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Box artwork for Ren & Stimpy Pinball.
Box artwork for Ren & Stimpy Pinball.
Ren & Stimpy Pinball
Year released2004
Preceded byThe Ren & Stimpy Show: Time Warp
SeriesRen & Stimpy
ModesSingle player
LinksRen & Stimpy Pinball ChannelSearch

Ren & Stimpy Pinball is a pinball game that was released by Sorrent on mobile phones on April 15, 2004; it is the eighth and final title in the Ren & Stimpy series, and was released nine years after the show ended in its original Nickelodeon form (with the aging animation producer, Wilbur Cobb, taking all their material possessions away from them, because they had been bought with ill-gotten gains!).

Table of Contents


Ren & Stimpy Pinball/Table of Contents