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American units are typically very strong and deliberate. They have very few stealth units and their vehicles are extremely specialized, often performing poorly outside their given roles. However, their units are extremely varied and, with a good unit composition, can easily defeat any threat.

Most of their units require only credits in order to create. They are notable in that their strongest unit only requires large amounts of credits in order to field. This makes them extremely easy to play and quite forgiving, as they can easily field a powerful force with minimal aluminum and rare earth.

Infantry[edit | edit source]

Marine[edit | edit source]

CostCredits 200
Produced ByBarracks
UpgradesM249 SAW, Breaching Training
Special NotesCan capture prisoners, can enter neutral buildings

Marines are cheap and affordable anti-infantry units equipped with M16A4 rifles. They do reasonably well in close quarters fighting, and excel at fighting enemy infantry from a distance. They also perform reasonably well against light vehicles, especially when backed by Javelin anti-tank units.

Once upgraded, Marines can suppress enemy infantry with their M249 SAWs. In doing so their maximum HP is improved from 6 to 8 and gain the ability to suppress enemy infantry, reducing their ability to move.

As with the Delta and Sniper, the Marine can receive the Breaching Training upgrade, which allows them to capture enemy structures if they are strategically inserted into poorly defended areas. They are the best choice for the task as their low cost makes the loss of one inconsequential.

Javelin[edit | edit source]

CostCredits 300
Produced ByBarracks
UpgradesNLOS Guidance
Special NotesCan enter neutral buildings

Javelins are anti-armor infantry units with powerful rocket launchers that make quick work of ground vehicles. Only slightly more expensive than default marines, Javelins work best en-masse and in structures. Although tanks will typically get the first shot off on Javelins and can beat them one-on-one, Javelins cost considerably less than a tank. Their mobility issue can be easily resolved by transport units like Stryker ICVs.

The NLOS Guidance upgrade significantly expands the Javelins' abilities by doubling their missile range and granting them indirect fire.

Mortar[edit | edit source]

RoleArtillery infantry
CostCredits 250 Aluminum 150
Produced ByBarracks
Special NotesCan deploy smoke rounds.

A light infantry artillery unit, mortars are best deployed at the rear of a firefight, or as an opening salvo into a large group of enemies as they are the only infantry units that cannot be garrisoned in buildings. Though they are best against slow-moving infantry and stationary buildings, they can still cause some damage to vehicles in bigger groups.

Mortars are also capable of firing smoke rounds into friendly ranks to obscure them from enemies. This makes them good at covering retreats or to provide an opening for shorter-ranged infantry to close a gap.

Compared to the Stryker MC, the light mortar is far more accurate and has greater range. The accuracy however can work against this unit as it is less effective at saturating a large area with mortars. It also can fire smoke rounds without requiring an upgrade, whereas the Stryker MC's TUSK 1 upgrades must be researched first and then purchased individually. The light mortar causes less damage, but fires continuously, while the Stryker MC fires large volleys of shells with a relatively long delay.

Despite the description, the MRSI Targeting upgrade does not appear to affect them.

Sniper[edit | edit source]

CostCredits 400 Aluminum 200
Produced ByBarracks
UpgradesHeavy Barrel, Breaching Training
Special NotesCan enter neutral buildings, stealthed, ignores cover, can capture prisoners

Snipers are ideal at long distance elimination and harassment of enemy infantry. As one of the few stealthed units the Americans have to offer, snipers are equally at home spotting for artillery. As with all stealth units, they gain a heavy damage bonus when breaking stealth in order to attack. As infantry is often used en-masse, the elimination of a few enemy infantry is usually not a big impact. When micromanaged to fire and retreat, however, they become extremely annoying to an enemy.

Stinger[edit | edit source]

CostCredits 200
Produced ByBarracks
UpgradesStinger Block II
Special NotesCan enter neutral buildings

Stingers can form a solid and cheap line of air defense. They don't work so well individually, but can easily take down unsuspecting aircraft in groups, and can be particularly difficult to contend with when entrenched in buildings.

Delta Force[edit | edit source]

RoleSpecial forces
CostRareEarth 100
Produced ByBarracks
UpgradesM72 LAW, Breaching Training
Special NotesCan enter neutral buildings, detects stealth units, can capture prisoners

Delta Force are extremely skilled at close quarters engagements, and can also harass enemy tanks when given the M72 LAW upgrade. They are extremely tough, having 50% more health than the standard Marine. They are also one of the only units which demands only rare earth to be built, and can be used if you have lots of rare earth but less of other resources. Their relatively short range, however, makes them vulnerable to longer-ranged anti-infantry units - particularly snipers.

Vehicles[edit | edit source]

Recon Team[edit | edit source]

RoleReconnaissance, Resource location
CostCredits 1250
Produced ByHeadquarters
UpgradesLong Range Recon Team
Special NotesCan locate resource fields.

Recon teams are responsible for initial scouting on enemy positions and is the only US Army unit that can locate resources. Other units can scout, but resource fields will remain invisible. By default it is extremely easy to kill, but the Long Range Recon Team upgrade makes it more survivable by increasing its speed and health. Both the default machine gun (right) and the automatic grenade launcher upgrade (right) received from the upgrade are effective against helicopters, making it more than adequate at defeating enemy Recon K-MAXes deployed by the Cartel.

Shredder[edit | edit source]

RoleBase construction
Produced ByHeadquarters
UpgradesGrizzly Project, Tank Urban Survival Kit 2
Special NotesNot directly controlled by the player.

The Assault Breacher Vehicle, also known as the Shredder, is deployed from the headquarters in order to construct buildings. Once the HQ receives an order to build, it begins deducting resources from the player's stockpiles. Once the resources are spent, the Shredder is deployed and will automatically drive to the structure's site and build it in a few seconds.

Shredders can benefit from Grizzly Project for a speed boost and Tank Urban Survival Kit II for extra durability.

The Shredder is not controllable by the player and will always take the fastest route to the construction zone, necessitating its defense. While it comes with a machine gun to ward off small groups of infantry, it is the only engineering vehicle without stealth. As such, it relies on its speed in order to quickly get to the construction zone.

M993[edit | edit source]

RoleResource ferry
CostCredits 400
Produced ByRefinery, Processing Plant
UpgradesTurbocompressor, Improved Chassis
Special NotesCarries 400 units of resources.

The M993 is US Army's resource carrying unit. Unlike resource gatherers from other games, the carrier does not actively mine the resources: the refinery does.

Instead, the refinery automatically mines and stockpiles resources that are then picked up by the M993 and then transported either to a LEM, FOB, or Rare Earth LEM for use.

Despite being the most expensive resource carrier, the M993 is reasonably fast, especially when using roads, and carries the most amount of cargo between the three armies. By default, it carries 400 resources, which is 100 more than the Chimera's Crusher and 200 more than the Cartel's K-MAX. It can be upgraded to move even faster, and after the Hydrofracking upgrade is finished, the Improved Chassis upgrade can be purchased, increasing their capacity to a massive 800. With the fact that Refineries can only store only 1000 resources, very few are needed for each unless they are extremely far from the closest drop-off points.

Humvee[edit | edit source]

RoleLight combat vehicle
CostCredits 450
Produced ByLight Vehicles Bay
UpgradesCIWS Upgrade (GAU-19 only), GAU 19 Kit or Mk 19 Kit or TOW 2 Kit
Special NotesEach vehicle may research an upgrade that changes its weapon.

The Humvee is far from the most glamorous unit, but serves as the Americans' initial skirmisher against their opponents. It usually fights the Puma and the Scorpio for initial map dominance, and can carry four infantry. What it lacks in the power of the Scorpio and the carrying capacity of the Puma, it makes up for in versatility and cost.

Humvees initially come with a single machine gun effective against infantry and helicopters, but can be individually upgraded with various turret weapons to take on specialized roles. Each may be converted only once.

  • The GAU-19 gatling gun is essentially an upgrade to the original, keeping the same range with extra effectiveness against their shared optimal targets. It can also benefit from the CIWS System upgrade, which allows Humvees with them to intercept enemy missiles.
  • The Mk.19 grenade launcher focuses on all-round firepower. It can demolish infantry, helicopters and buildings with equal effectiveness while doing significant damage to lightly armored vehicles.
  • The TOW-2 anti-tank missile is a direct-fire weapon with a slow rate of fire, able to devastate ground vehicles on hit.

Blazer[edit | edit source]

RoleAnti aircraft vehicle
CostCredits 750 Aluminum 500
Produced ByLight Vehicles Bay
UpgradesActive Radar, Stinger Block 2, CIWS systems

The Blazer is the main anti aircraft vehicle of the US Army. Although it is quite effective against helicopters and infantry, it can have trouble destroying enemy planes on its own.

Equipped with both a gatling gun and a stinger missile system, the Blazer can quickly clear the skies of enemy planes. The missiles are key and are the Blazer's first choice in attacking enemies; in order for them to attack with their gatling gun they must close the distance considerably.

The gatling's power, however, comes into its own when the CIWS systems upgrade is obtained. This enables the gatling to quickly eliminate enemy missiles that come its way, allowing it to protect more vulnerable and expensive vehicles. This makes it pair very well with the M1A2 Abrams.

Stryker ICV[edit | edit source]

RolePersonnel carrier
CostCredits 750
Produced ByLight Vehicles Bay
UpgradesTUSK 1
Special NotesCan carry up to eight infantry

The Stryker ICV is a thinly skinned personnel carrier. Its purpose is to transport infantry. While Humvees can transport units as well, the Stryker can carry more of them, sacrificing firepower and versatility while doing so.

The TUSK 1 upgrade unlocks the ability for TUSK 1 armour kits to be applied to each Stryker individually. Applying the Tank Urban Survival Kit to a Stryker adds cage and applique armour to it, doubling its hit points (from 10 to 20) and making it far more viable into the late game. The TUSK 1 kit also replaces the default machine gun with a grenade launcher, giving it a little extra firepower in a pinch. The TUSK 1 upgrade costs 300 credits for each Stryker that applies the package.

Stryker MGS[edit | edit source]

RoleLight tank
CostCredits 800 Aluminum 500
Produced ByLight Vehicles Bay
UpgradesTUSK 1

The Stryker Mobile Gun System, or MGS, fulfills the role of the light tank in the US Army. It is quite thinly skinned and has the same amount of health as the Stryker ICV while costing considerably more. It does, however, pack a punch with its main cannon.

Like the Stryker ICV, the Stryker MGS is capable of applying the Tank Urban Survival Kit, or TUSK, once it is obtained from the Armoury. The TUSK 1 armour kit must be applied to each Stryker individually, costing 300 credits for each application. Doing so, however, not only doubles the Stryker's health from 10 to 20, but also improves the rate of fire of the main gun by about 50%. This allows it to get a second shot in while its non-upgraded counterpart is reloading.

While not often used, the Stryker MGS does have a heavy machine gun that assists the main gun in attacking lighter targets.

Stryker MC[edit | edit source]

RoleLight artillery
CostCredits 750 Aluminum 250
Produced ByLight Vehicles Bay
UpgradesTUSK 1, White Phosphorous Shells

The Stryker MC, or mortar carrier, is a light artillery unit similar to the light mortar infantry unit. While the light mortar fires regularly and causes less damage, the Stryker MC fires eight rounds in a large attack. It is also less accurate and is capable of saturating an area with mortars, causing considerable damage.

Despite the description, the MRSI Targeting upgrade does not appear to affect Stryker MCs.

The Stryker MC is capable of applying the Tank Urban Survival Kit, or TUSK, once it is obtained from the Armoury. For 300 credits, TUSK can be applied to each Stryker MC individually. This upgrade not only doubles the number of hit points the Stryker MC has, it also improves the mortar's range, damage, and allows it to fire smoke rounds to conceal friendlies.

Stryker ATGM[edit | edit source]

RoleTank destroyer
CostCredits 1500
Produced ByLight Vehicles Bay
UpgradesTUSK 1, NLOS Guidance

The Stryker ATGM is an anti-tank guided missile launcher mounted on the Stryker chassis. Effectively an improved version of the Javelin, the Stryker ATGM is best close to the rear lines, firing missiles at enemy armour. While considerably more expensive than the Javelin, it is also much more capable on its own, using its speed and armour to avoid trouble.

The Tank Urban Survival Kit upgrade is available to the Stryker ATGM once obtained from the Armoury. The TUSK upgrade must be acquired for each Stryker ATGM individually, and costs 300 credits per application. Once applied, however, the unit's hit points are doubled from 10 to 20. The TUSK upgrade has the added benefit of granting the Stryker ATGM the ability to fire two missiles simultaneously.

Hercules[edit | edit source]

RoleMobile Vehicle Repair
CostCredits 1500 Aluminum 500
Produced ByLogistical Center
Special NotesRepairs vehicles including itself

The Hercules is an extremely useful vehicle that can repair other vehicles, including itself. It is also very durable, able to take a few hits from the front lines while it repairs the units surrounding it. In the event it is interdicted by enemy helicopters or enemy infantry on its own, it has an automatic grenade launcher to ward off minor threats. Having two or three as part of an attacking force is a must.

Abrams[edit | edit source]

RoleMain Battle Tank
CostCredits 2000
Produced ByHeavy Vehicles Bay
UpgradesTUSK 1, TUSK 2

The Abrams is the strongest direct-firing unit available to the American Army, and is extremely tough to destroy. Its 120mm cannon can destroy all but the toughest units in a few volleys.

The Abrams is capable of being individually upgraded to be stronger with the TUSK 1/2 Kits for 500/850 credits once they have been researched at the armoury. The TUSK 1 upgrade increases its health from 30 to 10 one Heavy Machine Gun to engage lighter targets and helicopters at close range as well as main gun damage, speed. The TUSK 2 upgrade, avaliable only after TUSK 1, further improves its gains in main gun damage and speed while increasing its health to 50 and granting it two more Heavy Machine Guns for a total of three.

For an end-game unit, the Abrams is pretty cheap despite each tank effectively requiring 3350 credits to fully upgrades as it only takes them. As a trade-off, while it is great against ground vehicles, Chimera's Terminator has weapons can make it far more effective against most other targets while Cartel's Spectre has a huge advantage in terms of stealth and range.

NLOS-C[edit | edit source]

RoleHeavy artillery
CostCredits 500 Aluminum 1000
Produced ByHeavy Vehicles Bay
UpgradesWhite Phosphorous Shells, MRSI Targeting, Excalibur Shells

The Non Line of Sight Cannon, or NLOS-C, is the US Army's heavy artillery of choice. It packs a considerable punch over a great distance. Without the Excalibur Shells upgrade, its range is the equivalent of the TUSK upgraded Stryker MC. When upgraded with Excalibur Shells, it out-ranges the light mortar team and is beaten only by the HIMARS in this manner. The NLOS-C makes up for its high accuracy (limiting its saturation fire abilities) with incredible power and area of effect.

The NLOS-C's damage increases by an incredible margin when upgraded with the MRSI Targeting upgrade. Rather than firing one shell at a time, the NLOS-C fires a massive volley of six shells at once. It is a costly but a highly effective upgrade for players who enjoy using the NLOS-C. Excalibur Shells are also a must, as the increased range helps them perform counter-battery fire against enemy artillery.

Finally, the NLOS-C may use the White Phosphorous upgrade to set fire to the regions the shell hits.

HIMARS[edit | edit source]

RoleRocket artillery
CostAluminum 1000 RareEarth 400
Produced ByHeavy Vehicles Bay

The High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, or HIMARS, is a very high-tier artillery and is the most powerful of its type. On its own it is capable of firing a barrage of six rockets several screens away, and the volley is more than enough to heavily damage anything caught in the blast. Specifically designed for punching through a fortified blockade, the HIMARS is limited chiefly by its high aluminum/rare earth cost and the limited view range of other units.

To cause even more damage and for even further range, the Army Tactical Missile System, or ATACMS, is available. Like the TUSK upgrades on the Abrams and Strykers, the ATACMS upgrade must be applied to each HIMARS vehicle individually for 750 credits once obtained from the Heavy Vehicles Bay. The range of the ATACMS is, depending on the map size, upwards of half the size of the whole map. However, the missiles are rather vulnerable to interception due to their low velocity.

Helicopters[edit | edit source]

Dustoff[edit | edit source]

RoleMedical helicopter, infantry transport
CostCredits 1200
Produced ByField Hospital
UpgradesCountermeasures System
Special NotesHeals nearby infantry. Can carry eight infantry.

The UH-60 Blackhawk appears in this game as the Dustoff helicopter. It is unarmed but has the ability to not only heal nearby infantry but transport them as well. These helicopters are therefore ideal when reinforcing and supporting an infantry push.

Notably, it is the only US Army helicopter not produced at the Helipad.

The infantry transport abilities of the Dustoff mesh very well with the healing radius the Dustoff provides. When encountering wounded infantry, it can very easily heal them, load them up, and get them home - or drop off reinforcements. Having one or two Dustoffs as part of any attacking force is a good idea, if for no other reason than to ferry downed pilots away from the battle and recoup some of the money.

Guardian[edit | edit source]

RoleAttack helicopter
CostCredits 1500 Aluminum 500
Produced ByHelipad
UpgradesHydra Rocket Pods, NLOS Guidance, Countermeasure System

This variant of the AH-64 Apache is a powerful and versatile unit. Equipped with decent armour and powerful anti-tank missiles the Guardian is well equipped to take on just about anything. It will have considerable difficulty attacking missile-armed infantry, especially against the likes of Grinch, but when upgraded with NLOS, the Guardian's missiles can potentially snipe enemy vehicles, though they are still vulnerable to interception. range on its missiles allow it to out-range anti-aircraft vehicles. Most AA vehicles, however, will shoot down the missiles before they make their attack.

The Guardian can be easily engaged by enemies using machine guns and assault rifles, so be sure to avoid large groups of them. On the other hand, its autocannon causes significant damage to anti-tank infantry and other helicopters, which have few to no methods of taking it down quickly. Helicopters to avoid include the Ninja/Tigre, which have anti-aircraft missiles, and the Superhind, which is simply too durable for the Guardian to handle.

Once equipped with Hydra rocket pods, the Guardian becomes a powerful anti-structure unit, capable of destroying buildings in a few volleys. It is best to withdraw after the Guardian fires, as these rockets have a long delay between bursts.

Little Bird[edit | edit source]

RoleScout helicopter
CostCredits 800
Produced ByHelipad
Special NotesDetects stealth. Can carry four infantry.

The American scout vehicle of choice, the Little Bird is a flexible observation helicopter. It pairs well with artillery such as the NLOS-C and especially the HIMARS, which can put enemies down from several screens away. It is also relatively cheap at 800 credits and is thus imminently replaceable if lost. While not as good at scouting as a stealth helicopter, the Little Bird acts well as both a forward scout and to detect the stealth enemies of the other two factions - especially the Cartel.

Osprey[edit | edit source]

RoleTransport helicopter
CostCredits 1750
Produced ByHelipad
UpgradesRGS Gatling, Countermeasures System, CIWS System
Special NotesCan carry vehicles and infantry. Has 12 cargo slots.

One of two heavy lift helicopters in the game, the V-22 Osprey offers the American Army significant mobility at a premium. Capable of carrying 12 infantry units and any land vehicle, a wing of Osprey can deposit an army on the flanks of an enemy or bypass the defences of an entrenched opponent.

Compared to Chimera's Valor, the Osprey is easily outmatched for firepower. It is, by default, unarmed and can be upgraded to have gatling guns. However, the Osprey carries more units and can protect its cargo from missile attack with its gatling guns. While the Valor is cheaper for credits, the Osprey does not require aluminum to field.

Remember that units like the Stryker ICV and the Humvee can carry infantry units, and that these units can fit into the Osprey. This method of nesting transports, with transports carrying transports, can let you insert a massive squad of Delta Force operatives and other units into the back of an opponent's base, with additional firepower from the Strykers or Humvees. Have a Dustoff follow the Osprey when it drops its cargo off to keep your infantry healed up.

Various vehicles have different sizes for transport. Check the Appendix for vehicle transport information.

Aircraft[edit | edit source]

F-35B Lightning II[edit | edit source]

RoleAttack aircraft
CostCredits 1600
Produced ByAir Control Center
UpgradesAACS, Countermeasures System
Special NotesStealthed

The F-35B Lightning II is a powerful aircraft that is called into the fray from an air control center. Unlike other games where aircraft can fly and hover, aircraft are instead called in from off-map. They will fly in, make their attacks, and then attempt to withdraw once their ordnance or fuel is expended.

The F-35 is equipped with air-to-ground missiles that can easily destroy enemy vehicles, and though slow, is sturdy enough to survive moderate amounts of anti-aircraft ordinance.

As a ground attack aircraft, the F-35B Lightning II is weak against various sources of AA. It can easily win one on one confrontations against most land vehicles, but it isn't guaranteed to survive and gets stopped dead by structures like the Patriot. While it is equipped with a gatling gun for defense against enemy aircraft and can be later upgraded with AIM-9X missiles, these are restricted mostly to harassing against helicopters and it requires support to counter air superiority fighters.

F-22 Raptor[edit | edit source]

RoleAir superiority fighter
CostCredits 2000 Aluminum 750
Produced ByAir Control Center
UpgradesAACS, Countermeasures System
Special NotesStealthed. Attacks aircraft only.

The F-22 Raptor is used by the US Army to lock down the skies. Unlike other games where aircraft can fly and hover, aircraft are instead called in from off-map. The Raptor will fly in and circle the area, searching for enemy aircraft until its fuel is depleted, or it deploys its weapons.

Capable of easily dispatching enemy air units, the F-22 is a good investment to protect just about anything from them. Though far less effective than ground-based anti-aircraft units, it is still a serviceable counter to helicopters. F-35B Lightning IIs and especially B-2 Spirits also greatly appreciate its company, as they are relatively defenseless against air superiority fighters.

The F-22 Raptor requires timing to be successfully deployed. If deployed too early, it can get shot down or intercepted by enemy air superiority fighters, as they can get behind and whittle it down with little worry. If deployed too late, the Raptor won't be able to reach its target at all.

The AACS upgrade at the Armoury gives the F-22 a good boost in effectiveness against enemy aircraft. While chiefly a close-quarters weapon, the research also improves the weapons of the Raptor itself, allowing them to be fired off-center and with greater speed.

B-2 Spirit[edit | edit source]

RoleStrategic bomber
CostCredits 1000 Aluminum 2600 RareEarth 800
Produced ByAir Control Center
UpgradesRotary Bomb Bay, Countermeasures System
Special NotesStealthed. Attacks ground targets only.

A devastating strategic bomber, the B-2 Spirit is equally at home bombing structures as well as enemy columns. Unlike other games where aircraft can fly and hover, aircraft are instead called in from off-map. The Spirit will enter the combat zone, fly to where the player has clicked, and drop its bombs there. It will then attempt to withdraw.

As most vehicles, especially when ordered to move long distances, will attempt to crowd on roads when possible, the B-2 can easily turn the tide. By dropping a string of bombs on an enemy column, a single bomber can easily destroy the whole group and dent the attack considerably. It is equally at home bombing large clusters of enemy buildings, particularly enemy refineries. For maximum effectiveness, bomb single buildings diagonally so that more bombs hit the target.

Contrary to its description, the Rotary Bomb Bay upgrade has no effect on the B-2 Spirit's capacity, but does improve its ordnance' splash radius and damage.

Unlike the bombers of the other two factions, the B-2 is defenseless against enemy aircraft and requires an escort of F-22 Raptors.