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Floor 81[edit]

Time: 60, Treasure: none

Nimble fingers and a good sense of timing is required to pass this level. From the entrance, drop down to the right, and then cross the floor to the left. You will be at the bottom of a set of platforms that you must climb. Each platform has an urchin crawling back and forth on it, and they cover their territory quite quickly. In addition to having to avoiding this small creatures, you must also carefully time your jumps so that you don't bump Ki's head on anything. You'll want to jump up to the platform above you, and veer close enough so that you can land of the tip of the ledge, or bail out and fall back down if you can't land safely. Once you land on the platform, you'll almost want to jump immediately back up to the next platform. You'll need to hold down B button in order to move around each platform quickly enough without bumping your head. When you reach the third platform up, you needn't worry about the fourth platform, simply jump to the safety of the column to the right.

The exit is now within reach, but the challenge isn't over yet. You need to collect the key from the area below the door. This area is guarded by a Salamander who belches fireballs on a regular basis. The key itself is above a jagged floor. In fact, the only safe floor to stand on is a small patch in the middle. You want to time your fall down to that middle patch immediately after a fireball passes over it. Then, after a brief pause, quickly move over to jump up and collect the key. The pause is to allow the Salamander time to send off another fireball that you will jump over as you collect the key. Bring yourself back to the small patch of safe floor as you land, and then immediately jump up to the exit.

Floor 82[edit]

Time: 60, Treasure: Timer, Wing

You only begin this floor with 15 seconds on the clock. That's going to make collecting the Timer rather important. Start out by running to the right, and hop over the patch of jagged ground along the way. Jump over the column, but watch the timing of the blue fire cannon on the other side. Land when it's safe and hop over the smaller patch of jagged ground as you make your way to the far right. Then jump up and into the alcove to collect the chest with the Timer in it for 60 extra seconds.

From the alcove, you must jump up to the top, and get back over to the left, while avoiding getting burned by the high blue fire cannon that fires to the left. Then jump up on top of the column to the left, fall down on to the small patch of safe ground, and hop up to the next column. From there, you can hop across the gap and collect the Wing from the chest to the right.

Using the Wing, float down and to the left, rising above the two columns. You'll see the key suspended above some asteroids. Using the power of the Wing, you won't have to descend to the safe patch of ground below, you can simply collect the key and continue to hover above the asteroids as you make your way to the left. Just watch out and make sure you don't bump Ki's head or you're likely to fall on the rocks or the jagged floor below. Likewise, do the same in the next section of asteroids until you are up and over the last column, and you can float down to the exit.

Floor 83[edit]

Time: 15, Treasure: Poison, Poison

Ishtar's preamble: Don't pick up everything that you find on the ground.

Ishtar's warning isn't advice, they're instructions. There are two chests on the ground, and they both contain Poison. As you make your way to the left from the entrance, you'll want to hop over each chest with care. There's not a lot of space to jump, so you'll have to be careful of the platform above. Once you are on the left side, time your jump up to the next platform between blasts from the blue fire cannon. Run to the right until you see the Basilisk, then jump into the air above him to collect the key. While you rise, the Basilisk will start to open it's eyes. It's safe to adjust your position to the left, but don't try to move back to the right while the screen is flashing. Try to land to the left of the Basilisk where you will at least be safe from the fire cannon's continuous flames.

In order to reach the exit, you need to pass a slug with a small bug from Galaga that flies in a circle above the slug. Because of the bug's clockwise direction, it's very difficult to pass it from above. It's much easier to attempt this from below. Drop down in front of the Basilisk and then rise up when the slug is moving to the left. You should be able to slip in behind the bug, land on the platform behind the slug, and then finally jump over to the left. Be careful, however, there's one more surprise waiting for you on the platform before the exit. There's a Mad Element hidden in the middle of that platform waiting to rise up and snag you. Try to jump all the way over to the exit if you can.

Floor 84[edit]

Time: 60, Treasure: Wing, Lucky Flag

A majority of this floor requires that you hover perilously close to the jagged floors that cover most of the platforms throughout the stage. Start by collecting the Wing from the chest to the right of the entrance. Then head to the left to begin your journey over the jagged floors. Holding B button down can be a double edged sword. It can help you float through the passages faster so you are required to hover for a shorter duration. But if you don't maintain good control over Ki's speed, you risk stunning her against the pillars and falling down to her death.

After floating a short distance to the right, you can take a short break by flying up to the platform with a second chest. This chest contains a Lukcy Flag, so the faster you reach it, the more points you will be awarded. Then you'll have to drop back down and continue to the right until you can float up to the platform above and cross back over to the left. Continue until you reach the ledge where an anemone is sitting. Hit the ledge and float up until you are above the anemone. Then continue to the left, dropping down low enough to pass beneath the platform overhead.

Once you reach the far left side, the hard part if over. Float up toward the ceiling, over the second anemone, and over to the safe platform with the exit door. Now you must collect the key, which is found to the right. You'll see the key floating between two platforms. Below the key is a small urchin that crawls back and forth. You have two options to collect the key. You can try floating in behind the urchin and double back before the urchin returns, or you can follow the urchin in one direction and fly high enough over it when it returns to ensure that you collect the key safely. Once you have the key, head straight for the exit.

Floor 85[edit]

Time: 60, Treasure: Warp

In order to start this floor, you'll have to drop from the left side of the platform and swing around to the safe patch of floor directly beneath it while avoiding the jagged floor beneath the drop. To do this, you should jump off to the left a little when you leave the first platform. Then hold B button as you begin to move back to the right. It's important that you do not pick up speed until Ki's head is clear of the platform that you just left, or she will smack it and fall to the jagged floor. Once you land safely on the bottom, continue to the right, jump up all the way to the ceiling, and run down the hallway to the left to collect the key.

Once you have the key, return to the right. You have to hop over the gap to the column on the right without bumping your head. This is easy enough if you hold B button to run, but you have to watch out if you overshoot the column and fall into the small pit with two blue ghosts floating back and forth. Whether you land in the pit with them or not, your goal is to continue to the opposite side of the pit on the right. Head to the right side of the platform and pause to study the situation.

Below you is a column. On either side of that column is deadly jagged floor, so you must land on the column to survive. Since the column is pushed back to the left below the platform, you'll need to use the same trick you used earlier, jumping off the platform to the right, and then holding B button to quickly return to the left, but only once Ki's head can clear the platform. To make matters worse, you have to begin stopping Ki once her feet hit the column, or she will continue running too fast and smack into the wall beyond. Assuming you land safely on the column, you must drop down and hold B button to duck into the area with the exit door. You may be tempted to discover the contents of the chest to the left of the door, but you won't be missing anything. It contains a warp that zaps you all the way back to floor 37.

Black Dragon warp: Oh my, we gotta stop meeting like this, missy.

Floor 86[edit]

Time: 70, Treasure: none

The small circling scorpion bug from Galaga that was introduced earlier is finally featured prominently on this floor. After running to the right from the entrance, below a single bat, you'll have to jump up to a platform where you will find two of these bugs spinning around in opposite directions. The first bug is easy enough to run below, but the second bug is better avoided by jumping over when it reaches its low point. Just watch out for the small patch of jagged floor in front of the left column.

You'll need to jump up to the next platform, but before you tackle it, you should make places to collect the key closer to the ceiling. It is perched atop a column, and it is guarded by a blue Beholder. Wait for the Beholder to pass the key while moving to the left, then jump up along the left side of the column. Quickly land on the column to grab the key, and turn around just as quickly to avoid the returning Beholder.

Now you must clear the last platform. The bugs are closer together, but the strategy is the same: run below the first bug, and jump over the second. However, there is still one more trap waiting for you. There is a Mad Element just waiting to rise out from the floor after you clear the second bug. Be very careful and try to stop Ki when she is clear of the second bug's range. Then move over just enough to clear the platform with the exit, and jump up to reach it.

Floor 87[edit]

Time: 60, Treasure: Gift

This is a short floor for a special stage, but it pulls no punches right from the start. To the right of the entrance is a small column. You'll need to use it as a launch point, but you must watch out for an intermittent blue wizard standing on the opposite side of the jagged floor who fires spells to the left. When it's safe, hop over the jagged floor, but be careful of the pit beyond the second column. There are two Mad Elements just waiting to rise out from the ground and surprise you.

Reach the column beyond the Mad Elements, and use it to jump up to the platform above, which contains the key sandwiched between two Galaga bugs. This time, they are arranged so that you must jump the first bug and run beneath the second. Be sure to collect the key as you do so, and then head safely to the exit, collecting a 10,000 bonus point gift from the chest along the way.

Floor 88[edit]

Time: 60, Treasure: Wing

Ishtar's preamble: Things will be difficult from here on out, but if things get too difficult, think of me and try your hardest!

As if things haven't been hard enough, Ishtar warns you of the difficulties to come. Indeed, this floor seems to present you with two bad choices to reach the top. In one case, you can try to jump along the tips of a staircase that is mostly covered with jagged floors and surrounded by mines. In the other, you can try to fly up between two columns occupied by a set of urchins with a mine near the top. If that's not bad enough, there's a slow but steady wind that blows Ki to the left. You'll have to choose the lesser of two evils. You have a bit more control using the stairs, but it's a longer path. Combined with the potential to bang Ki's head on the wall, it would appear that the urchin path is better, but the mine above the left column and the wind make controlling Ki's path between the urchins extremely difficult.

When you make it to the platform just below the ceiling, you're through the hardest part. Now all you must do is run to the left, drop down to the platform with the chest, and collect the Wing. With the Wing, you can safely collect the key that is hovering over the jagged floor below the chest. Collect it, and fly back up to the exit.

Floor 89[edit]

Time: 80, Treasure: Ring

Just to get started on this floor, you'll have to guide Ki through a set of passages containing five different enemies. To your right, you'll find a large Rockman wandering on the bottom, and a Mushkin hopping along the top. You have far more room to maneuver along the bottom and around the Rockman, so avoid the Mushkin. An eagle sits on top of a central column. On the other side of the column is a fast moving quail and a fast moving Axe-Beak. You must hop safely over the eagle, and land either on the Axe-Beak's platform, or on the bottom with the quail. Which one you choose will depend on which way either bird is moving. From there, you must hop over either bird to the next segment, which contains a snail. It is actually possible to clear both the eagle and the Axe-Beak with proper timing and good use of B button.

Wait for the snail to start making its way back to the left. Then hop onto the small block to its right. The platform above has a Rust Monster walking back and forth, and is therefore impassable. Jump over the jagged floor to the platform on the right with a slug. Hop over the slug if necessary, and then jump up to the top of the column. Beyond this column is a platform where a blue wizard will appear and fire a spell. Rather than trying to drop down to the small safe portion of floor with the spike above, just wait for the wizard to begin to disappear, then quickly rush to the platform and jump up to the ledge above, watching out for the mine as you rise. Now all you have to do is run to the left, collect the Ring so that you can pass through the Will o'Wisp after you collect the key on the way to the exit.

Floor 90[edit]

Time: 110, Treasure: Ring

Another difficult floor to get started on, the right side of this floor is composed of a series of chutes where Will o'Wisps fly up and down. The key to the exit is in one of these chutes, so the only way to can obtain it is to first collect a Ring. Unfortunately, the Ring is positioned all the way above the entrance, and you'll have to pass below and above the chutes in order to collect it.

You'll have to exercise strict control over Ki's movements in order to pause between each chute and avoid getting hit by the Will o'Wisps. Using B button is absolutely not recommended. Learn to stop between the first two wisps, and then hop up on the first column. Ki cannot stick off either side of the column or she will get hit. Hop from one column to the next when it is safe until you reach the far right side.

Once you do, you can safely fly up the far right chute and land on top of the column. Now you must carefully time your approach to the tops of each subsequent column, making sure that the neighboring wisp is just starting their journey down to give you the most time to make it safely to the next column. Once you finally pass the last column on the left, you'll be able to grab the Ring. Now you can completely ignore the wisps, and drop through the chute with the key to collect it.

Return to where you got the Ring, and watch the two Inky ghosts to your left. Time your descent when they are far to one side so that you can dodge the first Inky on one side, and then dodge the second Inky on the opposite side. Then head through the door to the next floor.