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Box artwork for Danger Mouse: Quiz.
Box artwork for Danger Mouse: Quiz.
Danger Mouse: Quiz
Developer(s)Zed Worldwide
Publisher(s)Zed Worldwide
Year released2010
Preceded byDanger Mouse in Making Whoopee
Followed byDanger Mouse
SeriesDanger Mouse
ModesSingle player
LinksDanger Mouse: Quiz ChannelSearch

Danger Mouse: Quiz is: a quiz game, released by Zed Worldwide on iOS (on October 14, 2010); it is based on the Cosgrove-Hall/Thames Television cartoon series of the same name, and was produced in association with Fremantle International (who now own the rights to all of Cosgrove-Hall's Thames-era shows). It is also the fourth "official" title in the Danger Mouse series, even though it was released twenty-five years after the third one, twenty years after the show had ended, and eighteen years after its main character made his final appearance on Bunglers in Crime. The game features over 100 questions with which players can test their knowledge of the show so at the end, they can be ranked as one of nineteen different characters, who were created for it during its run, based on their scores.

Example questions[edit | edit source]

Table of Contents
