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Revision as of 10:15, 8 July 2007 by Zaiqukaj (talk | contribs) (→‎Terms: moved info here)
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This is a tank like vehicle that can shoot items. Digimon stay in your Digi-Beetle when not in combat. In Domains the player moves around as their Digi-Beetle. As the game progresses upgrades can be purchased to improve your Digi-Beetle.


Digimon is short for Digital Monster. They resemble a combination of animals, plants, people and robots. These creatures are intelligent and capable of speech. In this game they can be both allies or foes. Digimon are the only ones who participate in battles in the game.


These are labyrinth like dungeons that are randomly generated upon each visit. The bulk of this game is spent exploring and fighting in various Domains. The constant variables of every Domain are the number of levels and what Digimon can be found there. Items found vary. The first time through any Domain will also have story related events and battles. Any domain on the world map that has a red border contains a boss Digimon on the final floor.


This is the term for levels in this game.

Elevator Lift

This elevator will take you to the world map.

Exit Portal

Enter this portal to leave the Domain.

Floor Portal

Enter this portal to go up to the next level of the Domain. Once you go up there is no way to get back down without re-starting the Domain

Specialty Floor

These are colored floor tiles that can be found in domains. If battle starts and your Digi-Beetle or the opponent is on one of these tiles a specific type of Digimon will gain a boost to their techniques and defense.

Blue: Water
Red: Fire
Green: Nature
Black: Darkness
Gold: Machine

Hallways that have a strip of Specialty Floor are a tell tale sign that a boss is close.


A tamer is any person who uses Digimon.