwell Island. The white, bone-like walls and pillars closely resemble those found scattered about Vana'diel.

Quicksand Caves

Once a thriving metropolis for the proud Galka, these caves still house numerous monolithic pillars and statues that, in many places, remain untouched by the sands of time. However, long ago, the Antica drove the Galka from their homes, and the tunnels were transformed into a giant nest. As a result of the constant digging of entrances and exits by the insect-like beings, the caves are relentlessly bombarded with a flow of sand from the desert above. It will not be long before the caves are completely filled and a piece of Galkan history is lost forever. However, this is of no concern to the Antica...


This desert oasis, supported by the Rabao Spring, lies towards the north end of Zepwell Island and is surrounded by the vast Altepa Desert. Notwithstanding its location, enterprising merchants have erected tent-shops in an effort to capitalize on stranded adventurers in need of aid. Due to its close ties with San d'Oria , there are a few San d'Orian auction house representatives here who are able to provide access to that nation's auction house.

Western Altepa Desert

This enormous expanse of desert covers the entire western half of Zepwell Island. Out of its center rises Revelation Rock, which was once used by the Galka as a location for spiritual training. To the northeast, one can find the largest oasis of the desert-Rabao.


The Boyahda Tree

The "Boyahda Tree", the largest tree of Zi'Tah, is said to have lasted tens of thousands of years. The cave made by its decaying roots is now called the same name. The fantastic space is wrapped in light by the shining moss growing on the cave walls. Also a subspecies of the atrocious walking plant Mandragora comes to this region for nesting and food.

Cloister of Storms

Home of the lightning protocrystal which houses the celestial avatar Ramuh, God of Storms.

Dragon's Aery

Nestled high above the peaceful tree-lined areas of The Boyahda Tree and The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah lies this trecherous plot of land home to some of the strongest creatures to roam Vana'diel. The aery, or nest, while home to some more common animals, is often guarded by one of two powerful Wyrms.

Hall of the Gods

This long corridor is the final safe resting place before entering the vast etheral expanses of Tu'Lia. Statues adorn the interior of the hall, and a large statue of Promathia stands tall; one of the few grand monuments to the god of darkness that still stands in Vana'diel today.


This ampitheater-like area is comprised of a series of levels leading up to the top, where one can enter the Hall of the Gods. The high walls made of a bone-like material make for a labyrinthine atmosphere, where dangerous beasts can lurk behind the next turn. Caution is suggested when traversing this dangerous area.

The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah

The coniferous forest that is at the entrance to the Li'Telor region. At noon little light reaches the forest floor, blocked by trees that are thousands of years old. However throughout the forest are crystals that are illuminated and shine onto their surroundings eerily even during the day. Here was believed by the people of Vanadiel to be the region of gods, and was rare for people to visit unless on pilgrimage to Ro Maeve, or Goblin Highwaymen.


Celestial Nexus

This area is used for Zilart Mission 16.

La'Loff Amphitheater

This area is used for Divine Might.

Ru'Aun Gardens

Also known as "Sky" by various adventurers, this array of floating islands is the home to the "Divine Guardians of the Shijen" and a number of monsters.

Shrine of Ru'Avitau

This area is most well known for its resident Notorious Monster - Kirin, master of the Shijen. He is one of the more popular high level monsters to fight. The fight can take hours and requires a lot of cooperation between players. Be careful if you're running through this area, as a group may be fighting him! This area often has blue and yellow doors blocking the way as you navigate. Devices called "Monoliths" are used to control these doors. Only one color type will be open at a time; if the blue doors are open, the yellow doors will be closed. Teleporters are used to jump around the area, the small circles on the map denote teleporters, and empty areas with letters are the destination of the teleporters. Some teleporters have more than one possible destination; you may end up at different places each time. The chances are random.

Ve'Lugannon Palace

The inside of Ru'Aun Gardens, the Palace is home to a few notorious monsters, but is otherwise often a deserted and desolate place. The bone-like materials used in the construction of the Palace make it a particularly unpleasant place to stay for very long.


Cape Teriggan

This penninsula on the extreme western edge of the Quon continent is accessible only via one of two underground tunnels. The Gustav Tunnel leads to the Valkurm Dunes, still on the Quon continent, whereas the Kuftal Tunnel leads to the Western Altepa Desert on Zepwell Island. The penninsula is home to a large number of Goblins, Cockatrice and Manticores.

Cloister of Gales

Home of the wind protocrystal which houses the celestial avatar Garuda, God of Gales.

Gustav Tunnel

This tunnnel connects Valkurm Dunes with Cape Teriggan. Adventurers seeking to make it back into daylight on the otherside must traverse this long dark tunnel, carefully avoiding the various monsters that inhabit this foul passage. Numerous powerful Wyverns also live here, most notably Bune, who can often be seen defeating unsuspecting passerbys.

Kuftal Tunnel

This tunnnel connects the Western Altepa Desert section of Zepwell Island with Cape Teriggan. This maze of underground passageways can lead adventurers in circles, only to look up in horror as giant monsters such as Guivre look down on them with glee.

Valley of Sorrows

This small secluded area, accessible only from Cape Teriggan, is home to the Adamantoise, mammoth reptiles which are a rare sight for any adventurer. Only a handful of these creatures are known to exist in Vana'diel.


Airship, Jeuno - Kazham

Providing access from Kazham to The Grand Duchy of Jeuno, the airships provide a fast, reliable mode of transport for both travelers and cargo. The reopened route to Kazham has recently seen an explosive increase in the number of passengers.

To use the airship, you need to have a Airship Pass for Kazham. To obtain this, do the Kazham Airship Pass Quest or pay a fee to obtain it.