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Darkwing Duck
Developer(s)Disney Mobile Studios
Publisher(s)Disney Mobile Studios
Year released2010
SeriesDisney Afternoon
ModesSingle player
LinksDarkwing Duck (mobile) ChannelSearch
This guide is for the mobile game. For the NES game of the same name, see Darkwing Duck.

Darkwing Duck is a action platform mobile game developed and published by Disney Mobile Studios. It came out on August 27, 2010 in response to the launch of the Boom! Studios comic. It is a unique product, in that it takes inspiration from the NES game and the TurboGrafx-16 game in terms of structure and character movement.

Story[edit | edit source]

Jambalaya Jake, Tuskerninni, Quackerjack, Megavolt, and Taurus Bulba have escaped from prison and are trying to bring St. Canard to its knees. Darkwing Duck is called in to bring them and their minions back behind bars. But as the crimefighter fulfills his duty as protector of the city, he discovers the criminals didn't so much escape as were freed, and by none other than Negaduck. Darkwing deals with him last, coming out victorious once more, and returns the sixth criminal to jail too.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

Darkwing Duck is a platformer with a focus on action. The player is required to make their way through five levels, fighting common enemies and a boss enemy at the end. Negaduck is the final boss, but has no level of his own. Darkwing can both shoot opponents with the gas gun or jump atop them to defeat them. Each enemy defeated earns a few points for the player score, as does finding the diamons spread across the level. The player score does not affect the gameplay. Darkwing can be hit five times before he is defeated and to get better the player has to collect health kits also spread across the level.

As for the platform portion, Darkwing can jump, grab onto wall-mounted candles, and use a hookshot to reach reach higher platforms. Some platforms move, requiring timing, while other surfaces might be slippery. Falling into a chasm means instant death. There are also large buttons to find and push in order to proceed in the levels.

Table of Contents


Darkwing Duck (mobile)/Table of Contents