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The Bangaa Encounter is the second tutorial battle in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Again, it is not seemingly possible to lose.



The Battle

Enemies and Allies

Unit Job Level Abilities Items
White Monk None Leather Garb
Warrior First Aid Shortsword, Leather Garb
Unit Job Level Abilities Items
Black Mage (Montblanc) 4 Fire, Thunder, Blizzard Rod, Hempen Robe


Again, this is not a hard battle. Concentrate on any of the two Bangaa, and continue to smash them with your normal "Attack" command. Montblanc will also hit them, but more with magic than anything. Remember that attacking from behind yields a greater hit chance. You will win the battle when both of the Bangaa are knocked out.

After the battle, you will see a small scene about the effects of breaking a law. Remember what happens, that way you won't end up losing your 3 hours of progress because you forgot knives were banned.