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ID Name Family Experience Gold Items Habitat
1 Slime Slime 1 2 Medicinal Herb, ? Farebury Region, Waterfall Cave
2 Candy Cat Beast 2 3 ? Farebury Region
3 Lips Bug 3 5 ?, Moonwort Bulb Farebury Region
4 Dracky Bird 3 5 Medicinal Herb, ? Farebury Region, Waterfall Cave
5 Satyr Humanoid 4 6 Plain Clothes, ? Farebury Region
6 Capsichum Plant 5 5 ? Farebury Region
7 Bunicorn Beast 6 8 ? Farebury Region
8 She-slime Slime 10 9 ? Maella Region, Kingdom of Ascantha
9 Firespirit Elemental 5 6 ?, Amor Seco Essence Farebury Region, Waterfall Cave
10 Mischievous Mole Beast 5 8 Medicinal Herb, ? Waterfall Cave
11 Mecha-mynah Machine 8 12 Pot Lid, ? Waterfall Cave, Farebury Region
12 Bubble Slime Slime 7 11 ? Farebury Region, Waterfall Cave
13 Dancing Devil Demon 9 15 Chimaera Wing, ? Farebury Region, Waterfall Cave
14 Bodkin Archer Humanoid 13 12 ?, Plain Cheese Alexandria Region, Kingdom of Trodain
15 Skipper Material 14 15 ? Waterfall Cave, Alexandria Region
16 Drackmage Bird 11 11 ?, Chimaera Wing Alexandria Region, Tower of Alexandra
17 Beetle Boy Bug 15 15 ? Farebury Region, Alexandria Region
18 Imp Demon 17 17 Chimaera Wing, ? Tower of Alexandra
19 Funghoul Plant 15 18 ? Alexandria Region, Tower of Alexandra
20 Fencing Fox Beast 23 24 ? Alexandria Region
21 Healslime Slime 18 20 Medicinal Herb, Amor Seco Essence Tower of Alexandra, Kingdom of Ascantha
22 Hammerhood Humanoid 25 14 ?, Giant Mallet Alexandria Region, Waterfall Cave
23 Jailcat Beast 21 12 ? Alexandria Region
24 Frogface Bug 22 20 Medicinal Herb, ? Tower of Alexandra, Alexandria Region
25 Lump Mage Humanoid 31 27 ? Maella Region
26 Winky Demon 32 18 Holy Water, ? Maella Region, Kingdom of Ascantha
27 Spiked Hare Beast 35 20 Medicinal Herb, ? Alexandria Region, Kingdom of Ascantha
28 Chainine Beast 36 17 ? Maella Region
29 Giant Moth Bug 37 18 ? Maella Region, Kingdom of Ascantha
30 Dingaling Material 31 24 ? Maella Region
31 Jargon Dragon 64 48 ? Maella Region, Kingdom of Ascantha
32 Drackyma Bird 28 14 Moonwort Bulb, ? Ruined Abbey, Kingdom of Ascantha
33 Bullfinch Beast 30 21 Cowpat, ? Maella Region, Ruined Abbey
34 Bag o' Laughs Material 35 38 Plain Clothes, ? Ruined Abbey, Kingdom of Ascantha
35 Skeleton Zombie 41 23 ? Ruined Abbey, Kingdom of Ascantha
36 Metal Slime Slime 1350 8 ? Ruined Abbey, Kingdom of Ascantha
37 Scorpion Bug 42 12 ? Maella Region, Kingdom of Ascantha
38 Morphean Mushroom Plant 40 17 ? Maella Region, Kingdom of Ascantha
39 Brownie Humanoid 43 18 ? Kingdom of Ascantha, Maella Region
40 Flyguy Bug 44 24 Cowpat, ? Ruined Abbey, Kingdom of Ascantha
41 Puppeteer Humanoid 45 32 ? Kingdom of Ascantha
42 Bodkin Bowyer Humanoid 43 26 Silk Robe, ? Kingdom of Ascantha, Wishers' Peak
43 Night Sneaker Material 52 30 ? Kingdom of Ascantha
44 Mummy Boy Zombie 55 14 ? Ruined Abbey, Kingdom of Ascantha
45 Hell Hornet Bug 51 18 Moonwort Bulb, ? Kingdom of Ascantha, Maella Region
46 Pan Piper Humanoid 54 27 Medicinal Herb, ? Kingdom of Ascantha
47 Slime Knight Slime 55 33 ? Kingdom of Ascantha, Wishers' Peak
48 Clockwork Cuckoo Machine 56 47 ? Kingdom of Ascantha, Pickham Region
49 Treeface Plant 67 35 Medicinal Herb, ? Maella Region, Kingdom of Ascantha
50 Kisser Bug 53 23 Waterweed Mould, ? Kingdom of Ascantha, Pickham Region
51 Diemon Beast 58 29 ? Kingdom of Ascantha, Wishers' Peak
52 Walking Corpse Zombie 59 17 ? Ruined Abbey, Wishers' Peak
53 Fat Bat Bird 61 14 ? Wishers' Peak, Kingdom of Ascantha
54 Night Fox Beast 56 24 ? Pickham Region
55 Paprikan Plant 47 15 ?, Rapier Pickham Region
56 Chimaera Bird 64 18 ? Kingdom of Ascantha, Pickham Region
57 Hood Humanoid 66 21 ? Pickham Region
58 Headhunter Humanoid 62 27 ? Pickham Region
59 Minidemon Demon 59 17 ? Pickham Region
60 Gorerilla Beast 65 15 Magic Beast Hide, ? Pickham Region
61 Mud Mannequin Material 69 23 ? Kingdom of Trodain
62 Cannibox Material 76 165 Iron Nail, ? Swordsman's Labyrinth, Unnamed Isle
63 Goodybag Material 32 159 ? Swordsman's Labyrinth, Beneath Ascantha
64 Witch Demon 66 33 ? Pickham Region
65 Mummy Zombie 67 15 ? Swordsman's Labyrinth, Dark Ruins
66 Cureslime Slime 70 17 Medicinal Herb, ? Castle Trodain, Unnamed Isle
67 Restless Armor Material 74 20 ? Swordsman's Labyrinth
68 Lost Soul Elemental 62 14 ? Swordsman's Labyrinth
69 Phantom Fencer Zombie 68 18 ? Swordsman's Labyrinth
70 Hipster Demon 69 24 ? Pickham Region, Kingdom of Trodain
71 Rockbomb Material 70 17 ? Kingdom of Trodain, Castle Trodain
72 Dieablo Beast 72 56 ? Kingdom of Trodain
73 Muddy Hand Zombie 45 12 Medicinal Herb, ? Kingdom of Trodain, Beneath Ascantha
74 Terror Tabby Beast 67 18 ? Kingdom of Trodain
75 Devilmoth Bug 66 29 ? Kingdom of Trodain
76 Buffalo wing Beast 62 26 ? Kingdom of Trodain
77 Mumboh-jumboe Humanoid 309 62 ? Kingdom of Trodain
78 Mum Humanoid 68 38 ? Kingdom of Ascantha, Kingdom of Trodain
79 Boh Humanoid 65 24 ? Kingdom of Ascantha, Kingdom of Trodain
80 Jum Humanoid 60 6 ? Kingdom of Ascantha, Kingdom of Trodain
81 Boe Humanoid 59 6 Plain Cheese, ? Kingdom of Ascantha, Kingdom of Trodain
82 Hunter Mech Machine 76 30 ? Castle Trodain
83 Pink Pongo Beast 78 27 ? Kingdom of Trodain
84 Liquid Metal Slime Slime 10050 27 Seed of Agility, ? Castle Trodain, Unnamed Isle
85 Mad Mole Beast 68 24 ?, ? Beneath Ascantha, Land of the Moles
86 Wailin' Weed Plant 73 26 ?, ? Castle Trodain
87 Garuda Bird 75 18 ? Kingdom of Trodain, Castle Trodain
88 Infernal Armour Material 90 29 Iron Armour, ? Castle Trodain
89 Dragonthorn Dragon 101 38 ?, Thorn Whip Castle Trodain
90 Mars Rover Beast 56 26 ?, ? Beneath Ascantha, Land of the Moles
91 Peeper Demon 75 21 ?, Magic Water Mole Hole
92 Cockateer Bird 90 42 ? Baccarat Region
93 Great Sabrecat Beast 120 47 Medicinal Herb, ? Baccarat Region
94 Metal Slime Knight Slime 91 50 ? Baccarat Region
95 Puppet Player Humanoid 90 62 ? Baccarat Region, Unnamed Isle
96 Spitnik Elemental 92 27 Boomerang, ? Baccarat Region
97 Bodkin Fletcher Humanoid 86 35 ? Baccarat Region, Unnamed Isle
98 Venom Wasp Bug 89 20 ? Baccarat Region, Unnamed Isle
99 Orc Beast 94 47 ? Baccarat Region, Unnamed Isle
100 Night Emperor Demon 93 69 ? Baccarat Region, Holy Isle of Neos
101 Treevil Plant 95 41 Strong Medicine, ? Baccarat Region, Unnamed Isle
102 Battle Beetle Bug 96 33 ? Baccarat Region, Unnamed Isle
103 Lump Shaman Humanoid 90 48 ? Northwest Isle
104 Skeleton Soldier Zombie 93 39 ? Northwest Isle, Unnamed Isle
105 Hawk Man Bird 100 36 Chimaera Wing, ? Kingdom of Trodain, Land of the Moles
106 Tap Devil Demon 78 32 ? Unnamed Isle, Holy Isle, of Neos
107 Mushroom Mage Plant 75 20 ? Northwest Isle, Unnamed Isle
108 Redtail Hipster Demon 92 54 ?, Thorn Whip Unnamed Isle, Holy Isle of Neos
109 Jumping Jackal Beast 103 48 ? Baccarat Region, Unnamed Isle
110 Gold Golem Material 54 315 ?, Gold Ring Holy Isle of Neos
111 King Slime Slime 110 77 ? Unnamed Isle
112 Iron Scorpion Bug 82 32 Iron Nail, ? Unnamed Isle, Eastern Argonia
113 Toxic Zombie Zombie 75 26 ? Northwest Isle, Unnamed Isle
114 Lesser Demon Demon 107 57 Red Mould, ? Northwest Isle
115 Volpone Beast 102 65 ? Unnamed Isle, Holy Isle of Neos
116 Bomboulder Material 111 17 ? Baccarat Region, Unnamed Isle
117 Skullrider Demon 97 48 ? Unnamed Isle, Eastern Argonia
118 Hades Condor Bird 99 33 ? Ocean, Holy Isle of Neos
119 Frogman Bug 88 27 Waterweed Mould, Cool Cheese Unnamed Isle, Eastern Argonia
120 Mimic Material 128 108 ? Unnamed Isle
121 Magic Dumbbell Material 41 14 ? Western Argonia, Eastern Argonia
122 Gargoyle Bird 114 54 ? Western Argonia, Eastern Argonia
123 Magic Marionette Material 108 41 ? Western Argonia, Eastern Argonia
124 Notso Macho Humanoid 120 57 ? Eastern Argonia
125 Lump Wizard Humanoid 112 33 ? Eastern Argonia, Western Argonia
126 Berserker Humanoid 118 29 ? Western Argonia
127 Bulldozer Beast 117 47 ? Eastern Argonia, Savella Area
128 Ghoul Zombie 98 26 ? Eastern Argonia
129 Shade Elemental 78 21 ? Ocean, Eastern Argonia
130 Lethal Armour Material 124 78 ? Eastern Argonia, Desert
131 King Cureslime Slime 136 24 ? Eastern Argonia
132 Hoodlum Humanoid 106 48 ? Eastern Argonia, Savella Area
133 Hocus Chimaera Bird 115 53 ? Eastern Argonia, Royal Hunting Ground
134 Demonrider Demon 131 56 ? Eastern Argonia, Savella Area
135 Killer Moth Bug 116 21 Rennet Powder, ? Savella Area, Royal Hunting Ground
136 Jabberwockee Humanoid 318 150 Special Medicine, ? Cape West of Pickham
137 Jab Humanoid 81 38 ? Cape West of Pickham
138 Ber Humanoid 71 38 ? Cape West of Pickham
139 Kee Humanoid 61 38 ? Cape West of Pickham
140 Woc Humanoid 61 38 Medicinal Herb, ? Cape West of Pickham
141 Silenus Humanoid 113 57 ? Savella Area
142 Robo-robin Machine 96 65 ? Savella Area, Cape West of Pickham
143 Puppet Master Humanoid 132 77 ? Cape West of Pickham
144 Death Scorpion Bug 99 21 ? Desert
145 Jackal Ripper Beast 123 48 ? Royal Hunting Ground
147 Dancing Flame Elemental 143 21 ? Desert
148 Blood Mummy Zombie 125 24 Bandana, ? Dark Ruins
149 Phantom Swordsman Zombie 164 51 ? Dark Ruins
150 Hacksaurus Dragon 216 83 ? Royal Hunting Ground
151 Bone Baron Zombie 176 84 ? Dark Ruins
153 Orc King Beast 154 57 ? Royal Hunting Ground
154 Soulspawn Elemetnal 138 14 ? Dark Ruins