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Box artwork for Mario Party 3.
Box artwork for Mario Party 3.
Mario Party 3
Developer(s)Hudson Soft
Year released2000
System(s)Nintendo 64, Nintendo Switch
Preceded byMario Party 2
Followed byMario Party 4
SeriesMario Party
Japanese titleマリオパーティ 3 or Mario Pāti 3
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
Rating(s)ESRB EveryoneELSPA Ages 3+OFLC General
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Story[edit | edit source]

A star is born: In the center of the vast universe, a remarkably bright star was born. It was the star that is born only once in a thousand years, the Millennium Star. According to the legend, whoever possessed the mystical star was destined to become the Superstar of the universe. However since the Millennium Star was but a newborn, it fell from the starry sky.

Around that time, Mario and his friends were all happily relaxing when suddenly the Millennium Star came crashing down. Mario and his friends soon began arguing about who should keep the Millennium Star.

Suddenly, the Millennium Star gave off a brilliantly bright flash of light. And with that bright flash, Mario and his friends were transported into a toy box.

Greetings. I am the Millennium Star. You must pass my test to prove yourself worthy of possessing me. You must journey across many lands and collect the Star Stamps. If you can collect all seven, I shall except you as the top Superstar in the universe.

Who will collect the seven Star Stamps and become the universe's top Superstar?

Table of Contents
