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2-1 Three Easy Pieces

Here is the first level of the game and it's really simple. It introduces the game's controls and some basic game mechanics. You will begin by learning to jump over some steps then climb some fences. You will continue and see the first puzzle piece, then you will see the first enemy, a Monstar. You will travel forward and see the second and third puzzle pieces and soon the end of the first level. Simple, right?

There are 3 puzzle pieces in this level and are all simple to obtain.

Puzzle Piece #1
The first one is under a platform and can't be missed. Head down and jump over the spikes.
Puzzle Piece #2
You will need to get some extra height on your jump, so use the Monstar to your advantage.

Puzzle Piece #3
Just as the last one, use the Monstars to get this piece. You will need both of them to attain it.

2-2 The Cloud Bridge

Part 1

The Cloud Bridge will introduce you with new obstacles and the first one you will notice right away will be the locked gate, but luckily the key isn't so far away. After the gate you will encounter floating clouds being shot out of the cannon simply jump over them and continue on forward. There will be another cannon shooting clouds with a puzzle piece at the end of it. Going on, there is a giant board where all your puzzle pieces can be placed together to form the puzzle. You will then see a platform above with a puzzle piece and another piece near the exit. Sadly both pieces are unattainable at the moment and the exit waits for you.

There are 4 puzzle pieces in this level, but to get the last two you might have to think outside the box.

Puzzle Piece #1
Start by grabbing the key by jumping over the spikes, then head back to climb the ladder. Open the gate and jump on the clouds to get a ride to your puzzle piece.
Puzzle Piece #2
Jump your way through the clouds to get to the other side and get the piece.

For these next ones you will have to obtain the necessary puzzle pieces in order to continue and come back at another time. So go on to the next level, it won't hurt you.

Part 2

Now that you have the necessary puzzle pieces and make your way back to The Cloud Bridge. You can manipulate the images in the puzzle box to help you get the last two pieces. First extend the platform so that the creature moves onto it, then move the puzzle piece so that the creature falls below. you are able to advance ahead and get the remaining two puzzle pieces.

Puzzle Piece #3
Puzzle Piece #4
File:Braid World 2-2 puzzle 3.jpg File:Braid World 2-2 puzzle 4.jpg

There is a star on this level.

Near the upper right puzzle piece is a slow moving cloud. To reach the star, you have to get on the cloud either by bouncing on the Monstar, or by jumping on the door to jump on the cloud (the latter option requires you to enter the level from the right.)

It takes two hours for the cloud to traverse the map. While waiting, read a book, cook a meal while waiting for the cloud to move. If playing on a PC, Alt-tab will not help, as it slows the cloud down by an order of magnitude.

2-3 Hunt!

This stage is a little different than the previous ones since it introduces the Monstar gate. With the new "Hunt!" section of the HUD it makes it pretty obvious how to open the gate. Once a Monstar is defeated, a red cross is placed over their image and when they are all defeated the gate will open.

There is only one puzzle piece in this level and is located at the top right.

Puzzle Piece
Begin by jumping on the first Monstar and climbing up the ladder. Do not kill the second Monstar, jump over it and keep on going. After continuing forward and jumping on the next two, jump down and aim for the Monstar to give you a higher jump to the next platform. Defeat the next two and get the puzzle piece.

2-4 Leap of Faith

At this stage you'll find yourself just out of reach from a puzzle piece. Ignore it for a bit and continue further to reach a ladder with a lever at the top of it. Using the lever will operate the nearby platform. You can use this platform to guide a Monstar over to the other side of the fire pit below and then use the Monstar to get the first puzzle piece.

Now, continue onward by transporting Tim over the fire pit via the moving platform. On the other side you'll spot another puzzle piece and find another cannon firing Monstars down an abyss. Time your jump onto the Monstar and you'll reach the second piece. Take a leap of faith down the abyss and guide Tim down the left side to reach another puzzle piece. Continue up the ladder and try to avoid the incoming Monstars by taking shelter inside the small caves. On your way you'll find the final puzzle piece of the stage. At the end of the ladder you'll encounter your first Claw. Simply time your jump over it and continue to the checkered flag.

Puzzle Piece #1
Puzzle Piece #2
Puzzle Piece #3
Puzzle Piece #4