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The Dwarven Fighter

The dwarves in general are a difficult class to play when compared to other higher level figher classes. However, in the fighter stage their statistics (with a high constitution) make them excelent tanks for low level parties. Starting out as Dwarf means you are isolated from the mainland of Aden. As a consequence, there will usually be only other Dwarves to party with. The unusual thing about a dwarven fighter is the lack of attack skills. Thier only use for their MP in battle is the spoil. For a character that wants to tank, however, this can be used as an equivilent to the "Hate" skill to keep a monster attacking the spoilerHealing potions and switching off can help this. Without the assistance of a higher level player for either buffing or equipment, this can be a slow leveling process but is well worth it after level 20.


Spoil and Sweep

As a fighter, the Spoil skill and Craft skills will be the saving grace of the class. Spoil gives the dwarf the ability to get items from monsters that no other class can and in great numbers. Spoil level 1 is not foolproof and can take many tries to get activated. After a monster spoils (denoted by the whistle sound and the text "The spoil condition has been activated.") there is a chance they will give an item. If the monster does, they will turn blue upon death and the sweep skill must be used on the monster to obtain the item.

Create Item

The Create Item skill, also available to dwarven fighters allows one to turn otherwise useless items, such as a 80 stems, 16 varnish, and 3 Blue Diamond Necklace Gems to make a complete Blue Diamond Necklace. Realistically, the Crate Item level 1 skill is mostly used for turning a dropped material, such as bone, into a crafted material, such as Coarse Bone Powder (CBP) and is rarely used to make any type of item at all. With the persistant pressure to level one's characters, the demand for low level items has make crafting them obsolete. Though crafting can be done while fighting, it is generally done in while sitting to conserve and recharge the MP that it costs to craft an item. Because of this, the adena made while crafting does not yeild any experience points (XP) or skill points (SP) as spoiling does. Also, without XP one cannot gain levels to get higher level of crafting abilities.

Weight Limit

The Weight Limit skill doubles a dwarf's already high carrying capacity making a full day of spoiling a possibility without having to return to town to sell or warehouse items. This skill also becomes inegral to Artisans and Warsmiths selling enormous volumes of soulshot without becoming overweight.

Crafting System

For a dwarf to craft an item, they must possess the recipe for that item and as well as the ingredients. Items of grade B and higher also cost a recipe to craft the item. The first recipe is put into the recipe book for all grades and this recipe item is lost. They cannot, after Chronicle 2, borrow a recipe to craft something and give it back. This also puts a limit on the number of items a dwarf can craft with a limit on the number of recipes the book will hold. The advantage of this system is the Personal Crafting Shop which allows a crafting dwarf to market thier crafting abilities like any other shop or as a buffing class sells buffs. At higher levels this can be a steady source of income. Even with a level 1 craft skill, there is always need for basic crafts such as braided hemp, coarse bone powder, cokes, leather, and steel.

Although dwarves are played much like other fighters in Lineage II, after they complete their first class transfer the play style becomes very different, and more profitable.