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Port City North Pick (ノースピック)[edit]

Noteable Villager Gossip:

  • It is rumored that there are people on the Baldmark continent who are researching a steam propulsion system which would allow ships to sail without wind.
  • North of the town is Northlite Castle, which can only be accessed via cave tunnels.
  • A beautiful princess named Theresa lives in the castle.
  • Submersible watercraft are said to be in Northlite Castle, which were once used to survey the bottom of the sea.
  • There are two temples on the continent: Northlite Temple and Les Renault Temple.
  • There is a small island shaped like a crescent moon to the west, but it is home to the Genie of the Sea.
  • The Tower of Pacificle once existed, but it sank into the sea long ago.
  • This continent has always been a cold place, but recently it has been nigh-unbearably so.
  • The weather is controlled by a weather controller in Northlite Tower. The villagers wonder if it might be broken.

Make your preparations, exit town and head northeast to the Temple of Les Renault.

Temple of Les Renault (レスルノーザ神殿)[edit]

Head up and inside the temple. On the left side, pass up the first stairs and instead head up the second for a chest. Go back down and head up the center stairs at the end of the long purple carpet for another chest: Power Berry. Head down once again and take the stairs on the bottom-right. Head left to the next room and go up to the top for a third chest: (アサートの光) then take the stairs to the south. Head up into the double doors – making sure to grab the chest on your way. In here you meet Ferocious, who gloats that he is about to seal the angel Chargiel and then attacks.

Boss Battle:Ferocious (フェローシャス)

After the battle, Chargiel、who introduces herself as the Angel of Snow. She then entrusts the power of Snow to Cindy. Exit the Temple and head west along the mountains and into the cave.

Northlite Cave (ノースライトの洞窟)[edit]

Paths can be a little tricky to spot in this dungeon so be sure to keep an eye out. At Fork A, head right. Go right again at Forks B and C for a chest. Back at Fork C, head up to Fork D and from there, up again for Fork E. Go left for a second chest: Heal Tonic. Continue left and at Fork F, go left again. Pass up the next cave door for now and keep going until you hit the third chest. Now backtrack to that door and head inside.

Head up at Fork G and right at Fork H for a chest: Megatonic. Continue right to Fork I, and then right again to Fork J. Take the upper-right path here for an open area with another chest: (アサートの光). From there, head up and into the cave door for yet another chest:Power Berry. Head back out and continue left to another open are and go up into the door there. Go up to Fork K, take the left path for a chest. Keep heading up and then up again at Fork L. Take the middle path at Fork M and lastly go up at Fork N to the door. Go down and exit the cave. On the overworld, head to the nearby castle.

Northlite Castle (ノースライト城)[edit]

Go up to the top right and enter the door. This is the Inn, but there are also random encounters nearby, so be careful. Head left and then make your way down, taking a detour to the second room to get the chest. Asecnd the stairs at the fourth room. Ascend the stairs on the right here as well as on the next floor. Grab the chest here and then head all the way back down and exit the inn. Go in the main Castle doors this time. There are two chests on this map – One at the top-right and one at the middle-left. Grab them both and then take the stairs in the lower-left. On this floor, follow the path left to a chest. Go back down and this time ascend the stairs on the mid/upper-left. Just one chest in this section. Head down, then all the way to the right, and then down into the room to obtain it. Then ascend the stairs in the top-center of the map. No chests to worry about on this floor so make your way to the stairs in the lower-left of the map and ascend them. On this floor, follow the linear path to the top-center, then go all the way down until you hit the wall. Use either doorway to get to the next set of stairs on the other side. On this floor, go down into the room below to meet Princess Teresa. She at first mistakes the party for more Imperial soldiers, but after things are cleared up, she says that everyone has been hiding in the castle ever since the imperial aggression began. She also says that Dark Knight Jirdore is currently occupying the castle. Jay decides to search the castle for him.

Exit the room and the guard who was standing at the top of the map will be gone, allowing you access to the double doors. You will find Jidore threatening King North, as well as slaughtering his guards. Once more, a Dark Knight recognizes Jay Claude as “The Deserter” and then attacks.

Boss Battle: Jirdore (ジルドレ)

After the battle, Jirdore teleports away and the Queen rushes to verify if Teresa is safe. The king thanks the group for saving his life. When Jay introduces himself, the king recognizes the name as one of the Vector Holy Knights and is surprised as he had heard that said knights had been wiped out.

Suddenly, the Queen rushes back in, saying that Teresa is missing and that a note was left in her room. The message reads: Surrender your castle by morning or your daughter dies. With a heavy heart, the king says that he cannot sacrifice his country for the sake of the princess. Thankfully, Jay volunteers to get her back, as they share a common enemy.

The grateful king accepts the offer and says that Jidore's base is the Tower of Northlite, which was built long ago to control the weather on the continent. He also sends Murry - a weather control operator - with the party. Murry is the descendant of a great wizard who was first able to control the weather by combining magic and science.

Walk back out of the castle. At the entrance, Hanzou will comment on Theresa's beauty - a remark that irks Leila, as she believes his motive for rescuing her is impure.

On the overworld map, head northeast a bit and enter the path in the mountains.

Northlite Tower (ノースライトの塔)[edit]

Head up the stairs before you, then go right to the next set of stairs and ascend them. Now head left – passing up the first set of stairs – and ascend the second set. Go up one more set of stairs for a chest. Now return to the stairs that you passed up just a moment ago. Go up them, as well and the next set. You'll arrive at the tower. Examine the keypad on the left and Murry will open the doors for you. Head inside.

There are no chests on this floor. Hug the right wall until you are at the very top of the map. Walk down a bit and you should spot a staircase. To reach it. just head left, down and back around right.

On this second floor, head right and hug the wall up and all the way around to the lower-left. When you see a new path open to the right, take it for a chest. Backtrack to the opening and then continue on the lowest path and take the next set of stairs at the end.

On this floor, make your way left all the way to the outer wall and then down for a chest. Now go back up, hugging the outer wall until you reach another chest in the top-right corner of the map. Keep following this path all the way to the end and you'll find the next staircase.

Go to the nearby double doors. The party knows that Jidore will be waiting for them, holding Theresa hostage, so Hanzou suggests that he use the ventilation pipe to sneak around to the other side. Murray offers to go with to help show him the way as the pipe system is complex. Once they are in, Jay and company enter to distract the villain. Their plan succeeds and Jidore is enraged. Time for a boss fight.

Boss Battle: Jirdore

After the battle, Murry works to return the weather back to normal (cold, but not freezing) while Jay and the party return to Northlite Castle with Theresa. King North is grateful for having his daughter returned and castle saved, and asks if there is anything he can do to repay the party. Leila mentions that she heard there was a submarine in Northlite. The king confirms this and says that the heroes are free to use it, however, they have not been operated in a long time so an engineer will be needed for maintenance. Cindy suggests that Brad Bell may be able to help. Exit the castle (you still have to walk out, unfortunately) and then teleport to Deja.

Deja (third trip)[edit]

Find Kim inside of the Inn. He'll tell you that Brad Bell lives in the Waters of Death. However, that area is currently inaccessible due to being covered in a magical mist that nullifies wind.If you recall, there was a villager in North Pick who said that someone was developing a steam propulsion system for ships on the Baldmark continent, so lets head there.

Get on your ship and sail to the very tippy-top of the Les Renault continent (the continent of the Northlite Kingdom) and from there, sail east until you hit a patch of mist clouds. From those clouds, sail north until you see a village. Dock the boat and enter there.