Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare/Broadcast

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Broadcast is one of the four downloadable maps. It is based on the TV station in the mission Charlie Don't Surf. There is also a fairly big outside area that can be useful to provide sniping support from.

Airstrike Positioning[edit]

On this map, it is best to aim on the uncovered part of the building or in the car park as the rest of it is under cover.



It is best to stay inside the building as to avoid any helicopters and airstrikes. It is also where the majority of players are. The balcony area and the long room on the top floor connecting to the balcony are good places to go, the long room has 2 entrances, one can only be entered by going up some stairs and the other is covered by the balcony and you should hear some noise made by other players before they come in. If you want, you can plant some claymores to help. This is a fairly high-traffic area but if you keep hold of it, you can make some very high kill streaks.



Search and Destroy[edit]

Team Deathmatch[edit]

If you are a sniper, there are a few places that you can snipe from. You can go to the top floor of either of the buildings outside. Or you can go on the metal cover above the car park. The best places to aim are on the top floor of the balcony or on the roof of the TV station. If you plan to go in, the balcony is a fairly good place to go as long as you watch out for snipers. If you do not control the balcony then one good position is the small room looking over the large room in the middle of the complex. You can get a lot of kills from up there as it is generally not checked as it is hard to clear out enemies in there. A silenced weapon would help, so would claymores at locations that won't be visible for anyone passing by. You should make sure that you cannot see the corridor behind you and you are set for a good kill streak.