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The creature stage is the next major stage of your Spore journey and involves you evolving your creature and surving. It's like the cell stage but completely in 3D and lets you interact with other creatures beyond attacking.

Initial Creature Creator

See Spore/Intial Creature Creator

Before you start controling your creature. You'll encounter the initial creature editor. It contains parts from the cell editor as well as three legs so that your creature can walk. The main purpose is to allow you to design your creature to adapt to life on land.

Other Creatures

On your journey you'll encounter other creatures. The options of what to do with them are simple. Eat them to get food and socialise to form alliances. There are also two special types of creatures.

Rogue Creatures

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Rogue creatures are powerful versions of creatures found later on in the creature phase. These creatures typically have about 250 health and may have slightly boosted statistics as well as being slightly larger. They are also, by virtue of their large amount of health, quite difficult to kill and are usually far easier to ally with, not to mention giving you a super strong pack. If you manage to fill your pack with rogue creatures it will make killing an epic, if you wish to do it, so much easier

Epic Creatures

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Interacting with Other Creatures

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Finding food is easy but the type you need depends on what your creature is. Also note that if you eat the wrong type of food, your creature wont like you for it.


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If you're a carnivore, you're going to have to eat meat at some point. This doesn't necessarily mean you have to do the dirty work yourself though, as your creature could be as much a charming scavenger as it could be a vicious herbivore. Evolving hands means your creature can rip chunks of meat out of corpses and carry it until it either finishes the meat or needs its hands for another task


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Creature Creator

See Spore/Creature Creator

You can use the creature creator to create an infinte number of beasts and creatures. But be aware of two things.

  1. . The parts that you'll unlock in this stage depend on what you used in the cell stage.
  2. . Each part has a three progressively 'better' versions of it. Knowing which parts are 'better' is simple. Go into the creature creator. Find the specific part you used and then look to the right of that part. The part next to it will be the better version. That put, all parts resting on the right hand side are the most desirable parts for your creature.



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You can have one of three abilities in this stage depending on how you played the cell stage.

  • Hebivore- Siren's Song
  • Carnivore- Raging Roar
  • Omnivore- Summon Flock

Ways to Play


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