Stella Glow/Chapter 5
Battle: Kandaar Battle![edit | edit source]
The Royal Knights chase Niki and Keith toward the Kandaar Hills. Battle has returned to this land!
- Victory Conditions
- Protect Niki and destroy all enemies.
- Defeat Conditions
- Alto is defeated.
- Niki is defeated.
- Special Conditions
- Rusty defeats two or more enemies.
- Alto defeats Dante.
Focus on Dorothy and her group at the start of battle. When her health is low, she and Hrodulf will leave, but their minions will remain. Dante will summon three Chronos and three Magic Archers. Move towards Keith and help him defend Niki. The Cronos will ignore everyone and focus on Niki so you will want to prioritize them. Once the Cronos are defeated, Hilda summons more monsters surrounding your group and Niki and Keith. A mysterious girl arrives and eliminates them. Save before the next phase of battle.
Along with Keith, the mysterious girl and the two Angels will assist you. After a couple turns, Hilda will summon four Earth Elements and a Sniper in the bottom corner. Send some units to intercept them and defend Niki. Once all the enemies are defeated. Hrodulf and Dorothy will appear behind Niki and attack her. Niki sacrifices herself and Hilda and the Harbingers leave with the Angels in pursuit.
- Money
- 6500 G
- Clear
- Venom Orb
- Healing Mist 2
- Sage Stone
- Special
- Trip Lance
- ?
Battle: Reddened Galaxy[edit | edit source]
Niki is dead. Alto must go to Mordimort to tell her of her sister's demise.
- Victory Conditions
- Defeat Hrodulf.
- Defeat Conditions
- Rusty is defeated.
- Special Conditions
- No allies are defeated.
- Clear before Hrodulf's third turn ends.
User Rusty's skills behind Hrodulf. After he takes enough damage he will leave. Mordi grows more unstable and the rest of the 9th Regiment arrives.
- Victory Conditions
- Move Alto closer to Mordi.
- Defeat Conditions
- Alto is defeated.
- Mordimort is defeated.
Have Popo hug the northern wall and use Whirlwind to eliminate the Crawlers. Move Alto and the others along the right path to the top of the buildings. Continue along while eliminating any enemies in your way. Mordi will summon more familiars every few turns. You will need to defeat the Sleep Flower blocking your path near Mordi.
- Money
- 8000 G
- Clear
- Hit Orb
- Sage Stone
- Detox Mist
- Special
- Tribow
- ?
Keith and Mordi join the party.