The Battle of Olympus/Gameplay

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Controls[edit | edit source]

  • Left dpad / Right dpad: Press left or right to make Orpheus run in either direction.
  • Up dpad: Press up to enter through doorways, or to climb stairs.
  • Down dpad Press down to crouch, or to walk down stairs. Crouching is the primary method of retrieving items.
  • A button: Press the A button to jump. The longer A is held down, the higher Orpheus will jump.
  • B button: Press the B button to attack. As Orpheus gets stronger, he will learn how to use the direction pad in conjunction with the B button to unleash powerful attacks. Press the B button when standing in front of a person to speak with them.
  • Start button: Press the Start button to begin a new game, or to pause the game and view the inventory screen.
  • Select button: Press the Select button to activate specially selected items from your inventory.

Characters[edit | edit source]

Hero[edit | edit source]

Throughout the game, you control the Hero. He represents the character Orpheus, although you are given the chance to name him whatever you like at the beginning of the game. Orpheus begins the game with a lot of potential to become a true hero, but not much strength. You must guide him through ancient Greece in an effort to ask the gods for their help, and locate items that will enhance his abilities as a warrior. At the top of the screen is a health meter which indicates how much life Orpheus has remaining. If this meter is ever depleted, Orpheus dies and the game will end. You will then be given the chance to continue or to retry. If you choose to continue, you will return to the start of the area where you died, but your half of your olives will be taken as a penalty. If you choose to retry, you will return to the last place where you heard "the word of the gods" with everything you had at that point, and nothing you gained since. The word of the gods can be written down and used as a password to continue your game at a later time.

Orpheus has powerful legs that allow him to jump quite high. If found, a particular item will allow him to jump all the way to the tops of the trees. Orpheus begins the game with a simple wooden club. While effective in combat, it doesn't do much damage. Along the journey, Orpheus must obtain other powerful weapons that will improve his chances in battle. In addition to finding weapons, he will also find a series of items that help him in his quest. Some items work automatically once obtained, while other items must be selected and activated by pressing the Select button.

Gods[edit | edit source]

Zeus is the leader of all Greek gods. Gain his favor, and he will encourage the other gods to help you. You can communicate with him by visiting a temple of his in Arcadia, where you begin your journey.
Athena is the daughter of Zeus, and the goddess of wisdom and battle. By showing your wisdom in battle, she will provide you with extra protection when you visit her in Athens, located within the Attica region.
Ares is the god of war. His protection usually means victory in combat. His temple is located in Crete and can be difficult to reach, but if you make it, you can purchase extra power from him for a hefty price.
As one of the brothers of Zeus, Poseidon is the ruler of the vast sea. He can be visited through a temple in Laconia, where he will sell an item to you that allows you to call upon a creature of the sea for assistance.
Apollo is a god of art, but he is known for carrying the sun across the sky. If you find his temple deep in the forests of Poloponessus, he will give you a harp that can call upon the power of the legendary Pegasus.
Hephaestus is the god of smithing and craftsmanship. His temple is high up in the mountains of Phthia, but if you reach it, he will sell you one of his most finely crafted weapons.
Artemis is the goddess of the moon. If you visit her temple in Phrygia, she will bestow the Moon Crystal upon you, which is said to contain mystical powers over the moon.
Hermes is a son of Zeus, and has the role of being the messenger of the gods to humans. If you find his temple in Argolis, he will lend you his legendary sandals in an effort to aid your quest.
Last, but certainly not least, Hades is the other brother of Zeus. But no amount of Zeus' protection will convince Hades to help you. He is determined to marry your beloved, and if you wish to win her back, you will have to win in a battle against a god.

Humans[edit | edit source]

Keleos lives in a mansion in Athens. He has the ability to provide you with an item that you need to proceed, but first you'll need to show him proof that you are indeed the right man to give it to.
Imprisoned deep in the caves of Argolis for defying the word of the gods, his cell is guarded by a ferocious lion. If you manage to rescue him, he'll share the gods' secret with you that got him imprisoned in the first place.
Circe is a powerful witch who lives inside the labyrinth of Crete. If you bring enough salamander skins to her, she can produce a shield capable of withstanding the hottest flames, but it will cost more than skins alone.

Others[edit | edit source]

When played at any shoreline, a dolphin must heed the call of Poseidon's ocarina. Once it appears, you can ride the dolphin across the vast spans of ocean that separate distant cities.
This rare and beautiful winged horse will only descend from the sky when a harp is played before particular statues. A proud creature, the Pegasus will not go wherever you like, but rather to and from particular statues.