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Building units in Civilization Revolution is essential to expanding your empire and defending your existing cities.


On Warlord and above, you will start with a single Settler unit with which to found your capital city; on the Chieftain difficulty, your capital will be founded automatically at the start of the game.

Later in the game settlers are used to found new cities. A city may only produce a settler if it has a population of three or more.

Attack Defense Movement Cost Prerequisite Technology
0 0 2 20 City Population 3+


The first attack unit you will be able to build. A Warrior unit will be available as soon as your first city is built.

Attack Defense Movement Cost Prerequisite Technology
1 1 1 10 N/A


Good at exploring the land in the early portion of the game.

Attack Defense Movement Cost Prerequisite Technology
2 1 2 20 Horseback Riding


Nice early defense unit.

Attack Defense Movement Cost Prerequisite Technology
1 2 1 10 Bronze Working


Requires the Mathematics technology.

Attack Defense Movement Cost Prerequisite Technology
3 1 1 20 Mathematics


Cheap early offense unit.

Attack Defense Movement Cost Prerequisite Technology
2 1 1 10 Iron Working