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Box artwork for Metal Gear Solid HD Collection.
Box artwork for Metal Gear Solid HD Collection.
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Developer(s)Kojima Productions, Bluepoint Games, Genki, Armature Studio, Aspect
Year released2011
System(s)PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation Vita
SeriesMetal Gear
Genre(s)Stealth, third-person shooter, compilation
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
LinksMetal Gear Solid HD Collection ChannelSearch

Metal Gear Solid HD Collection is a collection of Metal Gear games. It includes:

Bluepoint Games was responsible for porting MGS2 and MGS3, and Genki worked on the Peace Walker port. Aspect reworked Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, which were included in MGS3 previously. Armature Studio ported the HD Collection to the PS Vita and the NVIDIA Shield TV.

Substance, Subsistence, and Peace Walker have been updated to run at HD resolutions. In the console versions, Peace Walker's control scheme has been updated to support the use of the second analog stick, while the Vita version adds touchscreen control support. The versions of the games from this collection have also been released as individual downloadable games for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita.

Achievements[edit | edit source]

On Xbox 360, MGS2 and MGS3 share 50 achievements worth a total of 1,000 Gamerscore points. Peace Walker has its own achievements, and all three games have their own trophies on PlayStation 3.

Picture Name Description Gamerscore icon
Down in Smoke Disorient an enemy with a cloud of smoke from a fire extinguisher 10 Gamerscore points
Sexting Send Otacon a picture of the marine with no pants 10 Gamerscore points
I Think You Need a Hug, E Find Emma Emmerich 10 Gamerscore points
Don't Taze Me, Bro Tranquilize 100 enemies 10 Gamerscore points
Nothing Personal Break the neck of 30 enemies 10 Gamerscore points
Rent Money Beat 30 enemies unconscious 10 Gamerscore points
Piece of Cake Complete a VR or Alternative mission 10 Gamerscore points
Johnny on the Spot Hear Johnny's bowel noises in two locations 10 Gamerscore points
Kissing Booth Kiss a poster in a locker 10 Gamerscore points
Snake Beater Get caught by Otacon stimulating yourself 10 Gamerscore points
Spaghetti Cinema Meet Revolver 10 Gamerscore points
Steel Grip Attain grip level 3 10 Gamerscore points
Lights Out Defeat Olga Gurlukovich 15 Gamerscore points
Party's Over Defeat Fatman 15 Gamerscore points
No-Fly Zone Destroy the AV-88 Harrier II 15 Gamerscore points
No Ray, José Defeat Metal Gear RAY 15 Gamerscore points
Another Snake Bites the Dust Defeat Solidus Snake 15 Gamerscore points
Vampire Slayer Defeat Vamp 15 Gamerscore points
Who Ya Gonna Call? Take a clear photograph of the ghost image in Hold No. 2 20 Gamerscore points
No Boss of Mine Complete Boss Survival 30 Gamerscore points
Tell Me a Tale Complete all Snake Tales 30 Gamerscore points
Great Dane Collect all dog tags 80 Gamerscore points
A Cut Above Beat the Tanker and Plant chapters on any difficulty 50 Gamerscore points
Virtually Impossible Complete all VR and Alternative missions 80 Gamerscore points
Young Gun Submit Ocelot 10 Gamerscore points
Pain Relief Defeat The Pain 10 Gamerscore points
If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It Defeat The Fear 10 Gamerscore points
The End Defeat The End 10 Gamerscore points
Houston, We HAD a Problem Defeat The Fury 10 Gamerscore points
River of Pain Defeat The Sorrow 10 Gamerscore points
Shagadelic Defeat Shagohod 10 Gamerscore points
Grounded Defeat Volgin in a fist fight 10 Gamerscore points
The Patriot Defeat The Boss 10 Gamerscore points
Mama Said CQC Slam a guard and knock him out 10 Gamerscore points
Like He Just Doesn't Care CQC Hold up an enemy 10 Gamerscore points
Close Shave CQC Slit an enemy's throat 10 Gamerscore points
Snake Eyes See all of the first-person views that are not indicated by the RB button icon 10 Gamerscore points
Ralph Called Make Snake throw up 10 Gamerscore points
Can I Keep It? Capture any animal alive 10 Gamerscore points
Snake Eater Eat a snake of any type 10 Gamerscore points
A Good Man Is Hard to Find Achieve a camouflage index of 100% 10 Gamerscore points
Problem Solved, Series Over Create the Ocelot Time Paradox 10 Gamerscore points
Believe It or Not Catch a Tsuchinoko (mythical serpent) 20 Gamerscore points
Fashionista Find every type of camouflage 20 Gamerscore points
Only Skin Deep Find every type of face paint 20 Gamerscore points
The Early End Kill The End before the boss battle 20 Gamerscore points
King of the Jungle Obtain title of MARKHOR 80 Gamerscore points
It Ain't Easy Being Green Find all 64 Kerotans 80 Gamerscore points
Like a Boss Finish the game on any difficulty 50 Gamerscore points
PEACE WALKER Finish game without killing anyone 30 Gamerscore points