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The Galactic Federation has called on Samus to do them a favor yet again-a frigate and the marine group on-board suddenly stopped making contact about 8 days ago while patrolling space around the rogue planet Aether. Of course, the investigation doesn't exactly start off smoothly-Samus' Gunship is heavily damaged while heading through an atmospheric storm en route to the planet's surface.

The game starts you off in Temple Grounds, which serves as the game's hub world. Right now, you're going to have to proceed along a relatively linear course to the Main Temple.

Starting Off

You take control of Samus on top of her Gunship, which you should scan right away for a Research entry. Stepping into the blue circle on top of the ship will allow you to save your game, as well as restoring all of your health and ammunition, which will come into play later in the game. Right now, however, your only two weapons are the Power Beam, an unlimited-ammunition weapon that trades strength for a high rate of fire, and Missiles, high-explosive weapons that run on an ammo system. At the moment, you can carry 15 of these maximum. There's a purple crystal in the room, but you can't interact with it yet.

After you get used to the interface, turn towards the blue door behind the several layers of webbing. To get through these, lock on to and blast the green orbs in the center with your Power Beam, then shoot the door to proceed.

Command Center and Splinter Hive

After exiting the Landing Site, you'll find yourself at a crossroads. The wall with the Violet hologram cannot be interacted with yet, so jump down the hole to the right, where you'll find yourself outside what appears to be a small Federation base.

Hive Chamber A

The room is filled with a green gas, namely a type of industrial-grade pesticide, which explains the large pile of dead insectoid creatures around the room. Scan around to get some info, including the Galactic Federation Crate, Heavy Galactic Federation Crate, and GF Gate Mk VI research scans, then scan the Interface Module, the small box with a rotating hologram displayed on it. These are used to activate machinery throughout the game, so make sure to scan them whenever possible. After scanning the module, blast the two red circles that appear above the gate to proceed.

In the next hallway, you'll have to turn to your right to scan another Interface Module to cause the cargo pod gate to recede. The other open area of this room contains a few more scans, but nothing that will be recorded in your logbook. This includes the Map Station, which is no longer classified as a research scan. Step into it to get an overview of the path ahead of you, than destroy the webbing in the same manner as before to proceed to the next room.

Hive Tunnel

This is a small room, however it does contain a large amount of Worker Splinters, the first "enemies" in the game. Although they are a Creatures logbook entry, they're harmless. If you do want to take care of them, a power beam shot or two will put them under.

Command Chamber

Upon entering this room, get out the Scan Visor. Two of the corpses in this room contain Lore entries for your logbook. After recording them, find the small Morph Ball tunnel and roll through it to find a Bomb Slot, which is also a Logbook entry. While in your Morph Ball, lay a bomb and let it explode to propel you into the slot, then drop another bomb to activate it. This will allow you to use the Interface Module in the first section of the room, but this action will also awaken several Dark Troopers, the game's first true enemies. They're inaccurate and can be put down by a few power beam shots or a single charge shot, but when they do hit, they can do decent damage. Knock them down, then scan the module to cause the pod gate to retract, revealing several more Dark Troopers. Fight your way through them to the door behind the gate.

Hive Storage

There's not much of interest in this room. If you took a beating against the Troopers, blow the crates to get energy and ammunition restore power-ups, but otherwise proceed through the next door.

Hive Chamber B

When you enter this room, you'll notice a mysterious persona standing in front of an interdimensional rip before entering it. Follow the figure through and you'll watch a cinema depicting it attacking and a large horde of creatures-Ing-stealing Samus' items. Afterwards, you'll be left with your basic Varia Suit, the Power Beam(Charge beam included), Morph Ball, Combat Visor, and Scan Visor. You'll get everything you lost back in due time, but for now, duck through the Morph Ball tunnel to the right and press on.

A quick note for later in the game: This portal will NOT reappear. It can only be used once.

Hive Chamber C

This room contains another squad of Dark Troopers. Deal with them as you wish, then use the Save Station in an adjacent room. This will save your progress and restore all your energy, but not your ammunition. Be sure to scan it for another Research entry, then go through the other door.

Hive Transport Area

After entering this room, scan the Interface Module to activate the elevator. Step into the hologram to activate it and finally exit the hive. The room is connected to the same room you used to access the hive earlier, but you still can't unlock the Violet door, so head through the other door towards the Federation base.

Federation Base

Upon entering this area, you'll be properly welcomed to Temple Grounds. For now, get your Scan Visor ready, as there's plenty of scans in this area outside of several small skirmishes.

Industrial Site

There's another GF Gate Mk VI right as you enter this room. Open it like the one in Hive Chamber A. Now that the gate isn't blocking you, there's a large cargo crate dividing the room in half. Use the nearby Module to lift it up and out of your way with the winch system above you before it gets carried to another area of the encampment. Once that's done, begin hopping up the ledges on the other side of the room. There are several Splinter Hives on the walls of the ledges; scan them without getting too close, as if you approach them, a Splinter will pop out. These creatures actively attack by jumping towards you, but are easily disposed of by a couple of power beam shots. The Green Kralees ahead follow a preset path and don't attack, so they pose no threat. Once you get to the GF Bridge, scan it for another Research entry and then cause it to fall into place in the same way you unlocked the gates.

Collapsed Tunnel

Scan the dead marine wedged between the rocks on the right to get a Lore entry. Go through the Morph Ball tunnel to your left to reach the door.

Temple Assembly Site

Yet another crystal is to the right of the entrance, but don't worry about it for now. There is also a missile door and a violet hologram door that you can't use for now, so scan the module near the hologram to lower down the crate you moved earlier. When the winch gets jammed, simply fire a few shots at the sparking part of the line to bring the crate down. Cross this to reach the next door.

Dynamo Chamber

Scan the new type of gate in the room. Unlike the other gates, all you have to do is scan the module to the left to open it; however, this will cause two gates to lower and seal off the lower path. You'll come back to those two gates later in the game, but right now, continue to move forward.

Communication Area

A couple of Splinters and Dark Troopers are lurking in this room. Other than that, the dead trooper on the floor will give you a Lore entry. If you scan the Interface, the array will attempt to send out a distress signal, but atmospheric interference will block it. Continue onwards.

Trooper Security Station

Upon entering the room, a Growler turret will exterminate several Splinters before setting its sights on you. Scan it and then use a charged shot to destroy it. Use the Morph Ball to go through the tunnel and scan the Interface, which will open the door, but damaged systems will cause it to only open a crack before slamming down and attempting to open again. Scan the body in the station for a Lore entry, then roll through the tunnel. Use the Morph Ball to head through the gate, timing yourself to avoid being damaged when it slams down, to get to the door.

GFMC Compound

This room contains a multitude of scans. Upon entering, scan GFS Tyr, then approach the console in front of the ship. Scan the corpse leaning on it before you get too close for some Lore, then walk up to the console to discover the fate of the marines. Blow up the large yellow crate to regain your Missile Launcher, although you can only carry 5 missiles now. To celebrate, a group of Dark Splinters will enter the area; get their scan and then shoot them up. Explore the rest of the room, as another 5 Lore entries are carried by marine corpses scattered throughout the room. Once you get them, board the ship and scan the doors at the stern to access a map station, then jump out of the hole in its side and onto the ledge. Walk across the ledge and scan both the Interface Module and the Kinetic Orb Cannon. Get into your Morph Ball and roll into the hologram to get fired to another ledge. Fire a missile at the red door to unlock it.

Sacred Bridge

When you enter the room, scan the body to he left to obtain the last Galactic Federation Lore, then roll down the tunnel to the right to get to the lower floor. Defeat the War Wasps, then look up to scan another Module and activate the cannon. Enter into it to get fired to the other door.

Sacred Path

There are several War Wasp Hives located around the room. They have a logbook entry, so scan them before destroying them with a missile(Make sure you save at least one), as they'll spawn more War Wasps if you don't. To get through the room, search for a weak section of wall above you with the Scan Visor. Once you find it, use a single missile on it. Approach the orb cannon, find and scan the nearby module, and fire through the weakened wall. Roll through the tunnel inside the structure to get to the door on the top ledge. Go through the door to get to the Temple Transport A.

Temple Transport A

Use the elevator to get to Temple Transport A in the Great Temple.

Great Temple

The Great Temple is high temple in the middle of the Overworld and functions as a hub.

Transport A Access

In the east wall is a Morph ball tunnel to a Save Station. Proceed to Temple Sanctuary via the door for a boss fight.

Temple Sanctuary

When you step in the circle of pillars shield will rise locking you in. You will be attacked by a swarm of Dark Splinters. After that died, a Alpha Splinter will come to fight. As a reward you will get an Energy Transfer Module. Proceed to Controller Transport.