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Units deployed by the Chimera task force are extremely powerful and versatile. Most of their units pull double-duty in some way, and can often serve in roles outside their designated one. Unlike the US Army, which will usually combine unit types, Chimera players can often afford to use one or two units for everything. En masse, Chimera's units are all but unstoppable. Chimera also has far more stealth options than the US Army does.

Chimera's units are also extremely expensive, oftentimes requiring aluminum in addition to credits. Unlike the US Army, Chimera depends greatly on aluminum to both expand the base and to produce their most powerful units. Denying Chimera their aluminum fields is key to stopping them from building momentum.

Infantry[edit | edit source]

FÉLIN[edit | edit source]

CostCredits 250
Produced ByBarracks
UpgradesCQC Training, Breaching Training
Special NotesCan capture prisoners and enter neutral buildings
FÉLIN icon
FÉLIN icon

FÉLIN (Fantassin à Équipement et Liaisons Intégrés, or Integrated Infantryman Equipment and Communications) is a French infantry combat system and is the main infantry unit of Chimera. Though the most expensive basic infantry unit in the game, the FÉLIN is just as dangerous as the US Marine and Cartel Contractor, and can move faster. After researching SWORD Protocol, the CQC Training upgrade at the Barracks improves their damage, health, and grants the ability to fire smokes. This upgrade is particularly important, as the Exosoldier's indoor combat proficiency is questionable.

As with the SAS and Exosoldier, the FÉLIN can capture POWs and benefits from the Breaching Training upgrade, which allows them to take buildings. Considering their low cost and production time, they are well-suited to this role.

SAS[edit | edit source]

RoleMultirole sniper
CostCredits 650
Produced ByBarracks
UpgradesDU Rounds, Breaching Training
Special NotesCan capture prisoners, can enter neutral buildings
SAS icon
SAS icon

The SAS easily matches the US Army Sniper and Cartel Jackal in effectiveness. Just like them, the SAS can ignore cover and snipe infantry garrisoned in structures. They also double as an anti-armor unit (especially with DU Rounds) and can even hit helicopters. Their slow fire rate, reliance on direct fire, high cost and long production time however often plague them.

Grenadier[edit | edit source]

RoleArtillery infantry
CostCredits 400 Aluminum 200
Produced ByBarracks
UpgradesNLOS System
Grenadier icon
Grenadier icon

Chimera's fire support team of choice, Grenadiers launch their incendiary munitions in four-round bursts, and can be garrisoned in buildings, but are rather defenseless in close quarters and can't reach targets beyond their short sight range.

With the NLOS System upgrade, Grenadiers gain a substantial boost to their accuracy, range and can perform indirect fire. Nevertheless, they often require support to deliver maximum impact.

Exosoldier[edit | edit source]

RoleSpecial forces
CostCredits 250 Aluminum 400
Produced ByBarracks
UpgradesAutorepair, Intelligent Suspension, Breaching Training
Special NotesCan capture prisoners, can enter neutral buildings
Exosoldier icon
Exosoldier icon

Chimera's answer to the US Delta Force and Cartel Vanguard is the Exosoldier. Exemplifying the versatility and flexibility of Chimera, the Exosoldier is equipped with a heavy machine gun that causes considerable damage to both infantry and vehicles. Their primary weakness is their lack of range (which is compensated by their fast movement speed) and their relatively high cost.

Their autorepair upgrade lets them heal themselves away from Medical Namers, while their intelligent suspension upgrade lets them outrun most vehicles. Combined with the natural ability of all infantry to scale cliffs, the Exosoldier is a highly dangerous adversary when inserted behind enemy lines.

Vehicles[edit | edit source]

Recon UGV[edit | edit source]

Recon UGV
RoleReconnaissance, resource location
CostCredits 1000
Produced ByHeadquarters
Special NotesCan locate resource fields and detect stealth units.
Recon UGV icon
Recon UGV icon

This Metal Storm variant is specifically designed for initial scouting on enemy positions and is the only Chimera unit that can locate resources. Other units can scout, but resource fields will remain invisible.

The Recon UGV lacks durability and range, but is perhaps the cheapest of them all, and its powerful grenade launcher packs a huge punch. It can easily eliminate the Cartel's unarmed Recon K-MAX and can shred the American Recon Team, though their matchup becomes risky one the American Recon Team is upgraded.

Kodiak[edit | edit source]

RoleBase construction
Produced ByHeadquarters
UpgradesEngineer Field Kit
Special NotesNot directly controlled by the player.
Kodiak icon
Kodiak icon

The Kodiak AEV3 is a construction unit automatically deployed from the HQ to construct buildings. Once the HQ receives an order to build, it begins deducting resources from the player's stockpiles. Once the resources are spent, the Kodiak is deployed and will automatically drive to the structure's site and build it in a few seconds.

After researching both the SHIELD and SWORD Protocols, the Kodiak can be upgraded with the Engineer Field Kit, which grants it stealth and a grenade launcher for defense. Kodiaks will only use the grenade launcher if they've been spotted or are already under fire.

Crusher[edit | edit source]

RoleResource ferry
CostCredits 350
Produced ByRefinery
UpgradesSupply Field Kit
Special NotesCarries 300 units of resources.
Crusher icon
Crusher icon

While neither the fastest nor the heaviest of the resource ferries, the Crusher is nonetheless a good resource carrier. Able to carry 300 units of resources, the Crusher drone is middle of the road in terms of resource carriers, but its mobility often hinders it in absence of Outposts.

Unlike resource gatherers from other games, the carrier does not actively mine the resources: the refinery does. Building a massive fleet of Crushers does not guarantee the player large amounts of resources.

Nonetheless, having three to four Crushers per refinery is generally a good idea, as Chimera refineries can be upgraded to extract from two resource nodes at once. This increased resource gain is exclusive to Chimera, making the double refinery strategy unnecessary.

The Crusher benefits from the Field Supply Kit upgrade, which increases their HP from 5 to 8, and grants them an autocannon for defense against weaker ground units and helicopters.

Puma[edit | edit source]

RoleLight tank, anti helicopter
CostCredits 1100
Produced BySPEAR Vehicles Bay
UpgradesPassenger Accommodation, SPIKE-LR Missiles
Puma icon
Puma icon

The German Schützenpanzer Puma is equipped with an autocannon that can easily defeat enemy infantry and deal considerable damage to helicopters, though its short range, low health and high cost often limit its utility.

The Passenger Accommodation upgrade increases Puma's health and grants it shares infantry transport abilities. The Namer is the superior transport, with a higher capacity, much more health, limited defense against missiles and a healing aura, but the Puma is better at dealing direct damage as its autocannon is more destructive than the Namer's machine gun.

Later on the Puma's primary purpose shifts from being an offensive unit to a support one. Once upgraded with Spike-LR missiles, the Puma is most at home transporting infantry and firing missiles into the fray from long range.

Pantsir[edit | edit source]

RoleAnti aircraft
CostCredits 1700
Produced BySPEAR Vehicles Bay
Upgrades57E6-E Missiles
Pantsir icon
Pantsir icon

The Pantsir is an anti-aircraft unit employed by Chimera. The Pantsir is equipped with a pair of autocannons not unlike those found on the Puma, though it can also engage enemy missiles.

Another showcase of Chimera's versatility, the Pantsir is capable of engaging ground targets and air targets with equal effectiveness. Its 57E6-E Missile upgrade adds dual-purpose missiles to its arsenal, allowing it to attack both enemy aircraft and enemy tanks at range. While it can be replaced by other units that gain anti-aircraft abilities later, Pantsirs remain effective even in the late game for their missile defense abilities.

Rhino[edit | edit source]

CostCredits 2500
Produced BySPEAR Vehicles Bay
UpgradesWeapon Tracking Radar, V-LAP Shells
Rhino icon
Rhino icon

This fragile South African artillery lacks the brawn of most artillery units, but is rather versatile. Its exceptional mobility stems from its high speed, rate of fire, and the ability to attack on the move, which is further augmented by V-LAP shells. It also excels at performing counter-battery fire with the Weapon Tracking Radar upgrade, which reveals enemy artillery units for itself within its massive detection range for itself and other units to hit.

As with all artillery units, Rhinos are best at attacking enemy structures from range, but can find use in almost any situation.

Namer[edit | edit source]

RoleMedical vehicle, transport
CostCredits 800 Aluminum 200
Produced BySupport Bay
UpgradesMedical Namer, Iron Fist
Special NotesTransports ten infantry.
Namer icon
Namer icon

The Israeli Nagmesh Merkava, shortened to the Namer, is the premier infantry ground transport. It is able to transport 10 infantry, defend itself with a light machine gun, and can be upgraded to heal infantry around it. The Iron Fist APS provides limited protection against enemy missiles.

As a transport vehicle, the Namer is support-oriented due to its healing and transport capabilities meshing well with its very high health, while the Puma excels at providing short-ranged firepower. Nevertheless, both can be used to great effect for inserting infantry units anywhere, especially when combined with the Valor.

Metal Storm[edit | edit source]

Metal Storm
CostAluminum 400
Produced BySupport Bay
UpgradesAutorepair, Intelligent Suspension
Special NotesStealthed.
Metal Storm icon
Metal Storm icon

An Australian stealthed drone equipped with four grenade launchers, the Metal Storm is primarily a harassment or ambush unit. As with many stealth units, it receives a damage bonus when it breaks stealth to fire. Much like the Recon UGV, the unit's sheer destructive power can even hit helicopters, being chiefly limited by its low range.

While not entirely necessary to the Chimera's strategy, Metal Storms are highly effective at attacking poorly defended enemy positions and can take them by surprise. The Autorepair ability adds to the effectiveness of this strategy, allowing them to repair themselves without retreating to friendly territory. The Intelligent Suspension upgrade further emphasizes this by improving their speed by a considerable margin. Finally, as the Metal Storm is unmanned, it will never spawn a pilot that the enemy can capture if it is destroyed.

As a stealth unit, Metal Storms are also decent scouts, though Chimera has a better one - the Ninja.

ADS[edit | edit source]

RoleSupport (debuffer)
CostAluminum 500 RareEarth 250
Produced BySupport Bay
UpgradesImproved ADS
ADS icon
ADS icon

The American-developed ADS isn't able to attack, but instead can blind and slow all enemy units within its AOE by dramatically reducing their FOV and movement speed. By default it affects infantry, but can be upgraded to affect all ground targets and helicopters.

Players will typically not need a large number of these units, but including a few of them with an attacking force can help blind the units that are closest to the fight, preventing them from spotting for artillery. Their range is short and the unit is fragile, so keep it protected.

Fennek[edit | edit source]

RoleStealth transport
CostCredits 500 Aluminum 250
Produced BySWORD Vehicle Bay
UpgradesMast-Mounted Sight, Stinger Missiles
Special NotesFires smoke grenades. Stealthed. Carries four infantry units.
Fennek icon
Fennek icon

A stealthed ground transport, the German Fennek is capable of carrying four infantry units behind enemy lines. Its automatic grenade launcher is not particularly powerful, but when upgraded it gains anti aircraft missiles that help against helicopters - particularly useful as Chimera does not have a dedicated anti aircraft infantry unit. When combined with Metal Storms, Fenneks can insert infantry to support the Metal Storms before withdrawing. Its smoke grenades can help infantry either close the gap with opponents or withdraw from the battle.

Terminator[edit | edit source]

RoleMain Battle Tank
CostAluminum 1000
Produced BySWORD Vehicle Bay
UpgradesIgla Missiles, Ataka Missiles, AGS-30
Terminator icon
Terminator icon

Versatility incarnate, the Terminator is one of the strongest units in the game and competes with the M1A2 Abrams as a frontline fighter. While its health is considerably stronger than that of the Abrams until the Abrams applies TUSK, the Terminator requires upgrades to reach full potential and compensate their lack of firepower. The Igla Missiles upgrade let it attack aircraft while the Ataka Missiles upgrade let it dent heavily armored enemy vehicles. Finally, the AGS-30 automatic grenade launcher, available after the missiles, rounds out the Terminator with a powerful close-quarters anti-infantry weapon that can also damage structures.

Out of all the units in the game, the Terminator is easily the most versatile. A Chimera player who amasses a large number of these units can easily become unstoppable, as Terminators become equally effective against infantry, helicopters, and tanks.

The Terminator's only real weakness is its high aluminum cost. While Chimera can produce Aluminum through SynTech Labs, their power drain and credit cost are also much higher. The only two Chimera structures that generate power eat large amounts of aluminum and directly compete with Terminator production, so it takes quite a bit of setup before they become fully sustainable. Solely denying Chimera aluminum, however, is not enough to defeat them, as they can still field other units without it.

Buratino[edit | edit source]

RoleRocket artillery
CostCredits 750 Aluminum 750 RareEarth 250
Produced BySWORD Vehicle Bay
UpgradesNURS Rockets
Buratino icon
Buratino icon

The Russian TOS-1 Buratino, nicknamed by some as the "Burrito", is the Chimera's rocket artillery of choice. The Buratino fires a salvo of incendiary rockets that cause significant damage. The rockets will also set their impact sites ablaze, causing additional damage to units that pass through it. Extremely costly and the only Chimera unit requiring all three resources, Buratinos must be protected with care.

Antey-2500[edit | edit source]

RoleAnti-aircraft, anti-super weapon
CostCredits 1000 RareEarth 500
Produced ByAnti-Ballistic Center
UpgradesAdvanced Software, Launchers Expansion
Special NotesDetects stealthed aircraft.
Antey-2500 icon
Antey-2500 icon

A must-have unit, the Antey-2500 protects the region surrounding it from incoming superweapons. Like the American Patriot and the Cartel's Skyguard turret, the Antey-2500 must be manually loaded with anti-superweapon missiles in order for it to be effective. Additionally, it can only intercept superweapons when stationary.

Like its American and Cartel counterparts, the Antey is also effective at engaging enemy aircraft, and will not expend its anti-superweapon missiles doing so. Though its sight range is rather limited, its engagement range against enemy aircraft is extremely impressive, and can lock down large portions of the map from bombers.

Chimera pays more overall for anti-superweapon coverage, as the Anti-Ballistic Center (which costs 3 electricity as opposed to its other equivalents) must be built first before any Anteys can be used, and they have a lower capacity of 2 by default. However, Chimera has several advantages to offset the increased cost. Since Anteys are mobile units, with proper micromanagement they can be repositioned to protect mobile forces or to cover different sections of a base, and cannot be shut down by a power shortage. Furthermore, while their interceptor missiles are rather expensive, they only cost credits to refill.

The Antey can be upgraded with Advanced Softwares to increase its range, and Launchers Expansion which allows it to hold four anti-superweapon missiles.

Helicopters[edit | edit source]

Ninja[edit | edit source]

RoleScout helicopter, anti-aircraft
CostCredits 600 Aluminum 300
Produced BySupport Bay
UpgradesType 91 Missiles
Special NotesStealthed. Can detect stealthed units.
Ninja icon
Ninja icon

The Japanese OH-1, known in-game as the Ninja, is an extremely powerful and versatile stealth recon helicopter. It is the only unit that is both stealthed and able to spot other stealthed units. This makes it particularly useful as an artillery spotter, especially for the Buratino's incendiary rockets.

When granted the Type 91 Missile upgrade, the Ninja helicopter gets a significant bite in the form of an anti-aircraft attack. As with all stealth units, it gains an attack bonus when it drops its stealth to fire. This lets it easily ambush slower, more heavily armoured helicopters like the Cartel's SuperHind.

Tigre[edit | edit source]

RoleAttack helicopter
CostCredits 2500
Produced ByHelipad
UpgradesMast-Mounted Sight, Mistral Missiles, TRIGAT-LR Missiles
Tigre icon
Tigre icon

The Eurocopter Tiger, referred to in France and Spain as the Tigre, is a highly flexible attack helicopter similar to the American Guardian. It is initially equipped with incendiary rockets and an autocannon, making it effective against structures and small groups of infantry. It also comes with flares to divert enemy missiles from itself.

Once upgraded, however, the Tigre easily matches the Terminator for versatility despite costing only credits. While not as durable as the Terminator or even the Guardian, the Tigre's TRIGAT-LR Missile upgrades give it the power to punch through enemy armor while the Mistral Missiles upgrade give it an edge against enemy helicopters and jets. The Mast-Mounted Sight upgrade is particularly helpful to the Tigre once it has its TRIGAT-LR and Mistral Missiles upgrades, as this allows it to fire the missiles indirectly and spot enemy stealth units

Valor[edit | edit source]

RoleTransport helicopter
CostCredits 1000 Aluminum 500
Produced ByHelipad
UpgradesStinger Missiles, Hellfire Missiles
Special NotesCan carry vehicles and infantry. Has 10 transport slots.
Valor icon
Valor icon

One of two heavy-lift helicopters in the game, the Valor is capable of carrying infantry and vehicles to the front lines, or behind enemy lines. It comes with slow-firing, inaccurate rocket pods by default that engage at extreme range, and can be equipped with anti-tank/aircraft missiles to target specific types of threats, as well as flares to redirect missiles. The rockets can be used to clear the Valor's landing zone, or to support your main force from afar once it has dropped off its reinforcements. The Valor is cheaper than the American Osprey and Cartel Superhind in credits, but requires some aluminum to field.

Remember that vehicles like the Namer can transport infantry units, and Namers can fit into Valors. This nested transport method with transports carrying transports can let you insert a massive army of Exosoldiers and SAS units in the back of an enemy base, complete with healing abilities. Doing this with Pumas or Fenneks give the landing force some additional firepower instead.

Aircraft[edit | edit source]

Corax[edit | edit source]

RoleScout aircraft
CostCredits 1000
Produced ByAir Control Center
Special NotesStealthed. Unarmed.
Corax icon
Corax icon

A dedicated recon aircraft, the Corax is designed to fly into and observe your opponent. Unlike other games, aircraft are called in from off-screen. Once ordered to enter the battle zone, the Corax will fly in along the course you set for it. It will circle the area specified by the player until it runs out of fuel, and will then automatically withdraw. As with all other fixed-wing aircraft, it will never spawn a pilot when destroyed.

The Corax is unarmed, but can detect enemy stealth units, and is particularly difficult to take down earlier on due to its countermeasures easily throwing off any missiles. However, large amounts of dedicated anti-air units can overwhelm it easily, and as such careful deployment is often necessary to maximize its capabilities.

PAK FA[edit | edit source]

RoleAir superiority fighter
CostCredits 2800 Aluminum 250
Produced ByAir Control Center
UpgradesSPECTRA, X-38 Stealth Missiles
Special NotesStealthed.
PAK FA icon
PAK FA icon

The Sukhoi PAK FA is another sign of Chimera's versatility. Unlike other games where aircraft can fly and hover, all aircraft are instead called in from off-map. The PAK FA will enter the combat zone, fly to where the player has clicked, and circle the area. It will automatically engage enemy aircraft when they approach. As with all other fixed-wing aircraft, it will never spawn a pilot when destroyed.

On its own, the PAK FA is an air superiority fighter similar to the American Raptor and Cartel Berkut. It can later be upgraded with air-to-ground missiles that fire slowly and attack at extreme range without breaking stealth to serve as a ground attack aircraft. Countermeasures are also available. Despite its versatility, PAK FAs must still be used well as it isn't the best at both roles and is rather expensive.

nEUROn[edit | edit source]

CostCredits 750 Aluminum 500
Produced ByAir Control Center
UpgradesMICA Missiles
Special NotesStealthed.
nEUROn icon
nEUROn icon

The nEUROn is a drone that is equipped with a series of bombs it can drop of enemies. Unlike other games where aircraft can fly and hover, all aircraft are instead called in from off-map. The nEUROn will enter the combat zone, fly to where the player has clicked, and drop its bombs there. It will then attempt to withdraw. As with all other fixed-wing aircraft, it will never spawn a pilot when destroyed.

Extremely cheap for an aircraft, the nEUROn is overall the better choice in attacking enemy vehicles than the PAK FA due to having bombs. Unlike the Cartel Valkyrie and American B-2 Spirit, the nEUROn drops its payload in in a large circle around the target area, rather than a predictable, straight line. Its main weakness is that it lacks the punch said bombers have, as well as speed and durability which dramatically limits its utility.

What the nEUROn lacks in firepower, it makes up for in defense. Once upgraded, the nEUROn gains air-to-air missiles to engage enemy aircraft. While most air superiority fighters will get the drop on and destroy the nEUROn, the missiles can still cause considerable damage if their targets aren't taken down outright. Engaging groups of nEUROns with air superiority fighters can result in a few nasty surprises.