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Developer(s)Walt Disney Computer Software
Publisher(s)Buena Vista Interactive
Year released1995
System(s)Sega Genesis
Preceded byBonkers: Wax Up!
Followed byChip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers
SeriesDisney Afternoon
ModesSingle player
Gargoyles Remastered
Developer(s)Empty Clip Studios
Publisher(s)Empty Clip Studios
Year released2023
System(s)Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X
LinksGargoyles at PCGamingWikiGargoyles ChannelSearch

Gargoyles is a platform game developed by Disney Software and published by Buena Vista Interactive for the Sega Genesis in 1995. It is an adaptation of the Disney animated series of the same title. It was the last Disney Afternoon game released for the console in 1995.

Gargoyles boasts a hand-drawn appearance to Goliath, Demona and the Viking enemies (not unlike Virgin Interactive's Aladdin also for the Genesis), but also a CGI-modeled look for the robot enemies.

Gargoyles Remastered is a remake that was developed by Empty Clip Studios and was be released on October 19, 2023, for consoles and PC.

Story[edit | edit source]

The game loosely follows the plot of the show. The player controls the protagonist Goliath as he seeks to put an end to the Eye of Odin, a corrupted magical talisman which can transform whoever comes to possess it. Demona, the most recent owner of the Eye, ultimately becomes the main antagonist.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

The game contains 5 levels bookended by short cinematics which explain the story thus far, each level concluding with a boss encounter. Throughout the game, Goliath would contend with the Vikings who ransacked Castle Wyvern in the past, as well as new, robotic foes who attack him in the present era across various venues, such as Manhattan rooftops and a subway. His arsenal of attacks to defend himself include various strikes with his fists, grapples, throws, and leaping maneuvers. He is also able to pump his wings once to increase his jumping distance, as well as climb along walls and ceilings with his claws.

Table of Contents


Gargoyles/Table of Contents