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Box artwork for Jajamaru Jr Denshouki Jaleco Memorial.
Box artwork for Jajamaru Jr Denshouki Jaleco Memorial.
Jajamaru Jr Denshouki Jaleco Memorial
Year released2004
System(s)Game Boy Advance
SeriesNinja Jajamaru-kun
Japanese titleじゃじゃ丸Jr.伝承記 ジャレコレもあり候
Genre(s)Action, Compilation
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)CERO All ages
LinksJajamaru Jr Denshouki Jaleco Memorial ChannelSearch

Jajamaru Jr Denshouki Jaleco Memorial is both a new action game developed by Jaleco for the Game Boy Advance in 2004, as well as a compilation of five much older Famicom games that were developed by Jaleco in the mid-80s. The original game is part of Jaleco's "Jajamaru" series of ninja action games. The five Famicom games that this cartridge contains are:

Table of Contents


Jajamaru Jr Denshouki Jaleco Memorial/Table of Contents