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Chimera's progression is divided into two protocols: SWORD and SHIELD. Both cost the same amount of resources and can be researched at approximately the same time - with SWORD requiring a SPEAR Vehicle Bay and SHIELD requiring only a Barracks. Whether SHIELD or SWORD is first will dictate a Chimera player's playstyle. The final tier consists of units and upgrades that require both protocols active.

Chimera is an extremely power-hungry faction, requiring power for all but two structures. The only two power-producing structures are the Headquarters and the Outpost, so Chimera players become extremely dependent on their Outposts for everything. Unlike the other two factions, their superweapon defence cannot be shut down. Even if the base undergoes a blackout, its superweapon defences remain active.

Chimera's structures are also noted to provide very little build space. Of all the factions, Chimera will produce the most cramped bases. However, they are also the easiest faction to begin another base with by building an Outpost.

For further details, see the Factions overview.

SPEAR Protocol[edit | edit source]

Headquarters[edit | edit source]

CostCredits 4000 Aluminum 4000
Special NotesStores 2000 units of resources. Produces Power 10
Headquarters icon
Headquarters icon

Chimera's HQ is responsible or constructing all of the other structures in the base. It is also capable of producing Recon UGVs to search for resources and scout enemy positions.

The HQ also generates 30 credits per second, ensuring you will never really run out of resources. It also stores 2000 units of aluminum, rare earth, or a combination of each. Ensure your HQ remains protected, as it is not only expensive but losing it results in losing all the resources stored at it as well.

Unlike its Cartel and US Army equivalents, Chimera's HQ additionally produces ten units of power, and provides reserves in case of a blackout. This is particularly important as virtually all of the Chimera's buildings require power to operate, and the Outpost is Chimera's only other Power Source.

This HQ is also notable for producing the least amount of build space around it. This results in a very cramped base without much room to expand without relying on Outposts.

Refinery[edit | edit source]

CostCredits 1600
UpgradesRare Extraction Protocol, Full Extraction Protocol
Special NotesStores 1000 units of resources.
Refinery icon
Refinery icon

Building refineries is key to extracting resources. It also produces Crushres to ferry the produced resources to the nearest Headquarters or Outpost for usage in other buildings. Refineries cannot extract Rare Earth until upgraded with the Rare Earth Extraction Protocol at the Headquarters. After obtaining this upgrade, all refineries will be able to process rare earth.

The refinery automatically extracts from one resource node at a time, regardless of the number of resource nodes within its reach. Unlike the refineries of the other two factions, each of Chimera's refineries can obtain the Full Extraction Protocol upgrade, which lets the refinery extract from two resource nodes at once. This useful upgrade is cheaper than the double refinery strategy, but Chimera's refineries are more expensive than the other two factions.

Unlike the high-capacity M993, the Crusher does not carry many resources and is hampered by terrain. Building multiple crushers is a necessity for Chimera. The best way to determine the number of crushers necessary for each refinery is to look at the number of crates in the refinery's loading stores; the more there are, construct additional crushers. If crushers are busy lining up at the refinery, sell a few.

The Refinery extracts at a rate of 14 units per second on a single node, which can be easily identified by having an extractor on it. The extractor itself is indestructible and only shows which of the oil or aluminum nodes the refinery is extracting from. The refinery extracts oil and aluminum at the same rate, and rare earth at 6 units per second.

Barracks[edit | edit source]

CostCredits 800 Power 1
Barracks icon
Barracks icon

Chimera's barracks is extraordinarily cheap and produces all four of Chimera's infantry. While extremely cheap, infantry are not the most durable of units and are easily killed by anti-infantry vehicles. Their biggest strength are the large numbers they can be deployed in, and their ability to give fire support to other vehicles.

Prison[edit | edit source]

CostCredits 1000 Aluminum 500 Power 1
Special NotesStores up to 10 prisoners.
Prison icon
Prison icon

Chimera's Prison is a detention facility that must be built next to their Barracks, but will continue to function even without said structure.

The Prison holds any enemy wounded infantry or pilots captured by Chimera's FELIN, SAS, or Exosoldier. It produces four credits for each prisoner.

Unlike the US Army's Field Hospital, the Prison can only exchange prisoners for rare earth; Humanitarian Corridor 1 exchanges five prisoners for 1500 rare earth (300 rare earth per prisoner), while Humanitarian Corridor 2 exchanges all ten prisoners for 3500 rare earth (350 rare earth per prisoner). Naturally, it is better to exchange all ten prisoners at once for rare earth rather than exchanging them in groups of five. Alternatively, build additional Prisons for increased cash flow.

Prisons are also capable of healing and reviving wounded infantry, but unlike its Cartel and US Army equivalents, they do not possess an associated aura around them. Instead, it can produce a Nanohealing/Nanorecovery Aura at the expense of 100/200 credits, healing/reviving any friendly infantry units in its area of effect. Both abilities have a short cooldown, which are calculated independently for each Prison. This can help to keep infantry units alive (especially in absence of said alternatives) and also conveniently support allies from great distances when help could not arrive.

Outpost[edit | edit source]

CostAluminum 1500
Special NotesStores 2000 units of resources. Produces Power 4
Outpost icon
Outpost icon

Chimera's versatility shows in its structures via the Outpost. The Outpost is Chimera's method of base expansion. Like the American FOB, the Outpost can be constructed anywhere on the map. It can also store both aluminum and rare earth. Outposts not only provides power and a small build radius around it, it also can be expanded into one of three roles.

The Construction Outpost enables the outpost to construct SPEAR structures on-site, instead of sending them all the way from Headquarters in vulnerable Kodiaks. Most used very far away from the base, the Construction Outpost is not too often seen, but retains the Outpost's power and resource storage abilities.

The Repair Outpost turns the Outpost into Chimera's method of repairing structures and vehicles. Repair Outposts cannot repair themselves, but two can repair each other. As this is Chimera's only method of repairing structures or vehicles, having multiple repair outposts is all but a necessity. If necessary, it can obtain an upgrade that improves its repair radius and the strength of its repair.

Finally, the Income Outpost turns the Outpost into a structure that produces credits on its own, similar to the American Administrative Center. Best used for base expansion close to your own base, the Income Outpost requires both SHIELD and SWORD protocols to be active and is quite expensive, necessitating its protection.

Sentinel Turret[edit | edit source]

Sentinel Turret
CostAluminum 700 Power 2
UpgradesCIWS System, Anti-tank Gun, Starstreak Missiles
Special NotesCan detect stealth units.
Sentinel Turret icon
Sentinel Turret icon

A powerful defensive structure, Chimera's Sentinel is initially modest, but is able to detect stealth units, and improves substantially with individual upgrades.

By default, the Sentinel Turret is equipped with a pair of machine guns that can eradicate infantry and whittle down helicopters. While able to engage fixed-wing aircraft, they aren't as effective. These guns can be upgraded to intercept enemy missiles, defeating them long before they pose a threat.

Sentinel Turrets can also be equipped with anti-tank guns to counter ground vehicles better, and Starstreak missiles dramatically expand its capabilities against enemy aircraft.

Sentinels however can be particularly demanding on Aluminum, as each cost a fair amount of them and require power to continue functioning. They shouldn't be expected to beat back entire assaults on their own, and as such are best supported by other units.

SPEAR Vehicle Bay[edit | edit source]

SPEAR Vehicle Bay
CostCredits 2600 Power 1
SPEAR Vehicle Bay icon
SPEAR Vehicle Bay icon

The SPEAR Vehicle Bay produces the standard land vehicles used by Chimera. These include the Puma light skirmisher, the AA Pantsir (SHIELD Protocol), and the Rhino artillery (SWORD Protocol). Various upgrades for each of these vehicles can be applied from the SPEAR Vehicle Bay as well.

Support Bay[edit | edit source]

CostCredits 1500 Aluminum 500 Power 1
Support Bay icon
Support Bay icon

The Support Bay produces support and harassment units, as well as some of their upgrades. As its name implies, these units don't work well in direct action, but instead take on various specialized roles.

  • The Ninja is a great stealth helicopter that can also detect stealth units. It can upgraded with air-to-air missiles that allow it to ambush enemy aircraft with ease.
  • The Namer is an incredibly durable and capacious APC. It can be upgraded to heal friendly infantry units, and for limited defense against enemy missiles.
  • The Metal Storm is a hard-hitting stealth ground drone with low range that excel at harassing distant enemy positions.
  • The ADS dramatically penalizes view range and movement speed of any enemy infantry units within range. It can be upgraded to target ground vehicles, helicopters, and structures.

SynTech Lab[edit | edit source]

SynTech Lab
CostCredits 4000 Power 2
SynTech Lab icon
SynTech Lab icon

Chimera's equivalent to the American Administrative Center and the Cartel's Underground Stock Market, the SynTech Lab produces 10 aluminum every two seconds and having several creates a self-sufficient base.

Similar to the Underground Stock Market, Syntech Labs are expensive to build and maintain. The latter means that players must have aluminum already stockpiled in order to construct Outposts and HQs. Build your SynTech Labs and Outposts before you run out of resources, so more could be constructed.

Helipad[edit | edit source]

CostCredits 1000 Aluminum 1000 Power 1
Helipad icon
Helipad icon

Capable of producing and upgrading the flexible Tigre and the Valor heavy lift helicopter, the Helipad provides some much needed mobility in Chimera's arsenal.

Rare Earth Outpost[edit | edit source]

Rare Earth Outpost
CostAluminum 500
Special NotesStores 1500 rare earth.
Rare Earth Outpost icon
Rare Earth Outpost icon

Unlike the regular Outpost, Rare Earth Outposts cost very little aluminum and cannot be built everywhere. They also cannot be upgraded to provide construction, repair, or financial support. Players will typically snub Rare Earth Outposts in favour of producing regular ones.

SHIELD Protocol[edit | edit source]

Air Control Center[edit | edit source]

Air Control Center
CostCredits 3000 Power 3
Air Control Center icon
Air Control Center icon

Unlike similar RTS games, aircraft in Act of Aggression are not constructed on the battlefield. Instead, they are constructed off map and then called in via Air Control Centers. They will fly in, make their attacks, and then try to withdraw from battle. Aircraft are very expensive and can be easily destroyed by concerted surface fire.

Each Air Control Center can call in three aircraft of any type. Building additional Air Control Centers is necessary to call in more.

The Air Control Center can also be upgraded to spot enemy aircraft further away. This upgrade allows players to more accurately plan the interception of enemy aircraft with PAK FAs.

Defensive Center[edit | edit source]

CostCredits 750 Aluminum 1500 Power 2
Defensive Center icon
Defensive Center icon

Researching a myriad of defensive technologies, the Defensive Center improves the ability of various vehicles to protect themselves, usually against air attack or stealth attack. The Exosoldier's and Metal Storm's autorepair upgrade can be obtained here.

Anti-Ballistic Center[edit | edit source]

CostAluminum 1750 RareEarth 250 Power 3
Anti-Ballistic Center icon
Anti-Ballistic Center icon

The ability for Chimera to defend against incoming superweapons lies in the Antey 2500, which is produced from this structure. Anteys can also be upgraded here with additional launchers and improved range.

SWORD Protocol[edit | edit source]

SWORD Vehicle Bay[edit | edit source]

SWORD Vehicle Bay
CostCredits 4750 Power 3
SWORD Vehicle Bay icon
SWORD Vehicle Bay icon

The SWORD Vehicle Bay produces Chimera's heavy hitters, including the Terminator and the Buratino multiple missile launcher. It also produces the diminutive Fennek transport for infantry raids.

The AGS-30 Grenade Launcher upgrade, available for the Terminator, can only be acquired after obtaining the Ataka and Igla missile upgrades at the Research Lab and Defensive Center respectively.

Research Lab[edit | edit source]

CostCredits 750 Aluminum 1500 Power 2
Research Lab icon
Research Lab icon

Aimed at improving Chimera units' effectiveness in the field, the Research Lab allows access to several upgrades that improve the offensive power of various units. The Terminator can obtain the Ataka anti tank missile upgrade here, while the NURS Rocket upgrade improves the effectiveness and range of Buratinos. The X-38 Stealth Missiles upgrade grants PAK FAs the ability to engage enemy vehicles like the American Lightning, with the added ability of not dropping stealth while attacking.

Valors and Fenneks can acquire antiaircraft abilities by obtaining Stinger missiles here, and Exosoldiers and Metal Storms can improve their speed with the Intelligent Suspension upgrade.

Omega Blitzer[edit | edit source]

CostAluminum 2000 RareEarth 1000 Power 3
Omega Blitzer icon
Omega Blitzer icon

This high-powered howitzer fires a powerful shell across the map and to a designated location. Chimera's superweapon of choice, the Omega Blitzer hits reasonably hard but over a massive area. Each shot must be individually loaded into the Omega Blitzer, and requires a considerable amount of resources for each shot. Good recon can prevent an Omega Blitzer shot from being intercepted by enemy anti superweapon structures or units.